He’s got good piling form I’d say.
What’s the point of raking leaves?
If you have sparse leaves, by all means leave them.
My yard gets hella leaves. Too many leaves. This kills the grass unless dealt with.
I live in the woods. Critters have tons of places nearby to thrive.
I’m not arguing against it, just never bothered to do it, while living out of the city, at most clear up a walkway a bit while walking. 😄
If you have sparse leaves, by all means leave them.
Yes! They are called leaves for a reason.
Right? If you just wait long enough they’ll just blow into someone else’s yard.
What’s the point of not raking leaves!
Protect the lawn, let bugs hang out and develop (apparently fireflies like lawn leaves).
Bugs means spiders therefore rake the leafs until there’s no bugs
Don’t rake leaves, fallen leaves are an improvement part of the ecosystem.
They house bees!
When I had leaves, I’d just mow them up and leave them.
He just jumped in!
Gotta get your regular tick exposure in.