ID: Is this a pigeon meme where the person is tagged “cis society”, the butterfly in their hand is tagged “trans people having a backbone about anything at all”, and they are asking “is this destroying my free speech?”
ID: Is this a pigeon meme where the person is tagged “cis society”, the butterfly in their hand is tagged “trans people having a backbone about anything at all”, and they are asking “is this destroying my free speech?”
I can’t find a source indicating he said that phrase. Where did you get the information from? The one I always hear is “When you’re accustomed to privilege”, etc. In that form, it would be better phrased as “equality can feel like oppression”, because obviously not everyone who benefits from the privilege agrees it’s right.
Its from pedagogy of the oppressed
Keep in mind, this comes after a long section explaining that “it is the historic mission of the oppressed to restore the humanity of the oppressors,” so he’s not just chastising people for being bad here, he’s explaining (in part) why the oppressor can never free the oppressed; the oppressed liberates them both and creates a new kind of person.
Sorry for my paraphrase, I haven’t read it for a little over a year, although I think about it a lot
(I made an edit where I fixed a typo that like completely changed the meaning in the last paragraph)
do you ever read something and think “man… the author of this would totally rock the world of Greek philosophy back in the day”
All the time. Friere’s analysis, a Marxist analysis, when done correctly, and Friere was a master, takes into consideration not just a philosophical field of objects, forms or essences, but Marxism is a comprehensive theory of change and of relationships between two opposing forces, by putting human activity at the center of his analysis.
Friere was on some shit the Greeks didn’t even have. Socrates Dialogues are “dialectical” but just surface level. The closest thing that existed in their time is Hermetic mysticism, a monist tradition from ancient Egypt that influenced the Islamic golden Age, Alchemy, Isaac Newton, Spinoza and Hegel, where the theories got their final polish before Marx quite literally flipped the table on it, transforming it from a mystical idealist philosophy, into a new materialist philosophy of change and revolution.
Ah, okay, so it’s the same general idea, but not expressed with those exact words.