Just going to leave this here
Just going to leave this here
So licking fascist boot is the solution?
Fuck that complicity.
Lmfao, do you live under a fucking rock?
Fascist parties have been gaining power all over Europe (and elsewhere) for ages, and have gotten significantly emboldened and actively backed by him since he became president whatever his dictatorial title will end up being.
As to why, sure it’s patriarchy, but they keep putting out duds and using it essentially say “audiences don’t want female-led content”…
You’ve answered you’re own question - they put it out there so they can say they tried, people didn’t like it, so we’ll continue as we were, with them (patriarchal entertainment execs and the patriarchal capitalists who fund them) maintaining their positions.
The people who complain about this shit are running governments and corporations and controlling society, wtf are you talking about?
You’re really narrowing down a much much bigger issue to try and make it digestible. But the patriarchy is systemic. Misogyny is systemic. Male privilege is systemic. Gamergate is a symptom, and honestly, a mild one at that.
Privilege and with it an overinflated sense of entitlement, which result in the most fragile of egos (E: see downvote ration lmao).
That’s at best.
At worst, and on top of the above, is conscious and deliberate misogyny and the unwillingness to give the privileges up.
This is the teeny-tiniest tip of the iceberg, but it sounds like you are willing to challenge your views and perceptions, so jump in, it (E: patriarchy, misogyny, feminism, intersectionality, and on and on…) is a terrifying, but also extremely well documented rabbit hole, just start looking…
A feature, not a bug.
Periods are pretty well defined. What is it you don’t understand?
They are checking with lemmy.ca 😂
I knew they looked familiar… 😂
The differential between high and low tides in Alaska is crazy to me
Canada apparently get the highest with 11.7 metres (38.4 feet) mean tidal range, which I found out by accident because I was actually looking up the range specifically for the UK out of curiosity, knowing it was high but not realising it would be on the top 3 list (E: with maximum range in the Bristol Channel being 15 metres (49 feet)! ) lol
One of us, one of us… 😂😂
And yet, instead of just scrolling on and ignoring it, hiding the post, or even blocking me, each of which or even all together would have taken a couple of clicks at most, you decided that taking the time to let everyone know was a better use of your time.
Had you even considered that no one cares that you don’t like a completely inconsequential thing? 😂
Snailmail (as in chainmail lol)
Now that is a celebration I can get on board with lol
Good on you, keep at it as long as you are able, those who are in danger and stuck in the most dangerous places need to see someone sticking up for them the most. ✊
What an odd exclusion to make… The government might not be taking it seriously, but most others aren’t either (and why would they? they serve capitalism, not society). Plenty of the people here (in Britain, in case it wasn’t clear) are just as concerned as the rest of Europe (and the world)…