This guys gonna rot in jail. His best years of life - gone. Dreams and aspirations, destroyed. Worse than death isolation that will change handsome young guy to a traumatised mental wreck, permanently. All for a minute of feeling good, achieving nothing.
Instead of living fully, finding love and pursuing the dreams he chose bleak walls of concrete. Where other people have memories of familial warmth with their loved ones he will only have memories of rusty prison faucet and grey stone.
Instead of helping someone he ruined two or more lives. His own and the ceo family. Negative force in the cosmos. Nothing but the suffering is the result.
And of course internet people are amazed because millions of silent volunteers that actually work in healthcare and elsewhere, help every single day to make this world better place, are not as clickable and sensationalist as someone shooting smoking guns on the street “fighting the bad guys”. That girl that helps the old lady with the groceries ain’t no batman but every single day she does more than this Luigi guy will ever achieve.
Because of the parading, its very likely a mistrial. Even if they get around with some fuckery, finding 12 people unaffected by claims denials will be very difficult. I can totally see people saying they have no conflict just to be on the jury to say not guilty.
There’s no timeline where the people who are in power let someone like Luigi free. They would sooner ruin the whole country than let him out of the prison any time soon…
I want to remind you that currently Trump is elected and he said “I think it’s really terrible that some people seem to admire him, like him," It’s obvious threat to his power.
You can kill a prostitute, homeless and get away with it but not a ceo of big leading company. Not challenge the very ruler of the country. I doubt he is gonna see the light of day outside of prison in his life ever again. They will make sure of it.
This guys gonna rot in jail. His best years of life - gone. Dreams and aspirations, destroyed. Worse than death isolation that will change handsome young guy to a traumatised mental wreck, permanently. All for a minute of feeling good, achieving nothing.
Instead of living fully, finding love and pursuing the dreams he chose bleak walls of concrete. Where other people have memories of familial warmth with their loved ones he will only have memories of rusty prison faucet and grey stone.
Instead of helping someone he ruined two or more lives. His own and the ceo family. Negative force in the cosmos. Nothing but the suffering is the result.
And of course internet people are amazed because millions of silent volunteers that actually work in healthcare and elsewhere, help every single day to make this world better place, are not as clickable and sensationalist as someone shooting smoking guns on the street “fighting the bad guys”. That girl that helps the old lady with the groceries ain’t no batman but every single day she does more than this Luigi guy will ever achieve.
Truly a “hero” of the internet
Because of the parading, its very likely a mistrial. Even if they get around with some fuckery, finding 12 people unaffected by claims denials will be very difficult. I can totally see people saying they have no conflict just to be on the jury to say not guilty.
There’s no timeline where the people who are in power let someone like Luigi free. They would sooner ruin the whole country than let him out of the prison any time soon…
I want to remind you that currently Trump is elected and he said “I think it’s really terrible that some people seem to admire him, like him," It’s obvious threat to his power.
You can kill a prostitute, homeless and get away with it but not a ceo of big leading company. Not challenge the very ruler of the country. I doubt he is gonna see the light of day outside of prison in his life ever again. They will make sure of it.