I qualified for financial help with one of those places that advertise on social media (Joyous, if you know it), and I’ve got enough to buy myself the first month of pills.

Curious as to if anyone has had experience with it. On paper it sounds like it would be great for me, but my ma is scared of it cause apparently there are horror stories going around in the news. Way I figure it, if it doesn’t help, at least I get drugs.

  • GalaxyBrain [they/them]@hexbear.net
    2 months ago

    I was having a lot of issues and doing a shitload of other drugs at the time, I’m pretty sure ketamine was doing very little harm cause usually I’d be doing it on days I wasn’t drinking to excess, doing speed and/or acid, it was for sure not helping but I don’t think it was a major cause of harm. Also I smoked and still smoke a hilarious amount of weed. Like 4 grams a day. Weed interactions have never been an issue. I have found that psychedelics don’t hit me as hard as most too and that extends to dissociatives as well. I’ve seen people trip balls on a quarters tab of acid that I needed 3 to get anywhere, they were vulnerable cases but I generally needed 3 tabs to most people’s 1 to get to the same level. That’s without adding booze or speed to the experience

    • JustSo [she/her, any]@hexbear.net
      2 months ago

      I feel you. Relatable on several levels.

      Managed to get my weed use WAY down recently. Mostly cuz I’m broke and the pet needs fed before I get lit.

      The angle of my question was to get at whether you were in a receptive state for change or not. You know the classic “set and setting” rules of psychedelics. But I’m going to read between the lines here (and go out on a long limb) and assume your big K days did not coincide with a lot of concentrated internal work identifying your issues and whatever disordered thinking you had that made regular drug use a preferable state to be in compared to sobriety. Is that a fair reading of the situation as you recall it?

      I apologise if I’m misinterpreting or projecting.

        • JustSo [she/her, any]@hexbear.net
          2 months ago

          Yeah I was big into cold water extracting codeine cuz I have the genetic mutation that increases the conversion efficiency when it metabolises into morphine. Kind of miss those days actually, I was very responsible before prohibition took away my legal avenues for relief after that I guess I just gave up on more than the most basic harm reduction.

          But word, thanks for indulging my questions. It supports some of my suspicions around the important factors in large dose (infusion) dissociative therapy and the potential for self medicated (or community mediated) alternative to the expensive clinics.