I think it was a certain amount of money to invest but also they needed to create a few jobs, so not just putting money into a bank
A friend of mine invested a while ago in a few food court franchises to get it
Did they really sold any? I’d think they all went to tech reviewers and influencers
When I was shopping for a VPN I skipped those two specifically because they advertised on most podcasts I listened to (I know they are good now but that made me skeptic back then)
Sometimes we had company lunches at that place. It was funny seeing the interns and newcomers building masive structures to maximize the amount of food in their plates
Yes! Instagram is the main way I start in touch with my friends and family and I keep my fb account alive because my parents and aunts/uncles still use it. Whatsapp is also our main form of communication so basically we are super tied to meta. I did close my twitter and Reddit accounts but essentially all the people I care about use meta in some form or another
My deodorant was flagged 3 times in a row for some reason, even tho it’s bar and not gel. I learned to take it out of my backpack to avoid the extra search
On my last flight I forgot to do it and the agent seemed to be very bored and tested a bunch of stuff I had on my backpack, took about 10 minutes going through everything while more and more bags were flagged for additional search behind him
You can? What kind of marriage is that? 😅
Edit: the only thing the boomer comments got right about my marriage is the lack of sex, other than that we are super happy and have absolute zero regrets
Definitely not 2/2, could be 2/3 or 2/4
I keep mine alive for the same reason. This got me to post there for the first time since 2 or 3 years
I used honey for a while and it was working great for me with “exclusive” coupons and Cashback and then one time I bough a cellphone that was supposed to have $250 cashback. I did all the necessary steps, read the t&c, took screenshots of the offer and made the purchase. I never got the transaction to appear on their website. Sending emails it trying to contact them was futile (I even made an automatic script to send an email everyday to follow up). Fuck PayPal
Did you check DHL? I had to sent papers recently and DHL was a lot cheaper and it was the same delivery timing
I love Hawaiian pizza, not my absolute favorite but I order it quite often
Me and my wife remember that when we were kids Hawaiian pizza usually had cherry as well as pineapple but it suddenly disappeared, was that common previously it was that something from our hometown?
Are you sure? Or it went to Ontario, California?
Related, one of my favorite (recent) videos from the Internet