Yes, having 100% of federal employees laid off is surely less impactful than having 20% laid off.
Yes, having 100% of federal employees laid off is surely less impactful than having 20% laid off.
Gold coins have no value other than scarcity either. if they weren’t hoarded, their price as a industrial metal would probably drop 90%
This is like saying the Visa or Swift transaction clearing networks have no value. they clearly do.
Do you prefer Soviet, or Chinese, style socialism?
What bad-faith behavior and sockpuppeting looks like:
I gave up on cute or clever names a while ago; now I go with “storage0”, “router0”, “wap00”, “vmhost0”. Always with a numeric suffix because there will be a -1, -2 some day.
Great idea! Totally impossible to get there from here though. We need to envision and communicate actionable steps people can actually get behind with individual action.
“tear down and replace the US electoral system” is not such a step.
Guessing you’re behind one of those <1%ers like Jill Stein?
This seems to be the next “talking point” after “genocide joe” - somehow Trump’s actions are the democrat’s fault!
Don’t fall for it. We need to unite and support the one viable alternative to Republican power expansion, not quibble and bicker over “leftist” vs “progressive” vs “liberal” vs “centrist” and how the Democrats aren’t pure or perfect enough.
Such a non-actionable meme.
How about this: You have to go vote for the better of the two parties, because they are substantially different and one does have a history of policy and legislation supporting labor, education, access to health care, equity, and the environment.
Anyone who tells you otherwise is lying. What’s their goal?
Get out of here with that BS
What do you think of Mao Zedong and Vladimir Lenin?
Be careful saying “liberal”! That’s a current target word for the .ml shills!
No I don’t remember that - do you have a reference?
And most of the media went right along with wording such as “tariffs on China” rather than than “tariffs on US buyers”
Net Neutrality doesn’t refer to blocking sites based on viewpoint. It refers to throttling data based on origin/destination - e.g. AT&T can’t cap you at 5GB but allow unlimited traffic to their Max streaming service. They also can’t double-dip and charge you for bandwidth to stream Netflix and also Netflix to get access to you.
He wants Democratic voters to withdraw in apathy or exhaust themselves on some “pure” but ineffective effort, and employs shame tactics to demotivate.
It’s pretty transparent.