Reminder that some of their actions are not well planned - just incompetent
Of course these dumb motherfuckers would be one ones to finally defund the police. And of course it’d be the nuke police they defunded.
Their badges are getting turned back on and access to federal systems is being restored, at least temporarily.
“Since you’ve made it clear you’re going to fire me again as soon as this crisis calms down, I’m going to need double the pay, paid in advance.”
stableunstablegeniusidiot(s). Idiots.
We gonna need a doomer headline olympics at this rate
I’d actually argue this is a better sign that they are calling them back - it wasn’t for some sinister reason to exert control. Just plain incompetent
I don’t care if they are evil or incompetent or both. They’re decimating the federal workforce which will have long term consequences. Some of which will be fatal and not just for Americans.
Por que no los dos?
Saving lots of money by hiring back the essential workers they just fired at double their salary, lol~
Sinister reasoning with plain incompetence.
Of course it was sinister. Big important systems are delicate. You can change them, but you need to do so carefully. Everyone knows this, even Musk and Trump. It’s just that they don’t care about the risks and the damage.
Are you fucking for real?? Of course it was sinister. It all is. They are purging the federal workforce. The largest employer in the US.
On the bright side, I’ve spent the last month learning a lot about essential government agencies that I never knew existed. I just wish it wasn’t due to a real life PSA about how bad things get when the federal government is dismantled.
It’s almost like the general populace NEED TO BE TAUGHT about what makes up the government and what it does.
Look, whatever political philosophy you ascribe to, you need to understand what government institutions exist and what they do so:
You can understand where your tax is being spent.
Which ones you should contact for the appropriate service or issue resolution.
When you start becoming politically aware, you can form opinions on how you think these functions should or should not be performed by your ideal institution (or individuals).
- They SHOULD be both celebrated and criticized so the public are informationally and emotionally invested in these institutions that impact your (whole) life directly or indirectly. That, in the ideal scenario, encourages an informed and engaged populace that can work collectively to improve these institutions.
These institutions, like anything built by humans, need to be maintained, upgraded, remodeled, or replaced effectively for human society to continue to exist. You’ll have ideas about what ones, why, and how and we should get to hear about those ideas and discuss them.
That ONLY happens properly when people have at least some idea of what they’re talking about.
Else this is what you get; some unelected Muppet treating it like a spaghettied server and pulling random ethernet cables out and listening for what screams.
You have to have an educated populace in order to comprehend how the government works. The systematic dismantling of education since at least the eighties has left people ill equiped to deal with the world.
During Trump’s first term, we learned a lot about the law and how easy it is to break norms and get away with shit.
On one hand, the workers should tell them to shove their backpeddle up their asses. They’re only going to get fired again in a month after being used to train The Detritus Duo’s cronies.
On the other hand, untrained sycophants in charge of nuclear security is even worse than trained sycophants in charge of nuclear security.
You know what would be a terrible leopard ate my face moment?
- US nukes remain unguarded/unmaintained due to people leaving their job.
- Russia “liberates” America and seizes nukes because shit for brains Musk posted them on
- Russia points their nukes at DC and gives Trump an ultimatum: join Russia or die
- Trump has a Pikachu face
I know we have entire arsenals on submarines but still with this kangaroo of a government, it is very possible that Trump will recall every one of those subs to a Russian navel port and just hand Putin the keys.
They should demand massive raises
“You know what? Fuck you assholes. I’m shutting my phone off and going to Tahiti.” - Fred Smith Nuclear Police with The Keys™ still attached to his belt.
Yup, whatever they want, don’t give it to them. Better yet, tell them you’ll come back if they fuck a pig, bareback, on live TV. Then say, “Well, I don’t work for pig fuckers.”
All of their actions are incompetent, assuming you have reasonable goals. It’s just that they have their own selfish destructive goals.
That’s gonna be a loooong 4 years.
You actually think there are going to be fucking elections in four years? Jfc you people deserve this shit.
I’m from Europe btw… However, I’m worried about my US friends and about nuclear material falling into the wrong hands and other nuclear dangers. I’m not sure there will be elections either, but I’m sure the next 4 years will feel long either way.
jokes on you, i was lookin for a job when i found this one.