“I can’t have ADHD. I can sit still for a very long time.”
Literally my parents. And teachers. I was “such a quiet kid” who did well in school. Never mind the fact that I would chatter to my parents and brother to the point where they’d actually get rather upset with me interrupting everything.
Turns out I excelled on tests solely because it was quiet. The doodling and daydreaming I did managed to keep just enough information flowing into my brain that when it came to tests, I just worked through them like puzzles.
I remember classes after I started taking Ritalin in highschool. Holy crap. I actually remembered learning. It was incredible. I didn’t have to figure out things on my own. Tests were even easier because I had the answers beforehand.
Meanwhile I’m trying to get diagnosed as an adult but because I got good grades as a kid and didn’t actively commit crimes all the time I’m being told that it’s impossible that I have ADHD
It’s so frustrating
didn’t actively commit crimes all the time
nah my friend you “didn’t get caught” next time they ask.
Yep, I have a successful career and had… Ehh ok grades and I graduated college and everything.
The problem was I was basically in overdrive all the time and miserable just to get everything done.
I finally got a diagnosis. It’s a lot easier than in the past. They tested me years ago and basically said I am very intelligent I’m just lazy.
Getting meds has been a challenge though. Not sure when that will happen for me…
I was told over the phone that my job was too difficult for me to have ADHD. Shit clinic. They even billed me for a bunch of overtime and fees that of course insurance denied coverage on. I got a much better, and cheaper, second opinion and was evaluated top 7% for ADHD symptoms.
An ADHD diagnosis as an adult is hard. If it’s impacting work (which if you have ADHD I don’t see how it couldn’t), your best bet is starting off with a licensed therapist. They can at least help you get things started, and help get you a recommendation to a psychiatrist. If the current clamp down on ADHD meds is any indication, it probably will have to be a specialized psychiatrist to get you diagnosed.
One of the things about ADHD is that the symptoms are life long, so there would be some indication that you had it as a kid. Your parents and siblings or close cousins are your best bet on that. You don’t want to fish for the information, but get a general idea of what they know. It will help in your diagnosis, or at least get you into testing.
Really feeling myself seen in this. I didn’t get diagnosed until this year and I’m 41. I did texts just like you and I excelled at school until college hit me like a brick wall. Puzzling through tests got a lot harder when you have to write answers that demonstrate your knowledge of the material I never read. I would procrastinate so hard that I would set an alarm for 3AM the day a paper was due at 9AM and write it in those six hours.
BUT, that skill of working through tests like a puzzle is a good one to have. I’ve never heard it put that way but you’re exactly right in calling it like that.
Right now there’s no regular work in my job, but you can go online and take classes from the parent company and get paid. I picked one that I will literally never have to know anything about, which was estimated at 8 hours. I skimmed the material for half an hour then puzzled through the four tests in half an hour. One hour for eight hours pay. Yeah I can do that.
Heh, one of the other things I’ve gotten really good at since I was a kid is describing what it’s like in my mind.
One of the best ones recently was a spiderweb. Every thought is connected to every other thought. Even on my meds, I’m capable of connecting extremely dissimilar things - the ocean and blueberries are linked because of the color blue. The difference is on my meds I can choose the strand of the web to follow, rather than diverge from talking about the ocean to talking about fruits.
adhd gang
No is the brain booting up
big ol’ bowl of reboot loops every morning, and then randomly during the day.
What’s wild is that it’s anything but quiet up there.
I get quiet sometimes, but I never know if that’s because they thoughts stop talking, or if I’m just taking off my headphones and not listening.
at some point my brain decided I needed a soundtrack, so at least my inner chatter is usually music. i feel very fortunate.
Do you get full tracks, or the same 5-15s of a single song for weeks until it changes to the next one?
usually full tracks. I’m not immune to the occasional earworm, but I’ve got a lot of music up there.
Lucky, I’m listening to a CD player in the back of a school bus going down an unpaved country road. Doesn’t really matter how many tracks are available…
I thought this just meant I was an NPC and there wasn’t anything I needed to be doing that would eventually impact the Main Character. er… which one of us is the Main Character, btw?
I got a lot of thoughts, takes over the whole machine sometimes
never felt so seen by a shiitpost
This is why I need familiar music playing when I’m getting ready. I have no clue how much time is passing but I can intuit it based on part of the album I’m on.
Really? I should try this.
Totally, it’s been my strategy for as long as it’s been possible. I’m pretty in tune with my library and music is ever-present in my subconscious so it’s a perfect for me. YMMV.
I do this too! I otherwise don’t listed to music at all, but when I need to be somewhere, it’s the best way to keep track of time
I time my showers like that. Average 7 minutes
7 minutes!? But it’s so warm in there and so cold out here.
7 minutes is more than enough time to get clean. If you want more time get a tub to soak in
Nice! Habit forming routine!
On work days, I have a routine that I knock out that takes about an hour. And when I’m finished, i do so much that I’m ready to tackle surprises. On days off, everything falls apart.
This is normal, it just means your controller is afk
Oh thank fuck I was worried I broke or something
He’s gone down to the newsagents to find a strategy guide magazine
Y’all are doing this in the upright position? Try fetal and become a pro.
Just don’t get out of bed for a while every morning. It helps to think about all of the things that are going wrong in the world.
I have such a hard time when I need to stop doing one thing and start doing another, especially when that requires traveling somewhere. This gets me in trouble fairly often.
For real. It’s so annoying. I’ll waste more time by procrastinating than it actually takes to do the thing. Every switch costs so much energy
You ever think about how often you’re doing stuff for other people who wouldn’t do a damn thing for you ever?
Now, never because I no longer keep people like that in my life.
Now, never because I no longer keep people. ̶l̶i̶k̶e̶ ̶t̶h̶a̶t̶ in my life.
But what if you tell yourself they would despite all signs to the contrary?
Oh yeah stop doing that. I stopped that years ago and it’s great.
I was on the receiving end. I have a friend who for two years, would message me about hot sauce and send me photos of hot sauces he’s tried out. Probably like 20 images He sent me a box of hot sauce when he came over one time.
I do not share the passion with him at all and he did not take it well when I let him know that.
I do this in public a lot.
Yeah reformatting takes time
Almost 1000 upvotes. My mom sent me this, I think she got it from facebook.
Staring at the wall replaces the need for a coffee fr