I fuckin’ hate this guy.
One day, we WILL wake up to his obituary.
It’s the reason I refresh my feed so often.
Some daaay, over the rainbow🎶
Not if we don’t wake up!
Or he’ll wake up to mine and tens of millions more…
Thanks for shining a light in these dark days
I felt a genuine modicum of relief at the thought.
I hope to be this lucky.
I keep on refreshing the NYT waiting for that big headline.
I just can’t anymore. Sorry guys, I’ve been too sick and can no longer cope.
I pop in once a week so I can say, aloud: ‘Jesus fuck this bastard.’
So here’s my weekly ablution. Dog help us all.
Take a minute away from this shit for your own mental health. We’ll still be here yelling about this fucking dickhead when you return.
After all, we’ve always been at war with Eastasia…
The Ministry of Truth can’t be wrong.
They’ve already started their Newspeak.
It’s honestly uncanny. Not the similarities, but that one of the most commonly assigned books in the public school system is so blatantly disregarded.
Well, most people just remember it as the book where the government watches you, but that’s a very minor part of it. I’m guessing the parts that are remembered/forgotten are on purpose.
it also gets entirely framed as being about the dangers of socialism when really it’s about how fascism adopts the imagery of socialism to do what it does
Russasia has always been our ally.
How crazy that Americans aren’t embarrassed by this deadly lie.
Nope, I’m incredibly embarrassed and scared
Please consider becoming organized in your local communities, they will be essential in the coming months, and it is the most powerful act we can do to resist.
If only my local community didn’t think Trump was being perfect and hurting all the right people right now
May they all suffer and die as this shit gets worse, I will only laugh
Do you think your laughter will ease your death?
Sure will, yeah.
I can’t think of a more depressing, pathetic last thought than “told you so!”
I really hope people do more with their lives than that.
I want to agree, but I know it’s not 100% and it’s more important than ever to find your allies right now. They do exist wherever you live, they just might be a little harder to find.
Woah now, organising within our local communities? that sure sounds like red commie talk - some guy, probably
Shameless plug: !Civic_Engagement@sopuli.xyz
What are you going to do about it?
Edited to add, apparently this was an unpopular question.
Like most people anywhere in the world, he’s going to probably continue to be embarrassed and scared.
What day dream do you have about doing something?
Fucking nothing. We all know the answer.
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Projection and insecurity often make people lash out.
i hope that’s not it. i’m learning from my ukrainian and georgian sisters and working to mitigate the harm our president is doing. many of us here in the states are organizing and preparing to fight for our survival and to sabotage the fascist dictators who have taken over. we aren’t everyone but we’re trying to propagandize the value of these efforts. the trouble is we’re very distinctly on our back foot given the access to violence our dictators have via the military
We have access to violence, too. Look what the resistance folks are doing in Ukraine— sabotage, destruction of infrastructure, info systems hacking. First things first, stop being scared of these things and realize that reality calls for them. Second, if you are going to do something, NEVER discuss it, especially online.
yeah. part of my point is people need to realize the specifics of what we’re doing are never going to be discussed where you can see. but we’re not up to nothing
Don’t presuppose my embarrassment. I have been embarrassed for as long as I can remember.
nearly half, or more than half, depending on the politics of the non voters, are embarrassed by this line
Trump won votes from less than a third of registered voters. I’m certain more than half of us are outraged.
Trunk didn’t win.
Musk cracked the election counters.
Trump admitted…shit…Trump bragged to explicitly that in the “inauguration” speech.
He’s traitor and a this is literally treason.
I’m ashamed to be American.
Or, maybe they are. And this is just an ignorant hot take.
Those of us that are embarrassed are outnumbered by the selfish idiots who could vote but didn’t and the hate-filled who believe his lies.
Without an absolute seismic shift in American media and politics or a very massive and probably vert violent revolution, the county is done for.
We are
I mean, plenty of people are. But I think you’ve got about four groups here:
Supporters. These people are angry at the world and feel like it’s ripped them off and that Trump is gonna make things better.
Means-to-an-end types. These guys probably would rather not, all else held equal, have Trump saying Trump things, but if it gives them power to get what they want through – e.g. tax policy changes, labor regulations, slashing government services, etc – it’s an acceptable trade. I think that a considerable portion of Republican Party politicians fit into this camp. It’s not that Trump doing this is desirable, but it’s that he’s managed to get voters to give them power to do what they want…and those voters probably in aggregate don’t actually want their policies and would not actually otherwise vote them the political power to do what they want.
In this country, Mr. Bentley, the man who gives victory in battle is prized beyond every other man.
— Prince Feisal, Lawrence of Arabia
People who are indeed embarrassed.
People who don’t really think or care or often know all that much about the outside world. They’re just off doing their thing. Go back to 2014, and here are a bunch of Americans asked to locate Ukraine on a world map:
Like, most people in the US really don’t care that much about the international stage; it doesn’t usually play a huge role in domestic politics. Most people don’t have a great handle on what NATO is, what exactly the UN is, where most countries in Europe are, aside from maybe a handful of major countries. And once the Cold War ended, the American public’s attention to Europe fell off:
Americans have a varying level of knowledge about where NATO members are located, the organization’s central focus and Ukraine’s nonmember status. A majority (56%) can correctly identify Europe and North America as the two regions from which the alliance draws membership. And about half (51%) recognize promoting the security of its members as a central tenet of the alliance. Fewer (41%) are able to correctly identify Ukraine as a nation that is not a member of NATO.
Overall, 30% of Americans answered all three NATO knowledge questions correctly. About a fifth each answered two correctly (19%) or one correctly (20%). And 31% of U.S. adults did not answer any question correctly (including the share who chose “Not sure” at least once alongside incorrect answers).
Americans ages 65 and older are 20 percentage points more likely than those ages 18 to 29 to answer all three NATO knowledge questions correctly (38% vs. 18%). Previous Center research has found that older adults tend to have more knowledge of international affairs than their younger counterparts.
Americans with more education are more likely than those with less to answer all three questions correctly: Half of those with a postgraduate education gave three correct answers, compared with 17% of those with a high school education or less.
Notably, Democrats and Republicans were equally likely to answer all three questions correctly.
People who knew more about NATO tended to have different views of the alliance than those who did not know as much about it. For example, 73% of those who answered all three quiz questions correctly believe the U.S. benefits from NATO membership, compared with 57% of those who answered no questions correctly.
Oh, I was plenty embarrassed the first run around. The fact that I have to do it again is just…yea.
A lot of us are …
I’m too paralyzed by fear to be embarrassed.
Says who? We’re not a monolith like any other group. I voted Harris and every day for me has been a waking nightmare.
Uhhh… How many residents of Gulf of Mexico’s Northern Neighbors and Their Friends did you poll? I’m guessing the number is either zero or “enough to get the answer you wanted.”
We’ve grown beyond embarrassed. It’s embarrassing when you’re sat at a table with a child who loudly announces that they’ve shat themselves. But now we’re at the point where that child hired their friends to hold you hostage while they rub shit on everyone else at the table.
We still are a bit embarrassed, but now we’re mostly disgusted, depressed, and terrified.
Many of us are.
Trump showing a perfect display of rapist mentality.
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“My guy won, fuck you” - US voters
I don’t think that most Trump supporters generally approved of Trump having said, at some point well in the past, that he should grab women by the pussy.
I just don’t think that they viewed it as a particularly weighty issue.
I mean, I’d really rather that Bill Clinton didn’t get a blowjob in the Oval Office from an intern. But, end of the day, that’s weighed against everything else one cares about. Most Democratic voters just didn’t care that much about it, not enough to override the other things they care about.
I think that Trump has done things that should be disqualifying, like claiming that he didn’t lose the election to try to score political points. That might be a more-compelling thing to argue about. But Trump being crude well prior to being President…shrugs
I think an even better argument is that a lot of the things that supporters thought Trump would do are bad ideas, but you’re going to have a hard time selling large chunks of Americans on that.
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I know you didn’t outright say it, but your comment kind of implied that sexual assault is the same as a consensual sexual act. Both parties in the Clinton situation were okay with what was going on in the moment, Trump is talking about getting away with molesting multiple women. This implication fucking sucks.
meanwhile he is threatening allies with invasions
“let’s make a deal! you give me all your land and everything in it, and i won’t just waltz in and take it!..probably. maybe.”
We should be threatening to give Alaska to Canada rather than threatening to make Canada the 51st state.
Revisionist history much?
He’s a bully who thinks it’s morally wrong for targets to not just lie there and take the beating, waiting for death.
Trump, who said last week that he and President Vladimir Putin spoke by phone about ending the war, has made several comments bolstering the Russian president. He said during an interview with Fox News last month that Ukraine should not have fought when it was invaded by Russia.
“When you are famous enough, they just let you do it.”
More like “when you’re a big enough scumbag, they just roll over and let you do it”
But what was Ukraine wearing?
That’s right Ukraine was just asking for it. There they were within their own borders minding their own business giving russia no choice but to attack.
“Stupid, sexy Ukraine.”
Asking the real questions
Spoken like a true rapist.
I genuinely hate this asshole with every fiber of my being and I will celebrate the day that he kicks the bucket.
I will drink so much champagne on that day.
He just had a meeting with Russia, he just listens to th last guy who spoke to him. Zero long term memory
He’s also been shown to be ridiculously susceptible to flattery and pomp, two things Moscow can provide in spades, with little cost to themselves. He also seemingly genuinely believes, that there is nothing more to politics but raw self-interest and primitive power displays, when there’s a reason your edgy teenage friend didn’t stumble upon some higher wisdom when claiming that about the world.
President Dickhead Dory
I will weep tears of joy when Trump dies and make it my life’s goal to piss on his grave. I have never hated anyone or anything so passionately.
Maybe you could arrange trips? Like a cruise where you meet up in the UK, piss on Thatcher’s grave, figure out where Bin Laden was dropped off in the ocean and empty the ships septic tanks there before proceeding to Mar-a-lago… Or whatever golf course Eric sticks the old man in to qualify it for tax exemption.
Honestly Osama is such a small fry comparatively to the other two. Far far fewer deaths were caused by him.
Just Trump’s grave would be enough for me. I don’t want to make this grave pissing thing my whole personality.
Where he’s coming from, based on what I’ve seen, is the assertion that Ukraine was in civil war before the 2022 invasion (basically true), and that the eastern separatists (who were indeed fighting Ukraine’s government) were being killed.
It’s also true that there was corruption, and some democratic backsliding, prior to the invasion (not that the US or Russia have any leg to stand on there).
The kool-aid part is that the separatists were fighting to “free” western Ukraine from the tyrannical govt, and that Russia finally invaded to save and “relieve” these noble citizens who want to be part of Russia. That everyone would vote this way if some elections weren’t suspended. This conveniently leaves out the first Russian invasion, propaganda efforts and so much more.
This is why Ukraine “started it.” They just kept attacking these rebels and forced Russia to intervene… I guess. On Putin’s side, it ties into the idea of an oppressed population yearning to be one with Russia again.
…What I am getting at is, with the MASSIVE intelligence apparatus at his disposal, Trump is guzzling this kool aid. He’s not a two faced dictator, he believes the propaganda and has swallowed the hook.
I think that is even scarier than a real “dictator.” Even if you buy into the whole “America First” philosophy (which has some merits at least), it means Trump can make monumentally bad decisions that don’t follow this mandate or even benefit him, as his view is totally warped.
Didn’t Russia use this tactic to annex part of Georgia’s territory back in 2008?
IIRC yes.
It would have worked again if the second invasion hadn’t trended so much, encouraging other countries to intervene, and if Ukraine itself hadn’t put up such a staunch, united resistance.
It also didn’t help that Crimea kept on popping up here and there too.
The alleged reason why Russia attacked was because they want a buffer zone of neutral countries around them. Apparently the US has been running its agenda pushing for Eastern European countries to join NATO knowing it’d stir some shit by ruffling Russia’s delicate feathers. So Russia panicked when Ukraine looked to join NATO at the US’s suggestion and basically used the gay panic defense but for the Western allegiance arriving in their backyard and invaded under a pretext.
Yes, the USA did ignore Russia’s concerns knowingly (and did some very questionable shit inside Ukraine, as usual) but Russia imagined the worst scenario for themselves and did the illegal shit.
Stop invading yourself, stop invading yourself.
I think he’s talking about how Ukraine was the first to bomb civilians. That was the pretext Russia used for invading.
Why would that have happened?
Putin’s puppet since Helsinki Summit.
Not only from back then. The summit was organized largely because Trump admires Putin so much.
Admiration is not the same as blackmailed.