Ross was an idiot, that’s why he was caught. They seized all his remaining bitcoin, what hadn’t been stolen by hackers because, again, he was an idiot and the Silk Road was slapped together from code cobbled from other places. There’s no way the dude was smart enough to set some aside for bribes in case he got caught, because he was so sure he wouldn’t that he advertised the Silk Road using his personal email with his real name in forum posts.
While I don’t think he deserved life in prison, he sure as hell ended up there because of how ridiculously idiotic he was. The dude isn’t smart enough to be a manager at Arby’s, let alone run a criminal enterprise.
they didn’t catch him because of bad opsec, unless you consider Tor to be bad opsec. they caught him with a parallel reconstruction after the NSA illegally spied on him.
You can watch any documentary on Silk Road. Or for that matter, the Wikipedia article says the same damn thing. But I don’t need to change your mind. You’re some random person on the internet, nothing any of us says really matters to anyone else here. Believe it or don’t, it’s up to you.
Hey buddy, chill, there’s almost certainly talented doctors from other countries who couldn’t afford to recertify managing at least 2 Arby’s…and those will be the only 2 you don’t get food poisoning from.
That is completely missing my point. I’m sure there’s literal rocket scientists who have had to work at Arby’s to make ends meet, but that has nothing to do with Ross lacking the intellect to properly manage one. We’re not talking about immigrant doctors in this thread.
This is incredibly stupid. Prison officials will do everything they can to prevent an inmate from moving around assets for VERY OBVIOUS reasons. But, after thinking about it, it may not be so obvious for this echo chamber so let me explain the obvious.
You are an inmate in prison. You made millions doing your illegal thing while free but you hare now doing hard time. You don’t like hard time, you want easy or no time. How do you make your life better while in prison. Wait, you have millions. You’ll just use that money to have your way with the guards and prison system. Guard giving you trouble? Use your assets that you’ve amassed to “get rid of them”.
The prison system has protocols and processes in place to prevent all inmates from being able to control any assets they have on the outside. This prevents them from committing further crimes, exerting influence, or running an enterprise (criminal or legal) while incarcerated.
They don’t have access to an inmate’s finances. But it may be against a prison’s policy for an inmate to go into certain contracts. This is dependent on the inmate’s conviction and each prison system. The prison also doesn’t allow any privacy so running a business while in prison will be picked up and disciplinary action will be taken. The prison is supposed to protect the public from the inmate so it would look really bad if an inmate is running a business from prison. It can be a threat to the public and prison if they are able to control outside money from prison because then they could continue to commit crimes.
So yeah I warden doesn’t have access to things like bank accounts or brokerage accounts but they control all forms of communication.
I never said it was. I specified who can make payments for you while you are serving time. The fact you think this can’t happen or that the prison has any involvement in this is really off
edit: It should say Lawyers OR not ir perhaps that’s the confusion?
You edited your comment from what it was. I was replying to the original comment where you said something like Power of attorney makes someone an attorney.
I don’t think that Ulbricht had the capability to bribe Trump. I think that Lemmy and Reddit users are trying to justify Trump’s pardon by saying it was done through illegal activity (bribery) instead of campaign promises. That’s why I say they are making up conspiracy theories. Now I believe he can be bribed because of all the felonies he got from issuing bribes.
You think Ross did from prison?
Absolutely I do.
Of course they do. This is how they cope with anything Trump related. They come up with conspiracy theories.
Kodak black paid 2mil for a pardon the first time. This is highly likely to be true, you are either uniformed, a bot, or in on the grift.
Ross was an idiot, that’s why he was caught. They seized all his remaining bitcoin, what hadn’t been stolen by hackers because, again, he was an idiot and the Silk Road was slapped together from code cobbled from other places. There’s no way the dude was smart enough to set some aside for bribes in case he got caught, because he was so sure he wouldn’t that he advertised the Silk Road using his personal email with his real name in forum posts.
While I don’t think he deserved life in prison, he sure as hell ended up there because of how ridiculously idiotic he was. The dude isn’t smart enough to be a manager at Arby’s, let alone run a criminal enterprise.
they didn’t catch him because of bad opsec, unless you consider Tor to be bad opsec. they caught him with a parallel reconstruction after the NSA illegally spied on him.
change my mind
You can watch any documentary on Silk Road. Or for that matter, the Wikipedia article says the same damn thing. But I don’t need to change your mind. You’re some random person on the internet, nothing any of us says really matters to anyone else here. Believe it or don’t, it’s up to you.
Hey buddy, chill, there’s almost certainly talented doctors from other countries who couldn’t afford to recertify managing at least 2 Arby’s…and those will be the only 2 you don’t get food poisoning from.
That is completely missing my point. I’m sure there’s literal rocket scientists who have had to work at Arby’s to make ends meet, but that has nothing to do with Ross lacking the intellect to properly manage one. We’re not talking about immigrant doctors in this thread.
Sure, or you can read my comment again and realise the joke I was making.
How does being in prison prohibit moving around assets?
This is incredibly stupid. Prison officials will do everything they can to prevent an inmate from moving around assets for VERY OBVIOUS reasons. But, after thinking about it, it may not be so obvious for this echo chamber so let me explain the obvious.
You are an inmate in prison. You made millions doing your illegal thing while free but you hare now doing hard time. You don’t like hard time, you want easy or no time. How do you make your life better while in prison. Wait, you have millions. You’ll just use that money to have your way with the guards and prison system. Guard giving you trouble? Use your assets that you’ve amassed to “get rid of them”.
The prison system has protocols and processes in place to prevent all inmates from being able to control any assets they have on the outside. This prevents them from committing further crimes, exerting influence, or running an enterprise (criminal or legal) while incarcerated.
You are naive.
Explain how I’m the naive one.
Wardens do not have access to financial of prisoners. Why would you think that would be the case?
They don’t have access to an inmate’s finances. But it may be against a prison’s policy for an inmate to go into certain contracts. This is dependent on the inmate’s conviction and each prison system. The prison also doesn’t allow any privacy so running a business while in prison will be picked up and disciplinary action will be taken. The prison is supposed to protect the public from the inmate so it would look really bad if an inmate is running a business from prison. It can be a threat to the public and prison if they are able to control outside money from prison because then they could continue to commit crimes.
So yeah I warden doesn’t have access to things like bank accounts or brokerage accounts but they control all forms of communication.
Where do you live? It’s as if you have literally no idea what you are talking about on any kind of level. Seriously you’re just incorrect.
Again, I’m gonna suggest you look up lawyers and what they do.
Here’s some resources:
Lawyer (children’s edition)
Revocable Living Trust (apologies, but this one isn’t very kid friendly)
How prisons work (children’s edition)
You think a competent honest lawyer would risk their career doing something like bribing people with an inmate’s money?
I present to you, Exhibit A:
EDIT: I really underestimated how much hand-holding you’d need through this:
Lawyers or anyone that has power of attorney can make payments on your behalf. How do you think people pay mortgages or make payments in jail?
That is literally NOT the definition of a lawyer.
I never said it was. I specified who can make payments for you while you are serving time. The fact you think this can’t happen or that the prison has any involvement in this is really off
edit: It should say Lawyers OR not ir perhaps that’s the confusion?
You edited your comment from what it was. I was replying to the original comment where you said something like Power of attorney makes someone an attorney.
The edit explains my edit. I turned “ir” into “or”.
Lawyers and setting up trust funds. Did you ever go to school?
You can’t see Trump is for sale?
I never said he wasn’t. If I had the cash I would ask for favors too.
Then why would you think this is a conspiracy theory?
I don’t think that Ulbricht had the capability to bribe Trump. I think that Lemmy and Reddit users are trying to justify Trump’s pardon by saying it was done through illegal activity (bribery) instead of campaign promises. That’s why I say they are making up conspiracy theories. Now I believe he can be bribed because of all the felonies he got from issuing bribes.
Gotcha, I still think he got paid for this because Ross was in for hiring a hitman which is an odd thing for Trump to pardon.
Actually he was never convicted for hiring a hitman.
Check out some of these videos.
Soooo…. Do you not know what lawyers and trusts are and what they do? If not, have an adult explain these things to you when you can, and if so….
Why embarrass yourself wish such an ignorant comment?