“We don’t want to be told what to do. We only want to tell other people what to do.”
- every conservative
Oh, they like being told what do. As long as it’s by the right people, as long as they’re told that they get to make others’ lives worse.
That’s the secret. Just about every “alpha” (with VERY few exceptions) is also a submissive “beta”. They’ll give up their morals, their daughters, their god, their freedom, whatever.
That’s the fundamental difference between the left and the right. The left believes in cooperation, the right believes in the authority-submissive, alpha-beta dynamic.
These people just aren’t in on the secret. As soon as they really start complaining they’ll be told to fall in line.
AKA, the Southern notion of liberty.
The right to deprive others of their rights?
It would be much easier, if everyone finally accepted the fact that religious belief is a severe mental illness. Then we could all agree that anyone claiming this was fucked in the head and needed to be stopped and kept out of any position of power.
Sadly, there is a persistent mass illusion that invisible wizards exist in the sky. But, until anyone can prove this, I am clearly correct and pointing out that you’re all suffering, a severe mental illness and presented danger to yourself and others.
“Why is Trump doing exactly what we voted for?“
It’s getting harder and harder to enjoy the faces being eaten by these leopards, especially because it affects everyone else, too.
I guess the only hope is that there are fewer of them than there are of us. Eventually, we’ll be the only ones left.
Nah, see, y’all are leeches sucking off of the real producers like Musk and Bezos. We’ll never get to 0% unemployment and 100% labor participation with those “disability checks” and “food stamps” keeping you fat and happy. /s
It’s getting harder and harder to enjoy the faces being eaten by these leopards,
Not for me.
This is what they voted for three fucking times. If I have to get what they deserve, then I’m damned well going to enjoy watching them get it too.
Yet none of us have universal healthcare, working wages, or anything else the progressive left failed to deliver.
So, by all data and measurements, it is absolutely as bad for you as everyone else. If you don’t realize that, or refuse to admit it, that’s a different thing.
However, unless you are an elite or a “special case” who worked at a deal with the orange turd, you’re just as bad as the rest of us.
Lie to yourself, but don’t lie to us. We know better.
Don’t lie to us. We know better.
- Poster who believes the “progressive left” has had enough federal power to change anything in the last 40 years.
Since you missed it the first time, let me rephrase what I said:
If we’re all going to get the shit that Trump supporters deserve since they won the election, then I’m going to enjoy all the schadenfreude of watching them suffer getting exactly what the voted for. America is not great. Trump and Musk’s administration won’t make it great. But I’m going to enjoy their voters realizing that fact every day for the however it takes to get that fat orange fascist and his illegal-immigrant financier out of power.
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But all the magical and superstitious bullshit you just mentioned? There’s not a shred of proof of that in the 250,000 years of human existence.
What magical and superstitious bullshit did that comment contain? And specifically, which part of it is refuted by 250,000 years of human existence?
If we’re going to delve into ad hominem attacks, though, I think you would really benefit from getting checked out for schizophrenia. Most people don’t hear non-existent things in their head and accept those voices as reality.Edit: After reading your profile comments, I think you’re getting this comment thread mixed up with an argument you’re having with somebody else on an entirely different post.
I apologize for mistakenly believing you may have a mental illness. You might be aggressive with your opinion, but you aren’t making up your replies entirely out of nowhere.
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Let me get this straight:
- Personal attacks are effective argumentation.
- You mention rational evidence without providing any evidence.
- I am hallucinating something, of which I don’t know about.
- You don’t like me, thus I deserve to suffer.
- 250,000 years of existing disproves my nonexistent hallucinations… of what, exactly?
Dude, get some help. This isn’t healthy.
Yet none of us have universal healthcare, working wages, or anything else the progressive left failed to deliver.
Hahahaha—oh wait, you’re serious? The Democratic party hasn’t been progressive or left (by any other country’s standards) in nearly half a century.
I’m sorry you can’t wrap your head around conversational topics you disagree with.
Maybe go kill a cat about it, but don’t take your psychopathy out on me. If you want anyone to believe you’re insane ramblings, prove it.
Too bad that in 250,000 years of human history, no one ever been able to approve supernatural creatures exist. Your belief in them is only evidence that your brain is rotting and you should be contained forever in a mental health prison.
But if you, somehow, prove that your mental delusion is Israel, of that I was wrong. But since you never can, because you’re clearly fucking insane, I feel pretty safe in my assessment of the available evidence.
Buddy, I genuinely think you might be either a human suffering from schizophrenia, or a degenerative LLM model that has been trained on 4chan topics for too long.
Nobody here is talking about supernatural creatures. Not me. Not the guy you replied to. Nobody. Nobody else is accusing others of killing cats, either. I’m also concerned about the lack of coherence in your sentence, “prove that your mental delusion is Israel.” Israel is a proper noun, not a mental health condition. I can’t have a mental delusion of Israel. That is literally impossible.
Please talk to a professional. I’m sending thoughts and prayers in the meantime 🫂
Again, your dog shit, brain, hallucinations keep forcing you to prove that your brain is dog shit and that you’re hallucinating.
Prove God exists, or admit that your brain is made of dog shit and that you’re hallucinating. Obviously, it’s the latter, because in 250,000 years of human existence, nobody has ever been able to prove that anything supernatural has ever happened.
But your dog shit, brain, hallucinations, trick you into thinking otherwise. That’s why your brain is dog shit, and you’re extraordinarily and dangerously mentally ill.
Where do you keep getting the idea that I believe God exists? I never mentioned God. Nobody here mentioned God, except you.
Yeah… my elderly union pension collecting Medicare reliant mother didn’t vote for this.
My in-laws voted for him because - no joke - they didn’t want Kamala to give money to “poor people.” My in-laws are on social security and Medicare. They ARE the poor people. If they think we will be paying for their shit after benefits are cut, I’ve got news for them. FAFO.
“Those other people didn’t earn it…like us. They are lazy welfare mommas. They need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps, like we did.”
- your in-laws probably
I was going to ask if the in-laws just use “poor people” as coded language for non-whites.
of course… trump is hella racist and so is america and that’s why he won….
it’s just about impossible for someone to support him without being racist. that’s why when you pin a trump supporter down on “why trump though?” it’s always some bullshit reason, and if you break it down or disprove it, they eventually regress to “i don’t care”.
all their hypocritical outrage over supposed moral violations of the left? they don’t actually care about that… they just want to yell something at the anti-racist people and they can’t get away with overt racism just yet….
I’ve straight up heard someone say that about her disability. She claimed she earned it by going through the stuff that traumatized her to unemployability. It’s wild
This is what Trump ran on. This is what President Musk promised on Xitter pre-election.
Why would you think otherwise?
He also ran on ‘i won’t touch social security’ and they heard the option they wanted to hear despite it being an obvious lie he will if he can.
Yes, but it was mapped out pre election. Project 2025. I get it, no one wants to even skim a 996 page document, but it was all right there.
I doubt even Trump himself read it. That’s a lot of reading. Or, in other words…
Yeah, but donvict said he don’t know her!
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“they should steal the benefits of OTHERS not mine!!! 😡😡😡”
“others” often being Black people and immigrants…
Or the fictional welfare queen.
Have they tried not taking handouts and pulling themselves up by their bootstraps?
No, you see, their social support is ok, because they are down on their luck, through no fault of their own. Buts it’s those other free loaders are the problem.
Take away everybody else’s social security & Medicaid, but leave ours alone!!!
Get fukt
i look forward to witnessing every detail of these gullible fuck trump voters coming to the realization that trump actually fucking hates them, and it’s NOT in fact the mexicans’ fault that their lives are shit
We moved back to Ohio recently (born there then moved out to California for over a decade for work and now back to Ohio so we can be near family). The amount of fucking shacks festooned with trump shit is wild. Doesn’t really seem like he did so great for you the first time Cletus, given that you live in a rundown shanty in the middle of one of the cheapest places to buy land and real estate…
My favorite though is there is some sort of steel recycler / wholesaler. His sign cycles between his business name the cost for a ton of steel and “you’re fired! trump 2024.”
I can not wait for the tariffs to absolutely destroy his business and for that reader board to say “thank you for 27 years of business”
I’m a pretty well off leftist, so now I guess I’ll sit back and watch these poor rubes get fucked. It’s the only solace left.
I come from a family of Mexicans who are all Trump supporters. In this case it is the Mexicans fault too. If I recall Trump support among Hispanics is some of the highest in Republican history with 45% of Hispanics voting for Trump.
This is all tongue in cheek of course. They’re all too stupid to realize what can, and likely will, happen to them.
Yeah, he polled highly among Hispanics in 2020, too. I legitimately do not understand it.
guessing they fall into one of two main camps…
good catholics voting against women’s rights and perhaps not understanding the other things that go along with voting that way, and ‘got mine, fuck you’ aimed squarely at others following behind them, legally or not.
It’s stupidity and racism
Ive lived in California my whole life and have known many illegal immigrants and their families
The second most racist group of people I’ve ever fucking met are Mexican immigrants (legal or not) already here who think the ones who haven’t come here for whatever reason are “empty headed wetback rapists who make us all look bad, that’s why we’re here!” (their words almost exactly)
Pointed out to one guy I knew in 2016 that if the wall was what he wanted then he and his family wouldn’t even fucking be here and he responded with “we were smart enough to get here before the wall!”
These are the same morons who will call someone born there but raised here “unpure” as well so you can kinda tell they’re not the best of people already
In part, this is how “whiteness” works in the US. Once an immigrant community becomes established enough, they start to believe that licking the boot will finally grant them that status they crave.
“It’s the other ones that are a problem. He gets it.”
If they were capable of drawing obvious conclusions, they wouldn’t be Trump voters.
Sorry, guys. You voted for this so the billionaires can deliver austerity to you, an all-you-can-eat smorgasbord of government largesse for themselves.
Trump will not only cut their benefits and siphon off the money for his billionaire investors, he will convince them it’s really better this way that they struggle to survive. Makes them stronger.
Well, what else are they going to do? Go woke, go broke! I mean, the Demoncrats will transition your boy at school, while forcing you and your spouse to sit through DEI re-education camps at work! And don’t get me started on forcing everyone to eat bugs, own nothing, and have us switch away from fossil fuels!
Ahhh… the old if you think this is bad, imagine how much worse the next/other guy/party will be if I can get away with this much.
People are so gullible 🙄
My parents, who are (legal) immigrants (just like everyone in my family) are worried that “illegal immigrants” are taking away too much resources, also blames “Democrats” for the “migrant crisis”. Says “illegal immigrants” shouldn’t be “getting so much welfare” because then they (my parents) have less.
I’m like: Bitch, when they say “illegal immigrants” is a dogwhistle against people like us, they just don’t see this BS. They don’t want any immigration at all, “illegal immigrant” is just a cover used to justify any actions against all immigrants, legal or illegal.
Fucking idiots. They deserve it. I don’t want them to suffer, but they deserve to. If only we all just didn’t shoot ourselves in the dick at every opportunity. Fuck them for doing this to themselves, and to you, and me. I hate this place so much.
you did your part, and now you’ll be left behind. MAGA!
Exactly, your part in this is over, now you’re just a loose end.
When dealing with the devil, NEVER, EVER put him in a position of power unless you have effective leverage.
As intellectually consistent as some of these people think they are I’m sure they’ll bend over backwards to defend benefits for the military and veterans. I mean if anyone knows how to pull up on bootstraps it’s the military yeah?
I mean the US deep south has been voting for conservative policies for decades and those places just keep getting shittier, which just makes them vote for that shit even harder. The entire political framework is built on abstractions which demonize empiricism as a concept. They are trained from birth specifically not to connect cause and effect, but to wage emotional aggrievement warfare.
On the Professional Left Podcast, I’ve heard driftglass talk about conservatives and he compares them to USSR-era capital-C Communists - basically, Republicanism/conservatism can never fail. It’s because we didn’t do it HARD enough. Republicanism/conservatism can never fail people; it’s people that fail Republicanism/conservatism.
It’s a cult. A fucking cult.
Totalitarians all resort to the same shit. “You just didn’t believe hard enough! It’s all your fault!”
The bigger the sacrifice, the more there is to honor.
This has some real “Jews for Hitler” energy, by the way.