he is the worst regular in all of the treks I have seen (TOS/TNG/DS9/VOY/ENT)
his whole thing is representing White american baby boomer dudes
boring as shit
doesn’t belong in space
Torres can do so much better.
I don’t believe this shit about being such a hot shot pilot.
I think he was sent by the CIA.
Garrett Wang (Harry Kim) and Robert Duncan McNeill (Tom Paris) did a podcast called The Delta Flyers where they do a full episode-by-episode rewatch of Voyager and often rant about the many problems of the show (and about the bits they enjoyed, as well). Didn’t get through it all, but it was decent travel listening.
Both of them are pretty often annoyed about how their characters (and most of the others) were stuck on a writing treadmill to obey that absurd syndication demand of an eternal moment, such that new viewers can drop in without feeling like they’ve missed anything.
Both of them are pretty often annoyed about how their characters (and most of the others) were stuck on a writing treadmill to obey that absurd syndication demand of an eternal moment, such that new viewers can drop in without feeling like they’ve missed anything.
If there’s anything about the modern streaming media format that’s a genuine improvement over previous TV network programming, it’s this. Writers are no longer forced to maintain a permanent “status quo” for a show, because anybody who wants to can always go back & rewatch old episodes, or just start at the beginning & catch up with the rest of the audience.
Nitpick, but the treadmill was worsened particularly on voyager because it wasn’t syndicated. It was the flagship show for the new UPN network so it had even more suits mucking around. Kept Berman off the ds9 sets, so we should all thank Voyager for making ds9 good.
I’ve heard about this show but not listened to it. I will download a few eps and see how it is. I see they are on DS9 now; Terry Farell and Armin Shimmerman are co hosts.
such that new viewers can drop in without feeling like they’ve missed anything.
I mean in 2024 it’s easy to be annoyed about that but at the time of production that wasn’t really the wrong thing to do because it was reality of the medium. OTOH I don’t think it excuses a lot of the dumb decisions.
DS9 has really benefited from streaming. I only came to understand and appreciate it after multiple re watches this way. Was far from a casual viewer originally. But it didn’t make sense. Even if you are willing and able to religiously watch every episode in order, having them separated by a week or months makes it too hard to follow.
It would also be nice to have episodic TV and I don’t know that it’s always bad. IT just hasn’t been the style lately.
Very first thing he did in the series was teach Kim to be racist against Ferengi
Tom Paris engaging in boomer activities on the holodeck was when the character was at his worse
Tom Paris doing crimes and going rogue (you know the whole point of his character in the pilot episode) was when the character came to life, too bad they only gave Tom’s criminality two episodes over 7 seasons before dropping that aspect of his personality completely
but then the cia got him
Every voyager character that wasn’t Seven of Nine of The Doctor were never given the chance to become full characters and they hated it. The writing for voyager was absolute dogshit for the actors and most of them will tell ya, that dogshit writing made Tom Paris a superbeing. Robert Duncan MacNeil doesn’t deserve NY bla.e here for.the record. From what I can tell he fully agrees with this and did at the time and made it known as far as he could while keeping his job. Actors don’t like playing a boring guy who can do everything either. Forgive all people who made Voyagwe that arent Rick Berman and Bramnan Braga who gets away with too much. Dude was dating Jeri Ryan when he was the show runner.
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Didn’t tell me anything on my end
Just clip off the & and everything after it
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I’m going through Voyager for the first time and I’ve been thinking all of this.
Paris isn’t even subtly or subjectively boomer. He’s clearly intentionally written to be a guy in the 1950s. They could have written him with one boomer trait to be cute, but they had to have him be obsessed with classic cars, b&w (and sexist) scifi, man caves, being a playboy, etc. Every episode that centers around Paris ends up being the worst in the series.
Torres can do so much better.
I felt this hard. She was one of the best characters of the series, and her falling for Paris sucked. It’s also just not believably written in the show. Just one day they were secretly in love?
I’ve always hated how Star Trek does relationships between the regulars. The Worf and Troi, Worf and Dax relationships sucked.
don’t believe this shit about being such a hot shot pilot.
Has real Top Gun vibes
Paris isn’t even subtly or subjectively boomer. He’s clearly intentionally written to be a guy in the 1950s.
you’re right he is too old to be a boomer himself. But like he is there for the boomers. To represent an old kind of masculinity and nostalgia.
Just one day they were secretly in love?
Well actually there was the ep where the invisible aliens were doing experiments on everyone. At the end the 2 of them are discussing how their whole thing could have been mind control from those aliens. Then they kiss and its the end of the ep.
I watched like a good part of Voyager last year and while it’s not like the show has no decent episodes, it’s absurd just how little happens to the character and how little development goes into them. For them having traveled through the delta quadrant for seven years, most of the characters feel completely unchanged from the pilot on. Nonsense show.
And Kim’s still an Ensign by the end despite saving the whole crew from the Hirogen. Smh
Imagine working on that show and literally getting nothing to work with for seven years.
They wasted chakotay with terrible episodes and awful backstory. He could’ve been one of the best characters too.
Paris can’t be the worst, Neelix exists
Neelix was annoying because his used car salesman with-a-heart-of-gold personality was completely wasted on the Starfleet crew
The whole point of his character in the first season was to act as a guide thru an unknown region, instead of becoming a boring cook, he should’ve become the Quark of Voyager, an opportunistic trader and part-time ambassador who would secure the goods but habitually set the b-plot into motion cause he got in over his head trying to acquire 6 months worth of fuel (and a sizable cut for himself) by selling one of the holodecks without the captains’ knowledge
well they BOTH want Kes, the child. So no points awarded either way.
neelix is corny or whatever but he doesn’t represent the eternal supremacy of White Men over space. which paris does.
After Kes leaves/ascends Neelix starts hanging around Naomi Wildman he’s the eternal groomer
Hold on, Tom never showed any romantic interest in Kes
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No, he totally did. In alternate timeline where Torres dies, he marries Kes.
I never took it that way at least. Tom was developing a friendship with Kes which made Neelix jump to conclusions cause he’s Neelix. Although someone did mention an alternate timeline episode where he marries Kes, I don’t remember that episode cause voyager is forgettable af, but from my recollection he didn’t seem to have any romantic or sexual intent and Star Trek tends to make that super obvious.
It was true.
There’s an ep where he confides in harry Kim “I’m in love with kes”. I think harry Kim is playing his clarinet at the time.
Unlike Tuvix
Janeway didn’t go far enough she should have killed Neelix too after killing Tuvix
Tuvok would have deemed it only logical if beaming Tuvix into the heart of a neutron star also meant ridding the ship of Neelix.
As another famous Vulcan once said, “It is logical that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one”
Legit lol
i love how in lower decks they have an alternate universe where tuvix was an admiral or something
I finally watched the last two episodes last night. So good, and so sad to see it go.
its kinda wild how they would run things like discovery for many seasons and episodes but when they actually have a good show they do it for 4 seasons 10 episodes each which is like fucking nothing
They both had equal amounts of seasons. I agree with the sentiment tho. Disco was dead mid season 2, no pun intended, but lower decks has LEGS. That show could have just kinda kept going. George Takei even said so after appearing.
They both had 5 seasons, but Disco got more episodes per season and longer episodes too. Probably double or more the actual runtime.
Yeah, seriously. At least they haven’t axed Strange New Worlds yet, but it was painful going back and watching Discovery only to find out that SNW was a spinoff of that dumpster fire. Here’s hoping that the new Michelle Yeoh Trek project doesn’t turn out to be absolute ass, but I’m not holding my breath. It seems weird to me that this is the first Trek movie since the Abrams reboot movies.
Nothing at all against Yeoh but her character was the absolute worst part of Discovery for me so I have negative hope for the thing centered on her.
Oh, it was just more trash on the trash heap, but at least she was having fun with it. That, I can get behind. But yeah, those first few seasons leaned way too hard on mirror universe shit.
I did try watching disco, the earlier seasons, 2 or 3 times, but I couldn’t get it and/or what I did get I hated. It was a mess and mostly I don’t remember it but I do recall that character making some stupid as fuck gay jokes about the mirror universe. They seemed intended to make her seem cool and didn’t work. in my mind.
According to early screeners, Section 31 is not very good
One said it was “painfully stupid”
anything to do with section 31 is that way
When section 31 was introduced they were meant to be like the CIA (bad)
But in our post 9/11 world, they’re meant to be like the CIA (good)
I’m going to watch it, because I’m a good little piggy and I appreciate my slop, but I’m not expecting much.
Not in my heart and I’ve heard the comics are neat and a recent one did a choose your own adventure structure with a twist. Batman did that once where it was a riddler story and you had to figure out that all the cyoa results end in death but reading all extra panels you’ll notice you never get to on any try in order solves it. If it’s thst cool I’m subscribing cause also getting stsr trek comics in the mail seems fun
He’s a nepo baby, his dad’s an admiral or some shit
oh shit i forget to mention he has basic as fuck DADDY ISSUES
Named after a city in Fr*nce 🤮
don’t forget Lieutenant Marseilles
Never know, he could be named after Paris, Texas
of course he was sent by the CIA, they had perfect blackmail on him (getting a classmate killed)
he even changed his name for this mission
How do you feel about Nick Locarno?
Ah yes another reason i hate tom paris
just enough character was altered to AVOID having to pay royalties to the writer or whatever of that episode. tom paris is basically an inherent scab.
That reminds me, remember Sarah Silverman’s Oscar worthy performance when they go back to the future past? She acts almost entirely with her lower lip, presumably as some kind of flex
Worf’s son Alexander seemed like a real little shit, ya know? I never thought about Tom Paris like that but I kinda get where you’re coming from
Worf was the worst father, any problems Alexander may have displayed were entirely Worf’s fault
And the writers who killed K’Ehleyr. She was so cool
They would have made a great family
I get killing her off from a dramatic perspective but they did it too early. If she’d stuck around for tng and then died in a season 4 ds9 episode it could have made Worf/Dax work better too
alexander is the best pre-teen child character they managed. compare to molly obrien. bleh.
he was a little shit but he was forced to live with Grumpy Worf so cant you see where he was coming from. correct instinct but imperfect analysis. but what’s a kiddo to do?
Nog was good. He was a troublesome little shit but his father and uncle constantly talked shit about his hopes and dreams (in early seasons - Later, Rom turned out pretty chill), and he was stuck on a boring space station watched over by a racist cop and run by a racist commander. Nog had a tough childhood
Nog was also played by someone who was 25 when the show started.
Wait, whaaaaaaaaaaat??
Died aged 50 ;~;
Yeah, I remember. It wasn’t long after the ds9 documentary came out and part of the doc was the writers getting together to break an episode concept for if the show came back for another season and they kill off nog in that. He had also just started a ds9 rewatch podcast with cirroc lofton who played Jake. It’s called the 7th rule and is stilp going with rotating guests and his wife on mic
They did give Will Wheaton psychic powers so that was cool.
Star Trek Prodigy turned him into Kirkland Brand Dr. Who.
Did he ever do anything with them? I can’t remember
Not that I have seen, but I don’t think I am caught up.
nailed what
what were her attributes
Toddler. And she crushed it
Breaking out my dedicated Voyager hating account to say I fucking hated Voyager. Hope Rick Berman dies in a fire
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