I admit it is not royalties, it’s called something else not sure what, word that came to my mind. But basically an equivalent of paying similar money but without giving away equity or ownership.
I admit it is not royalties, it’s called something else not sure what, word that came to my mind. But basically an equivalent of paying similar money but without giving away equity or ownership.
Funny enough, I do believe our BEE laws in South Africa should be scrapped. According to our news he offered to pay 26% in royalties, like Google does for example in South Africa, but did not agree to give away equity. The BEE laws are basically a way for politically connected ANC members to get a slice of the pie, does not one bit help the majority of people here.
Look Elon is a shit, but even a broken clock is right twice a day. There also needs to be empowerment laws, I say to poor citizens not based on any race laws, even though the majority of extremely poor people are black, coloured indian, mixed…, but not ones that mostly filter to the politically connected like the current BEE laws favour.
It’s a brilliant move. Black will lose no matter what
South African here, minimum wage R28.79/hour, Big Mac R51.90. So 4.4 burgers per 8 hour shift. Usually I know we are on top of the burger index.
I do not know why, but I loved episode 3. Call me tasteless but as a school child going alone into the theater, being awestruck at the epic conclusion to the prequel space opera is still an amazing memory
True, they are not idiots, most of the time, but the article mentions 30W only, I know they will be working at lower wattages, but their focus should not be 30W, they should say we are targeting 5-10W as our main focus. Right now they sound like they are only focusing on fps pumping as much power to say they beat AMD, instead of a more holistic approach of saying they want the same fps as AMD at 3-5W lower power consumption
God Intel, we do not want 30W mobile chips, we want 5W mobile chips if possible. The more juice it sucks the less mobile gaming we have. But I really do wish for more competition in the segment, especially now that SteamOS is being made available on other devices.
Fuck yeah, South African innovation for the win. The potholes in my town are so bad, even jogging on the street in certain areas is hard. Fuck the ANC
Jeez is this an ad, I thought my pop-up blockers were strong, clearly this site has shown me that their ad kungfu is stronger.
My advice, stay the fuck away from this ad infested website
I wonder what will come first, 1 000 000 or a seize fire
If they are doing work, they should be paid
Ok first of $50 billion! Second… Fuck what else is there except to see a YouTube of someone super glue their asshole with this new stuff and why he, because it will be a dumb guy unfortunately, needs us to donate to his gofundme for an asshole transplant
I think the church would spread it all over the world, into every little nook and cranny
Yeah South African here, it’s a Christian book shop franchise here, not sure if they have spread to other countries yet. Primary school the store name was the butt of the joke for a short while
I do not think Microsoft is afraid, I think they are just not that focused on the gaming market, yes they have a console and a bunch of game studios, but I believe that is right now a secondary focus.
No Microsoft is focused on the tech heroine called AI, trying to inject it wherever they can. They see this as the new frontier. So even though I would have loved seeing Microsoft scream in pain as they realise another competitor has actually a more enriching product that will eat their lunch, unfortunately they are in another boardroom discussing how they can get more AI, does anyone know where they can get more AI
Oh no I disagree, I would rather be the richest person in a poor country than be the poorest person in a rich country. But I grew up in a low-ish, not nearly the lowest, income country so maybe I am just used to it.
I unfortunately think a little less pessimistic, I think he knows he cannot lose or withdraw, that will be his death warrant most likely. But if he keeps even the 2014 gains but this time officially recognised by both Russia and the west, even if Ukraine objects, he has won, even losing half that territory or even gaining 1 square meter extra does not matter, his Kremlin can spin it as a win. Might even embolden him to look at other countries, Georgia don’t you fucking dare change the status quo.
Ask me, as someone who has personally experienced the communist propaganda machine, Putin will be fine, just the common folk who would pay the price for his vanity
Looks like everyone is jumping on the video game movie bandwagon, now that the comic book movies look to be milked dry. Hopefully they realise making quality movies will be… Who am I kidding it is most likely just going to be cash grabs until they have left a husk after draining the IP for all it is worth
I feel like I only now comment if another 100,000 mark has been reached. I wonder after a million would I comment only every 500,000?
It is insane how many lives have been horrifically altered by this useless war, how many more must die because of an old scared man wanting to have a legacy of being a conquerer
It is called equity equivalents, this is where you don’t give away equity but basically still pay as if you are, hence I admit royalties are maybe not the right word but for my it is similar. Unlike other international tech companies like Google or Microsoft in our country that pays equity equivalents, the telecommunications requirements are equity or slice of your business.