Corrected, they should all be arrested and fired at.
Corrected, they should all be arrested and fired at.
Most of the time the platforms are already in capitalist hands so it’s really easy to just ask them to self moderate to ban and evict the left. The they just boost the “center” and voila!
What killing King Charles actually accomplishes is that merely Lelouch has one less enemy so he can focus on stopping his brother Schneizel, who represents a much more competent threat than his father did, one with the connections to build the Sword of Damocles…
There is two problems with this conflict though. Firstly, the way that Lelouch built a resistance against his brother was not to win back his old allies and prove to them his trust worthiness, but by magically flip the whole chessboard and turn every Britannian into a mind slave willingly do his bidding. That sounds exactly like liberal fantasy fixing the system and transform it into a force for good. Secondly, Schneizel also did a board flip and get everyone on the rebel group to support him as their leader for a war which essentially is just a fight for the throne of the world. The rebel even complicit in a nuclear first strike attack on the Britannian capital which have unknown number of civilian in it.
Now, the very existence of geass magic fundamentally divorces the world of Code Geass from ours, but I thought the Black Knight reaction to Zero’s identity and the power of Geass made a lot of sense…
This plot point however shine the spot light on the structural problem of the whole rebels. They are just a bunch of people with no unified ideology that can let them look pass the fear of the power of geass to even offer Lelouch a chance to explain himself. They don’t even offer him a real trial before trying to gun him down in cold blood. While I’m sure there are many example in real life where people flipped out and assassinated their political leaders for less. The story decision here to let Lelouch be saved not by the quality of his ideology, or any of his policies but just purely because another broken and exploited character clung onto him and bailed him out with their life speak a lot for the quality of the rebels leadership and ideology.
That’s my main problem with Code Geass to be honest. Overall, it’s an entertaining show with the facade of anti-colonialism, anti-imperialism, pretty twisting story line and some awesome mecha battle. However, the show stop short of offering any true solutions to the problems and instead just outright prescript great person theory and enlightenment dictatorship to imperialism. It doesn’t even have any representation for communism, anarchism or any more leftist groups. Instead, we had an imperial capitalist monarchism vs a bunch of nationalist monarchist of a different religion vs some liberal democracies in the background.
I think that kinda reflect the core message of the show, which is pretty libby, though. “society is bad because of bad people, and you can totally just simply wish them away”. At the end of the day, all evils can be fixed by magic. From the imperialistic empire, monarchism, fascism, capitalism and classism can be fixed by just magic them away with your command. It smell a lot like the liberal enlightenment centrist idea that everyone but them are know the truth and that the truth will destroy every opposition regardless of material conditions.
Even before that, Lelouch’s comrades who is a pretty mixed group of different nationality just give up on him when he lost his mask and reveal that he had been a Britannian prince all along. Sure there were other mistakes that he made that lead to a bunch of genocide and loses before that, but I don’t remember his comrades (outside of Kallen, his lover) even let him explain. This spoke lowly of the capability of revolutions and freedom movements by showing them as a bunch of morons who are just led by conman that’s just one revelation away from getting lynched.
Sadly I have heard this types of liberals pacifist both sides comments a lot from my own Viet communities. It’s highly concentrated in the new Viet dispora who came to the US after the 90s. Something about not having to pay the price for their freedom and peace and seeing how rich the imperial core is compared to their own country make them speak highly of the people who oppressed and killed their grandparents while shitting on said grandparents for fighting back.
You forgot to count 0. The alien should write 4 as 10, not 4.
It would be a great future. But we must not be complacent and stop. The USSR was also projected to surpassed the empire before.
But they were not doing the kind of direct command economy model up til now. That left a lot of leverage for the private sector to funnel wealth into capitalist hands.
Waiting for that moment where three military dudes meet in the middle of a field to illegally dissolve the country for personal benefits. Only this time it’s gonna be better for humanity.
I lived in Texas for more than 10 years before I moved to California. If those people can read they would be very angry about how dare those Northern Yank say anything about their sovereignty. Poor guy here wasting money talking reasons to a bunch of fascists.
CEO: don’t touch that, we are moving with higher velocity thanks to it.
living in one of the the worst spot of this housing crisis and I feel the pain in my bone. I can work a tech job, that is paid more than 90% of the us population, for all my life and wouldn’t even be able to afford a house the landlord’s granddad bought when he started working at the factory.
hell, even countries half the world away would still be on US’s terrorist list if they wave the hammer and sickle flag.
I remember people talking about a HSR system linking the three biggest cities in Texas way back in 2010s. They couldn’t even raise enough support to finish the research for the placement of the train stops. Not sure this will even get pass that.
One of the most used feature of Facebook and Instagram is their messenger. It’s much easier for people to use the same account they use for social media to communicate with each other. A direct messaging feature within fediverse would augment the current ecosystem and make more people transition away from big corporations
I haven’t played that game before. Thank you for the recommendation.
Bunch of people having fun in a modern city is propaganda? damn, I can’t believe how much the USA have tried to lie to me. Thank you so much comrade for opening my eyes to those capitalist lies /s
why? the game does not have any theory or understanding about communism. It only use communism aesthetic to tell a completely liberal story.
While the game is pretty fun and the banality is the point, I feel like it doesn’t have a lot of things to say about communism itself. You can swap it out for any failing country and it would just work the same.
Hit me right in the nostalgia with this one. Used to played the heck out of it on SEA and my local country server. The game is super grindy for my taste now but I still feel nostalgic about the community and people there.