Загальні бойові втрати противника з 24.02.22 по 07.01.25 (орієнтовно)

У зв’язку з постійним надходженням уточнених розвідувальних даних, виникла потреба коригування деяких позицій загальних втрат противника - крилаті ракети. Загальна цифра скоригована, а втрати за добу подаються у звичайному режимі.

#NOMERCY #stoprussia

| Підписатися ГШ ЗСУ |


Translated using Firefox:

Due to the constant receipt of the updated intelligence, there was a need to adjust some of the positions of the enemy’s total losses - cruise missiles. The total figure is adjusted, and losses per day are given as usual.

  • notaviking@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    I unfortunately think a little less pessimistic, I think he knows he cannot lose or withdraw, that will be his death warrant most likely. But if he keeps even the 2014 gains but this time officially recognised by both Russia and the west, even if Ukraine objects, he has won, even losing half that territory or even gaining 1 square meter extra does not matter, his Kremlin can spin it as a win. Might even embolden him to look at other countries, Georgia don’t you fucking dare change the status quo.

    Ask me, as someone who has personally experienced the communist propaganda machine, Putin will be fine, just the common folk who would pay the price for his vanity