I can’t believe how much she has grown in the last 6 months! She’s the sweetest little thing you can imagine, and such a little princess. She never bites or scratches people, even if she is getting fed up with me clipping her nails. If she isn’t playing with Boudica then she is cuddled up on my lap or chest purring away. Both kitties purr as soon as someone starts to pet them, but Nini has such a squeaky purr that makes her sound like a squirrel. It’s been a great 6 months (aside from her nibbling on everything in my pantry when i leave) and I’m excited for the next 6
I’m always a little sorrowful people unfamiliar with cats will look at this, see narrow side-eye, and think “Oh, that cat is being cold and distant.”
No. That is a cat content with the world. That is a cat who is totally comfortable and at peace with her perch. Congratulations, and - if those are your legs under the blanket - my condolences at your eternal entrapment beneath the immovable kitty.
Definitely me under the blanket lol. Both kitties are super affectionate, but she’s definitely more snuggly than Boudica. I got Nini from a friend of a friend when her barn cat had a litter. She was socialized with grade schoolers from birth so she loves snuggling and climbing on people. The past couple nights she has hunkered down on my chest while i read. She just purrs and squeaks without a care in the world.
Very nice patterning.
She looks just like her momma. In fact, the entire litter looked the exact same! The only way i could differentiate her from the other two that were left was her personality. She’s so sweet and outgoing! The others scampered out of my arms when i tried to hold them, but she let me hold her for a bit before climbing onto my shoulder.
The name is so nice! Did you name her after the character in “The Mists of Avalon”?
It’s actually an alternative name for the Lady Of the Lake from King Arthur. It’s an alternate spelling to Viviane.
Nice, I did not know that.
Looking into The Mists of Avalon it looks like i inadvertently did lol. I’ve been wanting to read some King Arthur. Do you recommend the book?
Depends. It really has a lot of romance in it, but if you can look past that, I would recommend it, yes.
Aww she looks so similar to one of my previous cats, very cute
People aleays rave about the torie when i show pictures of them both, but i absolutely love Nini’s black mackeral stripes. They just make her look so distinguished and majestic, especially since very few of her stripes are broken up