I’m here to ruin the joke: both the Russian and German word for “Emperor” are “named after” Caesar (Czar and Kaiser).
And the salad after Caesar Cardini (Italian immigrant running a restaurant in Tijuana in 1924).
Who was named after Gaius Julius Caesar in one way or another, though.
Technically Sextus, no?
Wait until you learn about where the name of the month of July came from.
Or August.
Or Saladuary
That’s not named after Julius Cesar, though.
No, but after his adopted son
Who coincidentally liked to call himself “Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus” later in his life.
Subtility didn’t run deep in this family.
"Subtlety is my middle name. And also my first and last name in case they miss the point.
Your spelling of Cesar betrays french autocorrect, yet your name German/Alpine. So I’m guessing Swiss?
Julia Roberts??
Julie Andrews, close though
I wasn’t aware you could get a diploma in yodelling
I learned recently that Caesar Salad was invented in Mexico.
Yup, at a hotel restaurant that ran out of ingredients during the dinner rush. Kitchen was like
well fuck… Okay, the manager ran to the store but it’ll take him like 15 more minutes to get back. We have an entire floor full of hungry patrons in the meantime. What do we have left? We have some lettuce, anchovies, olive oil, Worcestershire, some lemons, mustard, and a fucking block of Parmesan cheese… Oh I guess we also have some stale bread we could toast… What can we make with this?
Caesar Cardini rolls in his grave again
He recently had ball bearings installed. So much smoother now!
With the capitalisation as it is it sounds like Gardening Fürst Pückler was an expert on modern landscape, and I respect that 🤗.
Pückler Eis sucks tho
How about the Earl of Sandwich. That rocks
And a cheap pizza chain!
How about a calendar?
And a code cipher
I don’t get the first one
Simon Bolivar & Bolivia?
You forgot the smoothies
It is a good salad though
Justinian be like:
Outside English no one knows that b*tch