Great! This is a list I was looking for, due to my phone slowly dying.
Caucasian itself is a very US term, in the sense that most of so called caucasians aren’t as white as northern europeans. Indians are caucasians, northern africans are caucasians, caucasians are caucasians, southern europeans, turks. Most of these people are ‘white’ but not ‘US white’.
That’s because most of latin america is mixed with huge percent of population being mestizos. When almost everyone can claim that they are white/black skin color becomes irrelevant. And they were colonized by different people with different culture.
Soldiers don’t look for your sdcards, they shoot people. If you are planning on moving through block posts where your things are cheked it’s better for you not to have weird sdcards either broken or not. But you can have one in your phone. There are ways to hide encrypted data so it won’t be detected e.g. veracrypt hidden volumes.
Maybe it’s time for arm boards to actually support their trash. UEFI itself supports arm.
That’s great news, here to another 200!
Cool, hope they will do something and won’t stop at performance stage.
You were unable to understand a very short sentence? Alright, I’ll bite.
Yeah, absolutely, these are very similar conflicts, essentially these are - one imperialist country is trying to completely erase another smaller one, by whatever means necessary. Again, even if this was done by UAF, this wouldn’t have happened without r*ssian invasion.
There are deb packages for aosc os (whatever that is 😄) and all deps are probably in the repos, so maybe it can help.
Not really? I would love to play complex game like df or cataclysm with good 3d graphics.
Weird how banderites never “shelled civilians” before russian invasion, innit?
Comes with actually speaking the language, and they are similar to some other slavic languages, e.g. polish.
The ceremony itself?
I think they became confused in threads with more people and were unable to track conversations.
I’ve seen one or two that run for a short time, but they became slow and incoherent fast.
What’s going to happen if it breaks again?
This one advertises support for wayland, try it out maybe?
Almost everyone is happy