It has been engineered to be a torture box that makes any :bloomer: Star Trek fan into a capitalist realism :doomer:
It’s tailored slop
I made it about 40 minutes in. I’m not sure I have ever seen anything with worse writing. Like holy shit my highschool projects were better written.
You got further than me, comrade. I made it about 25 minutes in (shortly after they introduce the whole “crew”). It’s very bad.
trying their hardest to turn the franchise into generic scifi slop huh
I have chosen to not watch it, based on Jessie Gender’s review.
That was a wise choice. It is exceptionally incoherent.
Same. I couldn’t even finish the review.
It’s been pretty clear that not a single writer knows what to do with S31 post DS9, though what do you even do with a thing that was created to be a foil to an idealistic to a fault doctor that plays in a heavily james bond coded holodeck program.
My close, personal friends Rich Evans and Mike Stoklasa told me it’s not worth watching and I believe them
(I gave up on Nu Trek after the first episode of Picard
okay but like is it so bad it’s funny bad? like let’s say ive come to the acceptance stage of loss with nutrek, would section 31 be a funny watch
Nah, its an assault on the eyes for the most part. Otherwise its just a cheap imitation of a bunch of other mediocre movies that have come out in the past decade.
but desperately clawing at the script trying to recreate genre films in the star trek universe featuring a bunch of black ops people in leather sleeveless vests that don’t match the established setting at all unfortunately sounds really funny to me i think im gonna have to watch this
plus it has michelle yeoh playing Pansexual Space Hitler But She’s Really Sorry About It I Guess But Is Still Really Sarcastic and that is also really funny there’s layers here
I had the thought that this is the equivalent of the Star Wars Christmas Special for the Star Trek franchise.
shit that sounds really funny
The first ten minutes is spent reminding you that Space Hitler is bad and even adds a new bit of lore to how detestable she is and then the rest of the movie is about how she’s cool actually.
Awful slop.
that is absolutely wild considering her first appearance had her
cw: cannibalism, slavery
literally eating slaves
😭 alex kurtzman you’ve done it again