Demand your mayor and city council stop supporting this shit. Why is tax money going to protect this shit?
Demand your mayor and city council stop supporting this shit. Why is tax money going to protect this shit?
So… They should bring guns to congress?
He’s gonna sue them anyway. Either have a backbone or exit the paper business
Yea that got me laughing
Most after me already rebuttled to this. But there’s a point that really pisses me off with the boomers. I see them getting free Healthcare, free college courses if they want them, and other benefits all while they led to the bullshit we all have to live with today. It’s the I got mine, fuck you, generation. And everyday it gets harder to see my friends struggle to live while they continue to vote more and more red. Generalization for sure but statistically accurate. I was fortunate enough to max out my SS payments for most of my career and the whole time I assumed I’d never see a penny of it because this fucking generation was gonna gut it before they die off so they can buy a 3rd house.
I’m well aware of this. There’s still the ethics of snooping on their activities I just don’t agree with.
Kind of useless if you’re not gonna explain why.
Ol have fun with that. It’s like they don’t realize that state and federal minimum wage laws have existed in unison for decades…
I don’t agree with the term honeypot. Knowing him it’s to give free wifi but idk if he’s watching the traffic that’s a tad messed up
Glad I gave them 150k
Do you have an example of any company using “qutoas?” I’m starting to think that’s just a boggyman term at this point.
People just need to befriend the IT dept. Who do you think is having to run this shit? Easy to bypass with a beer.
This is just the Linux way but with… Rest? Seems slow.
I mean… This paper is done right? Is anyone still reading this?
I disagree. A lot of people moved away from kamala because she accepted dick Cheneys endorsement. People don’t go out and vote because the dems are viewed the same as republicans because they do a terrible job of calling the bad people bad people. I have no interest in “winning” the vote of someone that voted for Trump in 2024. Replace that vote with 3 new voters.
No, that’s why the dems lost in Nov. Fuck these people, get more people voting and stop chasing the right.
Maybe… But he has a point
And yes I knoe you can’t recall them but I’m not sure they don’t know that 🤣
People need to just start shouting “recall” at these people
I’d rather they not be used to defend billionaires. If this is what they spend their time doing then we could save some money in the budget by firing them.