880 billion dollar for would literally be eliminating Medicaid, hope everyone who voted trump and Republicans are good with this, especially those who are poor and have kids with special needs.
Why is everyone surprised? This what republicans wanted. This is what they campaigned for. If you haven’t been listening carefully for the past few years, this is exactly what they’ve always wanted.
This is no surprise.
my fellow americans are various forms of illiterate.
Willfully ignorant. They know they’ll never reach whatever passes for the American dream these days. But as long as people with darker skin are hurt more they’ll be happy to watch wealthy people on TV. **Voyeur Capitalism ** is what I call it.
good term
for the past few years
This has been the Republican project for decades.
It’s no surprise, but what confuses me is why they would want to kill off their most loyal supporters? Maybe they really are all in on no more fair elections so it doesn’t even matter if the rural poor die or become homeless
Because contrary to what they say in public, they actually do believe a global climate disaster is coming. They all have extremely well-stocked doomsday bunkers the size of small towns with a host of servants to keep them fat and happy, and they’re now trying to juice us for all we’re worth before we die.
Some of them are dominionists, too, and are either convinced Jesus is coming back any day now or are determined to kick off WW3 like it will be a signal flare. They’re desperate for the rapture, and they’re more than willing to kill us all to get it.
The really dangerous ones are a mix of both, and now they’re fully in charge.
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No one here is surprised.
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Don’t worry, they’ll destroy a lot more than that. The entire US economy is about to be absolutely shredded.
I’m almost 40 and my whole life I’ve always known I would NEVER see a dime I paid into social security or medicare or anything taken from taxes. 30% of my life robbed because old greedy people are always in charge and can’t see beyond their last 2 years on earth at all times.
It’s worse than that. If wages had kept pace with productivity (thanks Reagan), we would have been working 2-3 day workweeks at full wages for over twenty years by now.
They literally stole over half of our lives. That amounts to class genocide.
I have family members who moved from state to state around 20 years ago until they found one that would approve their disability statuses so they no longer had to work and would qualify for the whole smorgasbord of government assistance programs including medicaid.
They think most people who are receiving these benefits are just lazy and that there would be more money for people like themselves who need that money if these programs were slashed. They believe only those other (i.e. lazy) people will lose benefits.
There’s literally no reasoning with that mentality. They seem to think this is all entertaining.
I guarantee you that once they are personally affected, and I’m pretty sure they will be affected at some point, they’ll turn on this administration.
I have many problems with this, but the hardest pill to swallow is that I’m going to have to be the bigger person and accept them with open arms because at the end of the day there’s no stopping this unless we’re all united.
I hope they get what they voted for. And I will NEVER accept them. They made this mess, it’s on their shoulders, pocketbooks, and well-beings to fix it.
Public assistance does not pay anything but poverty wages. Certainly not enough to move from state to state shopping for the best food stamps and Medicaid deals. While I don’t disagree with your judgement of their character I do take issue with “smorgasborg” of government assistance.
Adult public assistance, SNAP, Temporary Assistance for needy families are all very limited. They are resource tested and income approved as well. Not to mention work requirements for any cash assistance except APA. BTW APA benefits are usually around $400-600 a month. Sounds very lucrative considering it is designed to supplement people making less that $1,200 a month in Social Security Benefits.
Anyone who has had to apply for disability knows it is a crap shoot as well. It is common for people to apply over the course of several years before being approved for an amount no human can live off of without subsidized housing. That is if they can even find subsidized housing.
If my statement could be interpreted in any way congruent to your first paragraph, then there’s clearly been a significant degree of miscommunication and/or misunderstanding.
I’ve reread my statement and there’s no mention of shopping around for the best deal, so I’m going to chalk that one up to you misunderstanding what I wrote. As for the use of smorgasbord, I understand that it might suggest abundance in some way, though in my part of the world it generally conveys the concept of variety more so than abundance. Either way I chalk that up to miscommunication on my part.
I appreciate your candor about your family members and your illustration of their hypocrisy.
My reply was just to clarify the reality of getting disability and public assistance. You definitely have misconceptions starting with saying your family members moved from state to state until they got their disability status approved.
Disability is approved through Social Security, there is no need or advantage to moving state to state. It is okay to have misperceptions of disability and public assistance. It is pretty normal actually.
I happen to help people navigate these systems everyday for a living. I was working with this woman today whose total income was less than $600 a month.
It doesn’t matter one way or the other, but there’s either some manner of miscommunication / misunderstanding going on here or that’s not completely accurate / applicable to the relatives I mentioned.
For instance, I found this:
A couple of things to note: I did actually look around a bit and found multiple sources that suggest the same, just that the one I linked to said it most concisely and one of the states my relatives lived in is on that list. Obviously I’m not claiming that those sources are more accurate than your professional expertise, and I’m aware that just because it’s on the internet doesn’t make it true. Also, wanted to reiterate that this happened decades ago, which makes me wonder if things could have been a little different back then.
I appreciate your interest and research in this matter. When it comes to disability this determination is done at the Federal level through social security. This is how people get disability cash payments which is what most people think of when they say they get “disability”.
While you are correct that individual states may have different means testing for SNAP, Medicaid, APA, etc. all cash benefits are mostly tied to this disability determination. Generally all states have strict income and resources limitations and in the case of TANF/SNAP also have work requirements. TANF is also limited to 60 months total in your lifetime.
All this money is usually from Federal sources although states will often be required to match funds. This is also why the rules are very similar since they are often dictated by the Federal government.
There really is no misunderstanding as you yourself admit it happened long ago and the details are murky at best. This is what I would call family mythology and helps to inform your world view. I was just pointing out that there is some inconsistency with this view.
Maybe… Or you tell them to get fucked and pull themselves up by the boot straps. Why have shitty people in your life?
I already mentioned it: I firmly believe that if there’s any chance of stopping this mess, it’s going to require working together and finding common ground with everyone who has been harmed, regardless of voting history, political affiliation, morals, and rationale. Divided we fall. We’ve already seen how being divided works out.
It’s not merely a belief, it’s the reality. The fuck’em mentality serves the 1% nicely and keeps us subservient. The dumb fucks like your relative weren’t born dumb fucks. Babies have no idea what’s going on in the socioeconomic system. They’re educated by society to be dumb fucks. Now let’s take a look at who’s paying to get them to believe dumb shit. And who’s paying to get us to believe in individual responsibility. And let’s observe who benefits from putting them together.
Like it or not, the only leverage we have is in numbers and it seems we don’t have the numbers without helping our dumb fuck brothers and sisters out of the mental prison they’ve been put in.
Divided we fall. ✊
More “reach across the aisle” horseshit. Fuck’em.
I’m honestly sad that anyone would feel this way, because of the implications. Having said that, I understand why you’d feel that way, even if the presentation is regrettable.
I guarantee you that once they are personally affected, and I’m pretty sure they will be affected at some point, they’ll turn on this administration.
Will they?
What are their news habits? Facebook? Cable TV? Are they politically active?
A root cause of all this is that scamming/influencing is extremely effective with modern tech, especially on vulnerable people. If something bad happens, they will just get pushed down the rabbit hole waiting to suck them in.
Nothing will change until that’s regulated away, which is not going to happen now that The owners of Twitter and Truth Social are president, and Meta has their ear.
41% of births and the biggest portion of maternity care are covered under Medicaid. Highest is Louisiana at 64%. Combine this with abortion restrictions and potential loss of access to labor and miscarriage related drugs and you’re looking at lots more dead pregnant people, dead fetuses, and dead infants and far fewer rural hospitals handling any sort of reproductive care.
Because Republicans think that that 64% is mostly black and brown people getting a handout.
This is precisely the outcome that they desire.
Almost certainly, it shall be achieved.
Live babies in poverty make great dead soldiers though. Have they forgotten this?
They don’t care. One last cash grab.
Don’t worry, many people in those situations will blame Obamacare when they get the bill (Edit: \s on the don’t worry. Do worry, because this will absolutely happen)
Republicans - Yes, that was the plan.
yeah, we know.
but thanks anyway to the economists for making it official with numbers.
The whole aim of the GOP is to benefit rich people. They’re bought and paid for by the 1%. All of their culture war fear mongering is set up as a distraction from the fact that we’re losing the class war.
The thing I don’t really get is that we’ve got a few people on their way to being trillionaires. That’s more money and assets than the human brain is capable of fathoming, I can guarantee it. What’s even the point? Anything they could possibly want or need is provisioned for, they’ve got enough money to do all the fun little side projects their hearts desire, and they’ve still got far more money beyond that. They literally can’t even give it away fast enough if they tried. What on earth is more tax breaks for the wealthy going to achieve, even for the wealthy? It just feels pointlessly evil at this point.
I think they’re like mold or cancer cells, or even a fire. You can’t decide to be a billionaire just like a plant species can’t decide to grow in crack in the pavement. It’s a system of interactions that decides that. Pure chance and a lot of failures that had as much right to succeed as any other.
Billionaires are byproducts of our system weaved into a physical human body. It has a human life to confuse you and camouflage what it really is. It has a human brain and human emotions to generate reasons why it deserves to exist. It looks and feels like a person.
Reminds me of mandrakes from Harry Potter. They scream like they’re alive but they’re just there to be harvested.
Reminds me of mandrakes from Harry Potter. They scream like they’re alive but they’re just there to be harvested.
Funnily enough, this is exactly how billionaires view us.
It’s a mental illness
It’s a mental illness that is worshiped by an unfortunately large population of people.
Right. It’s just hoarding, but it’s money, so it’s ok apparently?
Remember that those evil billionaires don’t actually care about the money itself. If they did, they would have stopped at $100 million or some much lower number, because that’s already more money than anyone could ever spend. To them it’s about power, prestige, and control. They are addicts, and they’ll never give up the chance for more.
Isn’t that the entire GOP platform, in a nutshell?
Sure, they have to throw red meat to racist dumbasses to get them to vote for them…
Removing regulations and dismantling the government doesn’t help anyone but the rich.
I once stumbled on a discussion, on Reddit I think (or maybe it was Twitter) from a small-time farmer who basically admitted that most farmers in his position realized regulations were important and could be a force for good, but large agri-businesses constantly flouted rules and never got anything more than a slap on the wrist when caught. A sort of “rules for thee, not for me” situation. And so all the small time farmers had to cut corners and ignore regulations to remain competitive and viable.
Overly complex regulations could increase the barrier of entry for newer companies, small time entrepreneurs, etc. In some instances it can actually be in the interest of large, established companies to maintain overly complex regulatory environments as it keeps competition out of the market.
Insightful simplification of regulations that increases their effectiveness while reducing unnecessary burdens might be feasible, and also, beneficial for society as a whole.
Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like we’re going to get that with this administration. They’re just going to smash and break, and at best, they might realize they broke some important things and perhaps repair it to a limited extent.
edit: clarified a few points.
They say that as if destroying programs that benefit the common people and instituting policies that benefit the 1% are some sort of unexpected consequences rather than the exact and explicit point.
Part of the strategy is to exhaust us by blasting our supposed impotence at us perpetually. Don’t fall for it though.
This won’t benefit the 1% in the long run. Having a stable government of laws is what made their dollars worth more than rubles.
Of course it won’t, but they’re incapable of thinking it through that clearly.
Hierarchical systems like capitalism effectively reward and thus select for psychopaths who are laser-focused on their short-term, shallow self-interest, since they have the fewest constraints on the choices they’re willing to make. Anyone else might refrain from an otherwise effective course of action if they recognize that it’s ultimately destructive or self-defeating or immoral or unethical, but the psychopaths who only think in the short term won’t, so all other things being more or less equal, they have an advantage.
That’s a lot of what we’re seeing right now. Trump and Musk are making so much headway toward destroying the United States in large part because people are having a hard time working out how to even respond, since their actions are so corrupt and so destructive and so self-serving. They’ve jumped right past any ordinary notion of corrupt and self-serving and destructive to a brazen and egregious level that for many really is, in a simple, practical sense of the term, “unthinkable.”
And yes - crushing the common people in order to maximize the wealth that can be extracted from them and the privilege granted to the wealthy few is self-defeating in the long term, since the common people are the ultimate source of that wealth. But that won’t stop people like Musk and Trump, because they’re quite simply neither sane nor rational enough to let it.
I liken it to people living in penthouses in apartment buildings cannibalizing the lower floors to expand their penthouses. Not only are the buildings eventually going to collapse under the weight of the penthouses, but they’re actually hastening that by weakening the lower floors.
But Musk and Trump and the like just aren’t equipped to see that, or to restrain themselves if they do. So that’s not only what they will do, but what they are doing, right now, this minute.
Thanks for catching up to the rest of the class. 🙄
What happened to “The American Way” that Superman was fighting for? Would he be ashamed now?
Superman was always fighting for people … rich white people … you know Americans.
/s /sarcasm /this_is_sarcasm
What happened to “The American Way” that Superman was fighting for?
The same thing that happened to truth and justice.
A lot of people are going to die under this regime :/