I once saw a pigeon swallow a giant fish that was being fed to a seal, and after eating it it literally couldn’t fly anymore
Seals can’t fly to begin with.
Nature’s equivalent to plopping down on the couch and unbuttoning the top button of your pants.
Here we see the illusive billionaire in its natural habitat
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Here we see the illusive pedant in its natural habitat
It’s not pedantry to point out your word choice was so completely wrong. Illusive is descriptive of things that are illusions (a mirage is illusive water); elusive is descriptive of something that is hard to find
“Correcting” someone in a casual setting when they clearly communicated their ideas in a way that was understood by the majority of the audience without issue is pedantry, or more specifically linguistic prescriptivism. If their meaning was unclear you’d ask what they meant to say, when you tell someone what they meant to say you obviously understood them and are just being pedantic.
This is the internet, and I welcome such pedantry.
Okay? If you want to “correct” people who didn’t ask you go ahead, but all you’re really doing is pointlessly derailing conversations. And if you cry about it when people call you out for being a dick that’s more than a little pathetic.
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ignore anus? man i try to
Elusive*, you’ll probably try to correct me and say that you meant “illusive” but that’s not the right use-case for it anyway.
I once watched a shag swallow a huge eel. The eel didn’t want to be swallowed. It took about 15 minutes.
That must have been gripping to watch
a what now
He’s just salty that his break’s so tiny
I mean, birds being birds, they may actually share this with several members of their family still…
Food shaming
Being a bird for a day would be a fuckin trip
Can I haz bird pill?
I read here that you just need to selectively activate your genes.
that’s just to get the feathers…
which isn’t as far fetched as it seems, seeing as how we already get goosebumps
What about crop milk?
fuckin cormorants.
Who actually finds this funny and why?
People who aren’t dead inside, for aforementioned reasons