English/German as always. Expand for all embedded pics+vids+text
I just moved and just managed to finish the living room right before I knew I’d be sitting Koda (left on the cat tree) and Lilly (under the couch). I have to keep them separated from my cat, Koda’s sister Miez. As especially Lilly is a really active kitten I had to put up some challenges for them. The door handle is put vertical as Koda can open doors and I have to avoid him upsetting his sister.
Über die Feiertage hüte ich meine ehemaligen Katzen Koda und Lilly
Ich bin vor kurzem umgezogen und habs gerade noch geschafft fertig zu werden bevor Koda (links auf dem Kratzbaum) und Lilly (unter der Couch) zu mir gebracht wurden. Ich muss sie getrennt von meiner Miez (Kodas Schwester) halten, also wars mir wichtig gerade für die äußerst aktive Lilly für ausreichend Auslastung zu sorgen. Der Türgriff ist hochgestellt da Koda sie sonst öffnen und Miez ärgern würde.
At first they inspected the surroundings below. Lilly is clearly the driving factor of Koda’s curiosity. Before this he just kept to his crate/bed.
Zuerst haben sie die tiefer gelegene Umgebung begutachtet. Klarer Fall, Lilly regt Kodas Neugierde stark an. Vorher war er fast nur im Katzenkorb/-bett aufzufinden.
Their “sister” Pünktchen is not joining them here as she was just neutered and they didn’t want to give her away while she is still healing. Here she is in the cat tree I built for Koda and Lilly as a parting gift.
Ihre “Schwester” Pünktchen ist nicht dabei, da sie erst kastriert wurde und sie sie nicht hergeben wollten bevor alles verheilt ist. Hier ist sie im Kratzbaum, den ich fûr Koda und Lilly zum Abschied gebaut habe.
Koda was the first one up there but she soon joined him to be the first to inspect everything.
Koda war als erster oben aber Lilly ließ sich nicht lange bitten und wollte dann die erste sein die alles inspiziert.
Koda isn’t as good a jumper as Lilly is. He had an accident when he was young and now at the age of eleven his hip won’t work as well as it once did.
Koda kann nicht so gut wie Lilly hüpfen. Er hatte nen Unfall als er sehr jung war und nun im Alter von elf Jahren mag seine Hüfte nicht mehr so wie er es gerne hätte.
So he tried to come to her the other way around. However she quickly saw through his plan and herself came the other way round.
Daher entschied er sich anders rum zu ihr zu kommen. Das hat sie schnell durchschaut und ist selber zurück und zu ihm.
This is so cool!!!
How is miez handling the changes? Do they know they’re there?
When the others aren’t roaming about I let her into the living room to snoop around. She quickly snooped out who was on the other side of the door though and she won’t enter the room again. She is not amused. However she knows she has the rest of the apartment to herself.
He always behaves like a total dick towards her.
Hahaha that’s so funny. Is it always koda that instigates or is miez equally guilty?
Miez is always trying to get as far away from him as possible. Koda on the other hand has always been bitchy. Lilly somehow got really hardened and doesn’t give a shit, and constantly stirs shit with him.
naughty koda
Oh yeah. Last time Koda and Miez saw each other, they had not seen each other for over a year. Miez was interested and sniffling, approaching him. What did the idiot do? BAMM slapped her right in the face.
Hes so mean😭
Does he get along with other cats?
Oh yeah. He has been a healer for Lilly. She was a really scared kitty when I added her to my family, even hurting herself due to a nervous issue. She would hiss at everyone and hide all the time. Guess she was very impressed by him nonchalantly walking past her. After a few weeks she began strolling after him and finally went to full cuddle mode, see the last pics in this album: https://imgur.com/gallery/WLP5OXS