That’s my point, this is real world data, its all garbage, and no amount of LLM rehashing fixes that.
That’s my point, this is real world data, its all garbage, and no amount of LLM rehashing fixes that.
Creatinin in urine was used as a measure of kidney function for literal decades despite African Americans having lower levels despite worse kidneys by other factors. Creatinine level is/was a primary determinant of transplant eligibility. Only a few years ago some hospitals have started to use inulin which is a more race and gender neutral measurement of kidney function.
No algorithm matters if the input isn’t comprehensive enough and cost effective biological testing is not.
And then we decided not to do anything about it. No gun control, no mental health services, no improvement to communities.
Anyone looking at it can see it’s unsustainable, that proportion of spending between mid-rich and poor-mid can only get so much worse before collapse.
All the diseases with vaccines are relatively easy mode. Soon as you take that away all you’ve got is supportive care, which is 1)expensive, 2) limited, 3)doesn’t necessarily stop all the bad stuff.
You assume there will still be real elections. There has still been no investigation of the odd increase in bullet ballots (just president votes) in swing areas. Elon and Musk continue unimpeded while Republicans are avoiding their town halls to speak to it.
They all believe they’ll be the few.
Authoritarians equate fear with respect. Aggressively putting down a riot makes people scared = people respect them. It is the same reason Putin jails critics inhumanely or Kim kills families of defectors in NK. If people lose their fear of them these despots are powerless.
I have not read a Bible beyond Genesis, would appreciate an actual quote rather than just the citation.
God forbid wanting to pursue scientific curiosity and help people.
They get you young and naive enough not much different than the military.
Literally just giving the country an icepick lobotomy.
Biotech has been in a slump for the past few years. Not an easy market for the relatively inexperienced.
Spend 5-7y for PhD getting the shaft ends of being a student and employee that is extremely underpaid then enter the job market still being treated as a replaceable entry-level employee.
Nope, still ~same amount of beer. A us pint is only 16oz which is only 473ml.
Tbf he was crucified by romans of unspecified religion. Also he got better.
Yeah, late 90s early 00s gotta be honest I don’t remember much of the game. I remember enjoying it but whatever happened with Windows XP stopped my CDs from working on newer Windows.
Renaissance looking or not it’s real shit to post someone’s trauma for the world to see. Fuck the camera person and fuck you.
You can do this by either an excel sheet of transactions or by just going off the total payment(s).
The Utah dental association was strongly against it. Dentists already make good money and most of them actually care about their patients health.
Dental health is also strongly correlated with cardiovascular disease and other diseases.
Man, I was hoping so hard that Juumane would get the governorship in 2022. I really don’t think WFP should endorsed her or any “moderate” dem. That race against fucking Zeldin was too close for comfort.
What movie?