we’re so fucking cooked
hopefully there are enough wind turbines in the state with an interest in preventing this, but we live in hell, so.
amerikkka’s continued existence is an existential threat to humankind,
I unironically never want America to talk shit about other countries, even Europe. America is run by absolute manchildren. This literally sounds like a law a little boy would make.
“We need to make sure our energy pollutes…it is the most EEEEVIL (and therefore cool!) thing to do!”
Once China achieves low ass energy costs they will leave the petroldollar in the dust.
As Texans, Oklahoma is the one state that we look at and go “whoa, lemme hold your beer.”
They legalized weed before Texas and don’t have Jerry Jones…
But yeah, their governor tries to plagiarize Gregg Abbott.
Broken clocks and all that. What I’m talking about more like when we slash funds for arts in education and then Oklahoma is like “arts? Just slash the whole thing!”
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In Oklahoma’s defense, I’ve always said that if it weren’t for the government, it could be a really nice place.
If you replaced the Texas government, it would still be Texas…
He should permanently be followed by a guy who shouts HEY ABBOOOOOT!
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
Let me hold your 3% abv beer
Growing up in Florida, the refrain was "thank God for Mississippi" - no matter what stupid things our state government did, how badly we ranked, we could always point to Mississippi and say thank God we’re not that bad.
Oklahoma fulfills the same role for Texas.
I haven’t heard this phrase in forever and didn’t realize how commonplace it is. Thank you for the link!!!
Are you fucking telling me there’s literally a Borger, Texas?
I’m so done with this deeply unserious country.
Down the road from Cheesed, Texas
Borger is in the panhandle between Panhandle and Texhoma, between Canadian and Boy’s Ranch, down the road from Tucumcari.
Nicknames: Smokey City, The Dirty B, Brick Town, Booger Town
Nicknames: Smokey City, The Dirty B, Brick Town, Booger Town
“Yeah right, Booger Town.” …oh.
NATO should invoke article 5 on the USA for doing climate weapons or something. I’m sure we can make it happen
I’ve only ever met IRL one person from oklahoma, so it would be fucked up to judge everyone in that made up shape by that experience.
but he was the dumbest guy I’ve ever seen. I was working out west and like the bosses would say, “park your personal trucks over there and don’t drive around unnecessarily (at a school with little kids darting around chaotically). and 100% do not drive them up this old, uneven and unstable pedestrian-only road mostly used by children at play which is part of a fragile ecological restoration project. if you need or want help moving things up there, here is the process.”
and the dude would, within 20 minutes of being at that meeting, be driving his custom painted truck with green flames up that “road”, not to move any tools or materials, but so he could blast his radio while waiting for something to do.
also took a silly game of touch football played after dinner so seriously he tackled a 10 year old and knocked them out cold, requiring an ambulance to come. and then bragged about how he laid the child out. he was told to leave and thought it was unfair/didn’t understand why.
it really fucked my impression of Oklahoma up, because I always think of that guy.
I can only assume he’s high up in state government now, given this story.
Has to be astrotuefed lobbyists right? Getting people to cry to want more expensive energy?
Most Americans are against renewables, and even if they aren’t conservatives have never lost a culture war in their lives so all they need to do is turn it into a culture war and win it.
no you don’t get it, this is because all them environmentalisms caused the LA fires, yeah, them solar pannels? they heat up the place, like a mirror, it’s a danger, we oughta ban them all
I feel like I’ve unironically seen this take
There was an actual town hall where people showed up to protest the installation of solar panels because “they will absorb all the sun and cause plants to die.”
I am baffled as to how such people might have jobs with any responsibility
Nah fam, the panels cause shade and keeps plants from growing.
God I hate this fucking country.
As an Okie, I am glad to have gotten about as far as possible from that state as one can get on the globe.
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