House Democratic lawmakers reportedly used a closed-door meeting earlier this week to vent their frustrations with progressive advocacy groups that have been driving constituent calls and pressuring the party to act like a genuine opposition force in the face of the Trump administration’s authoritarian assault on federal agencies and key programs.
If they’re so pissed about it, the progressives should just pack up and form a new party or join the WFP
Yeah it’s a clever lie that’s perpetuated that says progressives have no where to go if they try to break from the Democrats. But secretly a more progressive platform would actually draw over a lot of disaffected libertarians and lite conservatives who only vote conservative because they’ve been convinced that they should only vote in opposition to Democrats instead of in favor of anything.
from my experience with some libertarian 2a people I’d agree with this. I was surprised how indifferent (good) they were about minorities and trans people considering how they vote. honestly having a pro-drug, pro-gun* platform would win a huge chunk of them. and both of those would also be good for oppressed minorities (imo).
actually sitting here thinking about it do we have any figures on how much tax money gets pumped into prison systems that rely on drug enforcement to fill? not to mention the military industrial complex. cuz I know leftists like to riff on libertarians about “I don’t understand how taxes work” but there’s a lot of tax money going to things I don’t agree with either.
*more like “sex positive” in the sense of education and safety and not shaming people who partake. not whatever the NRA is doing.
I mean, lots of “libertarians” are frothing at the mouth to defund our military but agree that the government should at least subsidize healthcare and education with some of those funds. The terms we have are loosey-goosey and most people are incoherent policy to policy. We’ve just been sorted into groups by a century of two-party propaganda.
I’ve always said if Democrats just shut the fuck up about guns or God forbid even walk back a teensy but, they would have no problem winning. Plenty of single issue voters vote red because of successful propaganda. How the hell anybody thinks anyone is coming for their buns is beyond me, I always ask for an explanation of who and how their guns will be taken from them. Never a coherent answer.
My fiance said she’s coming for my buns tonight
Nice. Happy Valentine’s Day!
Lucky guy!
Gun nuts won’t buy it. The base will. Moving to the right has hit a wall and anyone who suggests it just likes moving to the right.
Laying off the gun issue doesn’t have to be a move to the right, plenty of leftists own guns. I’m just saying they should clearly state that they aren’t coming for anyone’s guns
But it will be.
You expect gun nuts to buy that?
Why do you have to jump right to the extreme? If you’re looking for useful discourse, immediately shutting down what you seem to agree would be a good idea isn’t helpful. I know plenty of gun nuts that would absolutely drop the hate of the Republicans if they knew their hobby was secured. It’s easy to do simply because NOBODY IS ACTUALLY GOING TO COME FOR ANYBODY’S GUNS. Who’s going to do it, cops? The guys that love guns? The military? It’s just a lack of critical thinking and a little bit of reassurance might go a long way.
I live in Texas. I’ve seen Democrats run on “Of course we’re not gonna take your guns!” And I’ve seen the response from gun nuts. They. Don’t. Buy. It. Republicans shriek “gun grabber!” even louder because it sticks even when it’s not true.
This is just moving to the right for the sake of moving to the right. It will gain nothing, and it will lose people for whom gun control is an actual issue.
It’s not a lie when one party is fascist. Trying to split just ensures Nazi rule like IT JUST FICKING DID
one party is more fascist
Democrats suck the fattest corporate dick, lovingly, and laugh at the poor fighting amongst themselves, but it’s not good to dilute such a serious label as fascist with something you don’t like.
Nothing is ‘diluted’ about that term. Being complicit in genocide, extreme violence and prosecution simply for protesting it. Putting kids in cages, imperialism, regime change, warmongering, and plenty more. They are fascist, they’re just too full of themselves to admit it. It’s not good to negate these serious facts just because you don’t like it.
Your final little retort there mocking me is the most childish thing I’ve read on the internet in a little bit. You can compare a mountain to a molehill if you like but I think we have bigger problems to worry about.
What solution do you propose to not working with the Democrats right now? Splitting the party and forming a progressive party hoping for scraps from the right that just want guns AND weed and don’t care about trans folks? What’s your plan besides being angry at Corporate Democrats? Have you donated to any of our more progressive Representatives?
Nobody needs to split anything or work with them. 3rd parties already exist, even if they get scammed and sabotaged by your beloved party. “donated to any of our more progressive Representatives” LOL let me know who these ‘progressives’ are. BTW I’m European, not from your uniparty pseudo democracy and therefore can think outside the box. Your county’s politics are ridiculous and embarrassing. I’m really happy you got Trump. Him destroying your country is the best thing that could happen for the world.
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There is only one party and its fascist. They’re not the same because they’re just as bad. They’re the same because they’re on the same team.
haven’t you heard?
everyone and everything that isn’t the democrats is russian psy ops…
No no, it’s the Chinese this week. +10 sosjal credits Xi bucks for your comment commmie!
If you want the Democrats to fight more effectively against Trump, by running on a better platform and listening to the active voter base, so the country is safe for at least 4 more years and maybe arrest Trump, you are actually:
It’s mentally draining that I am on the side of the Democrats winning, because I know I would have prefered Harris to Trump every single day. Despite her record of trans rights and gaza, because she could have been pushed forward by learning from mistakes and not having her brains be mush like Trump and Biden.
And because I wanted her to win by publicly expressing the things documented in her campaign’s website? I’m somehow wanting Trump to win despite being a disabled queer.
I just don’t get how so many liberals will see me go “Harris should advocate for this thing that would be good, she said she wants it in the past” and then read that as “I hate her because she’s a Democrat woman, I also love to eat shit of out Trump’s asshole and claim it’s owning the libs.”
Never once have I ever praised Trump unironically, I can could count on two fingers things I am neutral towards, (Backing out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership and getting rid of the Penny) and that’s it, everything else he has made my life worse on the Federal level, and helped some of my friends die from COVID.
I just got to wonder if the people who constantly think this are just angry that Trump got a loyal unquestioning fanbase, and want a piece of the media-manipulated voter base for themselves.
Yes, because they think that’s how he won since they ignore everything Trump and downtrodden people say on the premise that they are dumb and valid to be ignored.
There isn’t a recognition of changing to meet people suffering to show empathy but a thought that if they just had enough power first they could fix whatever is really wrong cause it must be something other than what people are complaining about.
They want the power without purpose which isn’t a winning strategy compared to explaining what you intend to do with power for people who feel powerless.
That’s why they’ve earned the name Blue MAGA. They’re just as hateful, just as interested in Yes Men and making sure people submit to their authority unquestioningly. They want Fascism-Lite, they just want it to be “their guy” in charge.
It blows my mind that people criticize the GOP for being so tribalistic, not realizing a majority of the DNC is exactly the same.
And then they get mad when we call them that, and say we actually hate America like MAGA dipshits.
Everyone and everything to the left of Netanyahu’s wing of the Democratic Party.
what progressives would want to be in a disgusting right wing party?
Working Families Party isn’t right wing.
Don’t know much about them but from things like this: Looks like controled opposition to steal votes from real left parties. Much like AOC and other fake ‘progressives’. When they still endorse the genocider and billionaires parties they can go to hell. There are genuine 3rd parties with awesome socialist cplatforms not this garbage.