Think we might need the late warning signs at this point
lt’s literally Russia
lt’s literally
RussiaUSAnow maybe, I just live in Russia, so trust me
Following this I’d say half of the Middle East is fascist
Not wrong there. I think the term Fascism is often wielded a bit loosely to simply mean “authoritarian” but I’d absolutely say nations like Israel and Iran qualify.
I think the only real element that makes Iran somewhat unique is that it is a religion which controls the government, rather than a government which controls the religion, but the end result is strikingly similar. The term “Islamofascist” has been used to describe its particular brand of authoritarianism and characterize the ways in which it distinguishes itself from western fascism/Christofascism.
I was initially thinking Saudi-Arabia but then I figured Iran is another and most of those ex British colonial oil states aren’t much better.
This has been the Republican party for all of my nearly 5 decades on this planet.
At what point is it just a regular signs of fascism and not early warning signs?
You don’t have to worry for long, trust the German on this one. You just have to wait for France, Russia, the UK and the US to come and—
Oh riiiight…
Can’t help but feel fraudulent elections is a bit of a ‘late warning sign’ of fascism
These aren’t warning signs, these are “You have arrived” signs…