The United States "will continue to work relentlessly to strengthen Ukraine's position in this war over the remainder of my time in office," Biden said.
All this while the homeless rate in the United States increased to 18%.
It shows were Biden’s (and Senate Democrats) priorities are when he’d rather spend billions to shore up the American empire’s expansion rather that spending less than half of that to help Americans who have no shelter, home, nor prospects.
The united states has funded its military to be capable of fighting a two front war with both Russia and China. We already spend hundreds of billions every year building and stationing equipment and troops in Europe and NATO allies.
Ukraine has been doing all of that for us for YEARS.
They care for empire more than they do its citizens. And I’m going to bet most of the people that are down voting you are also struggling financially while defending our country ignoring them.
I agree with your first sentence in general, but this is not giving money that could better be used to help the homeless. This is giving equipment that is sitting in warehouses. This equipment is assigned a dollar value.
Let’s say we could somehow sell this stuff and convert it to money, then it could be used to help the homeless right? Also wrong in this case. It has been allocated by Congress to help Ukraine. It cannot be used otherwise.
All this while the homeless rate in the United States increased to 18%.
It shows were Biden’s (and Senate Democrats) priorities are when he’d rather spend billions to shore up the American empire’s expansion rather that spending less than half of that to help Americans who have no shelter, home, nor prospects.
By 18%, not to 18%
“American empire’s expansion,” LOL.
make sure you don’t mention the fact that it is Russia that invaded Ukraine, claimed its territory, and expects to rule it.
Again, not Biden. Congress
That’s even worse; it means that even the democrats in charge of the Senate have the same fucked up priorities along with Biden
Of course spending bills originate in the House. But, don’t let me stop you from blaming Biden.
I don’t think he’s from here
I think this is poorly veiled.
I think you’re right
Yes, with a Democrat controlled Senate who has the power to stop it as well as a Democrat president that can also veto it.
The narrative redirect in this instance is so disgusting.
When was the last time a Republican controlled House, Senate and President passed a bill to help the homeless you seem to be so worried about?
‘but Republicans’ is always the default to distract that Democrats can’t govern.
The US homeless rate is around 0.2%, not 18%
The united states has funded its military to be capable of fighting a two front war with both Russia and China. We already spend hundreds of billions every year building and stationing equipment and troops in Europe and NATO allies.
Ukraine has been doing all of that for us for YEARS.
They care for empire more than they do its citizens. And I’m going to bet most of the people that are down voting you are also struggling financially while defending our country ignoring them.
yes, i’ve learned not to bother responding to liberals on liberal territory. i’m not responsible for; nor capable of; educating anyone.
Which marxist-leninist government do you think is the best? China, or North Korea?
I agree with your first sentence in general, but this is not giving money that could better be used to help the homeless. This is giving equipment that is sitting in warehouses. This equipment is assigned a dollar value.
Let’s say we could somehow sell this stuff and convert it to money, then it could be used to help the homeless right? Also wrong in this case. It has been allocated by Congress to help Ukraine. It cannot be used otherwise.
what we need are some projects or communist style brutalist block buildings. Those worked well in the past!