Cringe use of words
Would be fun if one of the victims of that judge were to literally body slam Biden, though. Hypothetically.
Biden didn’t actually intentionally pardon him, Biden signed off on a broad commutation/pardon for many nonviolent crimes who have had good behavior.
President Biden is commuting the sentences of nearly 1,500 people who were released from prison and placed on home confinement during the coronavirus pandemic and is pardoning 39 Americans convicted of nonviolent crimes. It’s the largest single-day act of clemency in modern history.
This particular judge just happened to qualify by chance. Some kids in similar situations might have also been eligible for the same type of pardon.
Not a defense of Biden, bit maybe this is why?
Buried in the massive list of nearly 1,500 people
You are correct. They hatched a plan to grant clemency to a slew of people who were convicted of non-violent crimes that were switched to home confinement during the pandemic and who kept their noses clean since then. So a bunch of people who tended to skew older and committed financial crimes. No one thought to look at the details, I guess, so he pardoned some people he probably shouldn’t have.
Frankly, what’s done is done. He needs to now pardon all the kids who were convicted by this asshole and his partner, because they are the ones who really deserve it.
I don’t think he can. This is a former county judge who oversaw state cases. It would require the governor and/or state AG to pardon those kids. I actually think there was a commission set up specifically for that purposes, which led to hundreds of vacated convictions and a class action lawsuit that recovered millions in damages.
Ah, you are right. I saw a recent article about the parents of some of those kids who were pissed off and I misremembered the article. I thought that the parents were seeking clemency for their kids. What they actually said in the article was that they wanted “to see the ‘same kind of compassion and mercy’ extended to juvenile defendants around the country.” Which is not something Biden could do anyway because, as you say, those were state level courts/charges.
It always reminds me of the West Wing episode where the commutation lawyer asks if the president is looking for “packing peanuts.” Like, does he have a buddy that needs their sentence commuted and wants a smokescreen for the move.
I believe it was a blanket pardon for a certain class of offense.
Did anyone sneak Snowden into that list?
Yep it’s basic Hanlon’s razor. But plenty won’t care to engage their brains. It’s just another reason for them to crucify him.
Which is like if you guys are this upset about what Biden did. You do realize that the person coming into office after him literally sold pardons for money. To some of the worst people you’ll ever know. Oh? Not a peep?
What Trump does doesn’t justify or defend Mistakes by Biden. But it really is telling that Biden is disproportionately getting raked over the coals.
you guys are this upset about what Biden did. You do realize that the person coming into office after him literally sold pardons or money. To some of the worst people you’ll ever know. Oh? Not a peep?
Eldritch, always here with the nonsense distraction attempt for Biden and/or genocide and low standards for dem leaders. “Sure I killed 3 kids your honor, but what about that other guy? He killed 4! so why am I even here in court?”
So eldritch, once again, we dont judge ourselves as doing fine if we stay slightly above the worst level of what some other side is doing. Your point is nonsensical. It amounts to a self defense of meaningless and braindead centrism, doesnt it.
I literally said it’s not a defense of him. Just pointed out that it’s odd that so many are so seemingly upset. At what specifically a lame duck outgoing president did. By mass pardoning a group of people. Which included someone it shouldn’t have. Likely not by Biden’s inclusion. And you felt so personally called out by it. That you did nothing but project and put words I never said into my mouth. Funny that. Some advice for the future comrade. You’ll have much more fruitful discussions if you engage with what people actually say. Instead of trying to make up things to get offended at. That’s ultimately my point and you proved it. Thank you very much friend.
You’re like this in all of your many many comments.
You backpedal with a “I just X”. or trying to pretend everyone misunderstood what you obviously said.You ALWAYS run interference for Biden and genocide with the same tired “But Trump is worse” and “Biden probably didnt do X on purpose” drivel. Its always the main point of your comment: “what about Trump.”
You throw in a tired ad-hom, like this time calling me “comrade”. or sometimes its “kiddo” or “uninformed” or “uneducated”.
And you clutch your pearls and claim its personal.
*le sigh.
There a significant difference between having a perspective on the bigger picture versus “defending” one aspect of it. The person you’re attacking stated they weren’t defending Biden because it’s obviously wrong, but they were pointing out that in the larger scheme of things it’s comparatively SOP or even small peanuts compared to other similar wrongs committed by other people in the same position.
I’m quite disgusted with the Biden administration’s handling of Netanyahu myself, but that doesn’t mean the answer is to replace it with someone with an even worse human rights track record.
Why do you bring up replacement in this conversation? pushing for better leadership within the party doesnt equate to boosting Trump. We’re supposed to have our own standards, not only exist as some foil to the far right. Thats exactly how we all lost in the last election.
Because the community is called “Politics,” not “The Democratic Party.” We can talk about both here.
But it really is telling that Biden is disproportionately getting raked over the coals.
All it tells you is we expect Trump to be shit, and know he doesn’t care if we call him out on it
Sooooo tired of people pretending that isn’t obvious
All it tells you is we expect Trump to be shit, and know he doesn’t care if we call him out on it
Why does it matter if he cares or not? Because I have a news flash for you. Biden doesn’t care either. So why are you making an exception to your own rule?
Plenty of career criminals know that committing crimes could send them to prison. But they don’t care. Why do we send them to prison? There’s a whole bunch of irrational inconsistencies your stance opens up.
But honestly the most personally damning one with regards to people like yourself. Is you were so adamant at calling out Biden. Without a peep as to Trump etc. Plenty of uninformed uneducated people saw it. And then saw him as the better option.
Because I have a news flash for you. Biden doesn’t care either
No shit? Not a news flash for me, bud. The rest of the Democrats absolutely do care, unlike the Republicans and trump
So why are you making an exception to your own rule?
I’m not, as stated: we already know he’s garbage. I know I gave 2 whole reasons and it’s hard to keep that many thoughts in your head but I believe in you
There’s a whole bunch of irrational inconsistencies your stance opens up.
Lol, if you ignore half of what I said, absolutely!
But honestly the most personally damning one with regards to people like yourself. Is you were so adamant at calling out Biden. Without a peep as to Trump
Lol, I absolutely peeped about Trump, dipshit, don’t assume shit or you’ll look even stupider
Plenty of uninformed uneducated people saw it. And then saw him as the better option.
Blame the idiots who voted for him and the millions of people who chose not to vote against him this time around, not the people posting on Lemmy to people who already know how bad Trump is
No shit? Not a news flash for me, bud. The rest of the Democrats absolutely do care, unlike the Republicans and trump
Whoa whoa whoa come back here with those goal posts friend. You’ll hurt yourself running that fast. I hate to point it out to you. Okay maybe that’s an exaggeration. That ghoul Liz Cheney carried enough to campaign for the opposition. And if a republican that objectively horrible cared. I assure you plenty of other Republicans cared too. Yes some of them had ulterior motives. Though I can at least say this for them. Their motives are much more consistent and clear than yours.
Screeching butt hurt noises after having their argument logically dismantled.
Love you too kiddo. Love you too. Just got enough to continue taking your bait. Good day.
come back here with those goal posts friend
Nothing was moved, for fucks sake you can’t actually be that stupid.
Their motives are much more consistent and clear than yours.
Probably because you keep failing to read what was said and making (bad) assumptions about me. Which is a you problem
If you’re too stupid to get why people who are acutely aware of how shit the next guy will be criticize the current guy and not him, that’s on you
golf clap
the only stuff worth reading out of all that back and forth with this guy were your responses back at him.
He’s the bane of lemmy’s existsence and I dont understand why I have never blocked him yet. Let me take care of that right now.
“Blocked Eldritch”
ahhhhhhhhhhh. yeah.
It’s just another reason for them to crucify him.
It’s not too much to ask that the POTUS considers the details of actions they take before taking them. Hell, this is one of the many criticisms people correctly make of Trump. It’s also not too much to expect other politicians take their jobs more seriously than Trump does, or for other politicians to be better than Trump in general (especially when that is literally all that they promise us).
No, its not. But that was never my supposition. All I was asking. Was for people who were breathlessly repeatedly posting and complaining about such actions from Biden take equal and appropriate responses towards his opponents. Is that too much to ask? Apparently yes. Yes it is.
Is it too much to ask people to consider the likely knock on effects other actions? Absolutely going by popular sentiments around here lol. Is it too much to ask for Democratic party to actually really look at what happened and reevaluate things? Indubitably. Is it too much to ask those e nomine on the left to do similar? You better believe it.
I’m not asking anyone to not criticize Biden. I’m just wondering where all this enthusiasm and energy was when it came to trying to make sure the other bad guy didn’t get elected.
I’m just wondering where all this enthusiasm and energy was when it came to trying to make sure the other bad guy didn’t get elected.
Probably because around 99% of the people using Lemmy already know that Trump is worse, so complaining about it feels irrelevant and like a waste of time. What does it accomplish when everyone already agrees?
When people here complain about the amount of Biden-bashing from leftists, now that actually accomplishes something. What that does is give people who are debating between voting blue, voting third party, or not voting at all (and there are a lot of those people around here) the impression that dedicated Democrat voters don’t care what Democrats do as long as Trump does something worse. This promotes the idea that “both sides are the same” and discourages people from voting blue.
Downvoted for “slammed”
And welcome to the JAM
Yeah I hope he’s OK. He’s pretty elderly and someone picking him up and slamming him onto the ground can’t be good for him.
Oh this is just lazy journalism? Never mind.
Are journalists not allowed to use metaphors?
Metaphors convey meaning. “Slammed” is meaningless.
nope we slammed 'em
I think at this point Biden doesn’t give a flying fuck. His political career is coming to a close and he can retire.
You are correct, it’s clear he doesn’t care. It’s just a shame that the mask-off, nothing to lose Biden still bends over backwards to help Israel commit genocide, commutes this sentence in particular, and pardons his own son while doing nothing that the average American could consider helpful. Mask-off Biden really sucks.
I don’t understand why people think he would react any other way. He has always been a Zionist and his views have not changed. Not that as President he has much choice not to cave the desire of allies and the pressure of the military industrial complex.
I do wish he at least showed some backbone about Israel’s genocide, but honestly the US has a historical background to f not giving a fuck. Do people not remember all the atrocities that the US committed in Iraq/Afghanistan under Bush?
Yeah… :(
Maybe, and hear me out here, maybe it wasn’t a great idea to treat a president as king with no way to reign in their power other than waiting until the next election cycle.
There are multiple ways to reign in a president.
If politicians are unwilling to take any of those ways, then it’s not only the president lacking accountability.
He should also be “dragged” and “condemned”.
Before he’s tried for abetting genocide. He violated numerous laws. Leahy for starters.
Asshole for letting that corrupt piece of shit get out early. That judge caused irreparable harm.
I don’t disagree, but there were 1,500 people on that list, and everyone’s acting like Biden himself personally reviewed every one of them. It’s more likely to me that someone on his staff fucked up - or more likely was paid to sneak one in - than the idea that he himself added said judge knowingly.
I’ll amend my statement: Asshole for not paying closer attention.
He ain’t the what any sane person would like, but in a crowded market of shitty politicians to choose from, he could be far worse - as many believe (myself included) we’re about to find out.
Regardless, 1,500 people is a LOT to review the backgrounds of - especially with the time he has left. I don’t think we should be surprised a few bad apples made it through the review process, and I’d rather risk that than those who actually were deserving of it not get theirs as well.
TL;DR: I don’t think an understandably rushed process makes him any more of an imperfect human being than he already was. I’m not happy with some decisions he’s made, but on the whole he’s been no worse than the average.
He didnt need to rush it. Lets say a blanket statement on people who got arrested for weed, or committed crime against the state would have been easier to manage vs someone harmed someone else.
Also the list could have been drafted a while back, but it was clear he doesn’t care.
I Personally believe there is no redeeming for someone seeing the genocide in Gaza and can save millions of lives and choses not to do so. And if he doesn’t value the lives of kids and children, he doesn’t care for low class citizen if the united states as well because he lack the humanity to do so.
From my understanding, this was a “blanket” release of those who fit certain non-violent criminal charges. Nothing in this world is perfect. Nothing.
Had 4 years to do it
Oh, grow up. It’s unlikely that was anywhere near the top of his priority list upon entering office with a once-in-a-lifetime pandemic raging.
Grow up, he’s the head of the executive branch and could’ve assigned an intern 4 years ago and gotten good enough results without letting a corrupt judge go.
Hindsight is always 20-20, and you’re an asshole to think you’re justified in taking advantage of that to hold someone up to a level of perfection through that lens - one that I’m quite certain you wouldn’t qualify for either.
Again, grow up & GTF over yourself.
You are very problematic
So you saying, rapist, killers, and maybe drug and human traffickers might be on the list as well?
Anything’s possible. The bulk should be okay. I’d rather allow some criminals out than continue to jail those who don’t deserve it - which would make up the vast majority of those people.
What’s kids for cash? Sounds like the name of a child sex trafficking ring
Judge got kick backs for sending teens to jail, even for the most minor offense that would normally warrant a warning.
For some reason, the kars4kids jingle played in my head.
1-877 kids for cash
K-I-D-S kids for cash
1-877 kids for cash
convict your kids today
That’s basically what it was. But prison.
That’s shitty. That Judge is an asshole.
In a few months y’all be praying for the normalcy that was Biden.
And? Does this mean he is immune to criticism because he’s not Trump? This is a pretty big fuckup, even if it’s an accident.
Does this mean he is immune to criticism because he’s not Trump?
According to the Dem leadership, campaign strategists, and every “Blue No Matter Who” automaton?
Yes. That’s exactly what everything means. About both him and his politically identical VP.
It just means we didn’t want orange Hitler act 2. Ds aren’t good but they’re objectively better than any R. I do what I want in the primary then what I must in the general. If you can’t get behind that well… here’s 2025 hope one of y’all can shelter me when the new gestapo comes around.
It just means we didn’t want orange Hitler act 2. Ds aren’t good but they’re objectively better than any R. I do what I want in the primary then what I must in the general
No, that part is self evident. Everyone sane and not the victim of intense brainwashing agrees on that.
Where we differ is your false framing.
To pretend that you either support one side unconditionally and never criticize ANYTHING about it no matter what or you’re on the other side is absolute lunacy. That or deliberate gaslighting.
If you can’t get behind that well
Again with that stupid false dichotomy strawman combo 🤦
Arrogance and obstinate refusal to listen like that from the Dem leadership and obsequious serfs like you is how the fascists won.
Ah the part where you pretend screaming GeNoCiDe for a year and pretended Trump being worse was irrelevant had no effect on elections. I’m sure that of the record number who stayed home, none did it because of the GeNoCiDe frauds.
screaming GeNoCiDe for a year
Yeah, because being at all critical about active complicity in the worst crimes against humanity possible is the same as advocating for fascism! 🤦
and pretended Trump being worse was irrelevant
Yet another strawman. I did no such thing at any point.
I’m sure that of the record number who stayed home, none did it because of the GeNoCiDe frauds.
And I’m equally sure that nobody stayed home because even the lesser evil refused to listen to the vast majority of the people they’re supposed to represent. That’s not at ALL something that could suppress voter participation! 🙄
You got what you wanted. Democrats lost.
Yeah, because being at all critical about active complicity in the worst crimes against humanity possible is the same as advocating for fascism!
It’s called marketing. There’s a time and a place for criticism, a close race between bad and worse is not that time, online leftist spaces are not that place. Every leftist voter who chooses to abstain contributes to the fascists’ margin.
And I’m equally sure that nobody stayed home because even the lesser evil refused to listen to the vast majority of the people they’re supposed to represent. That’s not at ALL something that could suppress voter participation
The difference is that you don’t control the DNC’s strategy, you do control your actions.
This getting downvoted can only be explained by emotional fragility
I feel the need to say I completely agree with you. Normally when people quote me I think they are arguing with me idk.
Edit: Tell me why you are downvoting me, you cowards!
Normally when people quote me I think they are arguing with me idk
That’s usually the case here, yeah 🤷 Glad to be the exception today, though 😁
Not really.
Yes, really. That’s how they lost to the most unqualified, dishonest, and mentally unhinged presidential candidate in modern history. Twice.
Sure, that’s what it is, because people said we should vote for Biden instead of hold him to a high standard while ignoring Trump acting like neo-Hitler.
Again with the false dichotomy: it is in fact possible to vote for someone without holding them blameless no matter what they do or don’t do.
You’re not just allowed but REQUIRED to hold the ones meant to represent you to a high standard if you want anything to improve.
“Anything better than Trump is good enough” is not how you end up with people accurately representing the will of the people or even PRETENDING to.
it is in fact possible to vote for someone without holding them blameless no matter what they do or don’t do.
LMAO and yet you started this thread ranting about how if someone ever pushed back on you, it means they are fully intolerant of ANY criticism of ANY Democrat, ever.
Nah, I’ll continue to fight for something better
Conservative media won’t shut up about a non-story of Biden reducing a man’s sentence from 17 to 15.
Meanwhile Trump prepares to ruin America