Joe Biden solved racism, sweetie.
death to america
I don’t think there’s existed a more evil country, pretty sure we’ve already beat out nazi germany.
The nazis still win the contest because industrial genocide is in a class of its own but their regime was toppled in '45 so the USA is definitely on track to overtake them eventually.
US did industrial genocide as part of “manifest destiny” and the slave trade. Genocide is so deeply rooted in the bones that the dozens of ongoing slow genocides are just a mechanical property of the infernal engine of empire. Would social murder on the grand and all-encompassing scale achieved by Amerikkka make Hitler blush? The settler empire is “what if the Nazis won” plus 200 years.
I usually say the three worst as British Empire, USA and Nazi Germany because the comparison is pretty hard. On one side, nazis got everything concentrated with worst atrocities all happening in basically less than 4 years, and what they did is pretty well researched and known. On the other, British and American empires last centuries and while probably never reaching the intensity of nazi atrocities* they ultimately caused way more suffering of which we still don’t even know all or even the most - for example even the number of murdered American Natives and Indians is wildly differeing between different research attempts. And we will never knew the sheer numbers of social murders caused by capitalist system supported by them.
*I wouldn’t be surprised if at least Brits in India did reach similar death/time ratio during the famines.
All the shit we hear about Soviet gulags seems like pure projection. The American prison system is one of the most inhumane institutions ever created. The Cyka Wars that created lasting trauma on Russia and was one of the darkest moments in Soviet history is a regular event everyday in American prisons. It’s so bad it’s become an accepted problem people joke about.
One of the foundation myths of solidarność in Poland is alleged deadly beating militia did to a student named Grzegorz Przemyk and it got mythologised to hell and back. Funnily enough IPN exhumed him to confirm the myth version but instead the exhumation confirmed the official version that his death was more result of his drunken bouts before arrest, which of course was just hushed and the myth continue.
Seems that the worst tragedies of entire 44 year period of socialist Poland are just ordinary tuesday evening in the homeland of freedom and liberty.
basically a private lynching
they should be arrested not fired ffs
Corrected, they should all be arrested and fired at.
people say you can’t write by committee but this website consistently proves that’s wrong
tags: Robert Brooks, Marcy Correctional Facility
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