No it isn’t. I just tried and it doesn’t even meet minimum character length
No it isn’t. I just tried and it doesn’t even meet minimum character length
As someone who is prone to narcissism please stop glorifying add superpowers lol, I knew I am a genius already
Yeah and better, I didn’t feel like putting the work. Great words right there.
Humanity fucking rocks, lets shoot some shit
I hate anime but I enjoyed mad max fury road. It lets you appreciate innate insanity of surviving as a human that’s only temporarily suppressed by advanced civilization goodies. 9 meals away my friend, 9 meals away
Humans are fundamentally crazy and I love it. We detonate massive amounts of explosives in the sky once a year?? for some reason, just cause we can. 12:00 at new years eve is the essence of humanity. Louder, brighter, higher, make it visible from the cosmos
We invented nukes for some reason which crazily is a fundament of global peace. WTF
There are no crazier motherfuckers in Milky Way I bet my car on that
yeah blah blah blah but honestly… we are humans, we do crazy shit daily like driving 200 kph in a metal can while blasting rave or metal music. If something goes out in flames just say that new years eve came in early - if you are still alive. Life isn’t for the faint of heart for sure
That was harder to watch than Isis beheadings
No wonder, those big dong conspiracists are the worst. Whole universe is nothing more than a giant penis? Ridiculous. All because of the low res labels on observable universe diagrams making a look like o and b look like d
Universe is a dick it’s their motto
If you hate this image then why post it. Fun image but please work on your titles lol, my point is it isn’t super good when you let some 1000 conspiracy theorists living in some niche forums live rent free in your head to such point they ruin cool images for you
I mean if they want to use it despite being told the state of things then who cares? There’s nothing to win here, it’s their pc
I couldn’t care less if someone on the internet sabotages their files because they want to be right 100% of time
I can’t tell if I hate cats or love cats but they are never neutral. In fact there is a wild one in my house right now
I don’t even know why is he in my house or how it happened but at this point I think we tolerate each other pretty good. He gets the hose sometimes, I get his piss hose on the floor sometimes. He gets the snacks, I get the purr and fluffiness. I guess I can live with this chaotic balance.
I guess for someone who likes to control things cats could be a nightmare as they will never be some obedient pets but that may tell more about the owner than the cat.
Kinda sucks that my floor and sofa is ruined tho, it’s like a mini tiger, wildlife in your house. I guess this is the pleasures of completely feral cats. It’s possible that with this experience I could take on some caracal or serval. Of course I am not crazy nor I approve to do this but I have a glimpse of what mindset and work it would take
The Cat is also a menace that cannot stand sight of any other cat and goes straight for the throat. Little fluffy psycho, quite lovely
I actually prefer to eat them raw. A cup a day before sleeping. They act as sleeping pills for me
You get used to the taste and learn to enjoy it, same as with beer except they are good for you and increase hair density. It’s a real life equivalent of ent water
America has a nazi problem and there is only one solution to a nazi problem
When we teach other people something we take on a responsibility. I know responsibility is not a popular word these days but it’s true. We are responsible to make sure our material is of solid quality. I personally feel nowhere close to the great honor of providing knowledge despite many years of study.
Sure I could perhaps share some selected things but I feel that is too great burden to act as an authority. Of course life isn’t perfect and sometimes we must rely on less than ideal material hastily to meet the demands placed upon us or even unfortunately we find ourselves in the position of a teacher prematurely. We should strive to reduce amount of bad habits and spaghetti code made by beginners who take in dubious courses.
If we want to live in a world of readable and maintainable code we shouldn’t produce antithesis of such as ‘guides’
I see I struck some nerve here, calm down and just evaluate yourself if what you post has any value. Do you feel confident about your skills?
As I said previously. Do not attempt to teach or guide in any field you have no idea about. Sorry you feel attacked by my post but I have slightly better things to be doing than placating harmed egos on the web.
Well if you don’t know what constitutes good code and what constitutes bad code practices and don’t see how much crap is on the web, not even compilable sometimes, then you probably are among the very people who should refrain from teaching others and/or cease sharing your ‘valuable knowledge’
In fact, I insist you to do so
All these code gurus with code quality of chatgpt 🤢 yet fancy lighting setups and VFX intros. Still, sometimes you can find a real gem in the wild on some humble but informative website.
If you don’t have necessary experience and are pretending to be an expert sharing your ‘knowledge’ on the web… You should stop.
For me the final thing was ubiquitous CCP propaganda and gaslighting even in non political subreddits