If I’m reading this article right, this is codifying and expanding a decree (executive order) that Putin signed last year, allowing USian or USian controlled assets to be seized. The expansion allows this policy to be applied to other unfriendly countries which are sanctioning Russia.
Russia seizing foreign interestes holdings within Russia’s borders to compensate for its own frozen holdings outside of its borders.
Im honestly surprised this wasn’t done sooner.
They were doing some of this already, but looks like it’s gonna happen on a bigger scale now. This is a good article from 2023 discussing how Russia leveraged the west pushing companies to stop business in Russia to force them to sell assets off for pennies on the dollar. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2023/12/17/world/putin-companies-economy-boycott-elites-benefit-ukraine-war.html
If I’m reading this article right, this is codifying and expanding a decree (executive order) that Putin signed last year, allowing USian or USian controlled assets to be seized. The expansion allows this policy to be applied to other unfriendly countries which are sanctioning Russia.
Good for them to be honest. Should have been done sooner