I recently became friends with this 56-year-old man and we’re having a movie night tomorrow together. He wants to show me the “trio” of the greatest movies ever made: The Godfather, The Shawshank Redemption & Casablanca. Haven’t seen any of those (probably cause of my age: almost 22). For me the 3 greatest movies ever are Titanic, Lord of the Rings 2003 & Spirited Away. Wondering what those are for you.
None of those are comedies, and I would put at least one comedy into the trio.
My vote would be Blazing Saddles.
“Well raise my rent.”
The shaking “shooting hand” gag from Gene Wilder is a family staple.
I tried showing that movie to my Gen z little sister and she was mortified the whole time.
It truly was a different time.
Off the top of my head:
- Pulp Fiction (1994)
- 12 Angry Men (1957)
- The Departed (2006)
- The Fifth Element
- The Matrix
- The Room
I will not be taking any questions.
+1 for The Room!
Brazil 1985
The matrix 1999
Nausicaa valley of the wind 1984
Glad to see some Nausicaa appreciation! Such an awesome movie!
Yeah I saw warriors of the wind when I was very young and never knew the name of the movie but would go up to videos stores in the 90s and basically discibe the movie. Girl on a glider chases after giant bugs. No one knew what I was talking about. Then when Disney did the release with news dub in 2005. I saw a ad for it on TV at like 2am and freaked woke my parents up and everything.
It’s too bad we had to get worse voice acting to get the whole plot. For anybody that would like to compare, Warriors of the Wind is available on archive.org
It’s my favourite also! In my final year of high school I wrote a comparative essay on it and Dune (the novel), so I watched it repeatedly throughout the year to work out how I was going to approach the essay. I must have watched it over 20 times throughout my life and it’s reached that rare point where my familiarity with it somehow enhances everything about it, making it even better than it was the first time I saw it. It’s the film I compare all other films to - whenever I see something great I think “okay but was this as good as Nausicaa (the perfect 10/10 film)?”.
Terminator 2
Lord of the rings trilogy
Pulp fiction
To be fair those aren’t bad choices. I would certainly recommend the Shawshank redemption, I’ve seen it many times and it hasn’t gotten old.
I second that recommendation, the movie is top tier.
- The Godfather III
- The Matrix Revelations
- Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith.
These are also my favorites(I’m retarded)
I have no single favourite movie - three very different movies occupy my #1 spot:
- The Fifth Element
- The Shawshank Redemption
- The Princess Bride
Notable runners-up include Terminator 2, Arrival, Aliens, Dune(s), and The Life of Brian.
The shawshank redemption, 12 angry men and apocalypse now.
Oof, tough one. Probably:
- Reservoir Dogs
- 2001: A Space Odyssey
- The Matrix
I definitely recommend The Truman Show.
- Network (1976)
- Jurassic Park
- Pulp Fiction
Great movies, I love your choice of scenes.
Trainspotting, Mary Poppins, and Eraserhead.
I don’t know why but it’s so funny to me seeing Mary Poppins next to those other two movies lol
I got a weakness for Dick Van Dyke ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Terminator 2, Home Alone, The Matrix
Army of Darkness Big trouble in Little China Rambo First Blood