he is the worst regular in all of the treks I have seen (TOS/TNG/DS9/VOY/ENT)

his whole thing is representing White american baby boomer dudes

boring as shit

doesn’t belong in space

Torres can do so much better.

I don’t believe this shit about being such a hot shot pilot.

I think he was sent by the CIA.

  • Murple_27@lemmy.ml
    2 months ago

    Both of them are pretty often annoyed about how their characters (and most of the others) were stuck on a writing treadmill to obey that absurd syndication demand of an eternal moment, such that new viewers can drop in without feeling like they’ve missed anything.

    If there’s anything about the modern streaming media format that’s a genuine improvement over previous TV network programming, it’s this. Writers are no longer forced to maintain a permanent “status quo” for a show, because anybody who wants to can always go back & rewatch old episodes, or just start at the beginning & catch up with the rest of the audience.