Okay, so if I take for given that me being born under a constellation that looks like a crab has some immutable affect on my personality, what exactly is causing that?
Does the constellation represent a deity who is projecting psychic energy on me that molds me in a way representative to itself? Are the stars themselves having some kind of gravitational effect on my brain chemistry? Does the cosmos function in some strange way where people born under a certain alignment of the celestial bodies end up having a different psychology?
Sorry to be a nerd about this but I don’t like the idea its just pure vibes, I’d like some understanding of the actual causation here.
It’s a sky based memory palace passed along through oral tradition. In order to ensure each realm of the palace is unique and individual they must be archetypal representations, putting as much distance in concepts between each other as possible. Given that these are humans creating these palaces they’re going to project the sensory experiences they have available that fit those criteria. Nowadays they’re called associations. That’s going to include things like incense for smell, ritual food sacrifices for taste, and most importantly emotional connections and experiences that frame their understanding about the world. Chakras and the Tree of Life are body based Memory Palaces, working the same way.
The point is to remember that as the skies above us are determinate as a clockwork function of the universe, so are we living below.
OMG, read theory.
The one serious answer, and stated much better than I could.
Thanks! I find spiritual/religious rituals take on an interesting frame when you look at them as a form of early Augmented Reality.