Because that’s a lot of money that isn’t going to his favorite charities.
Because that’s a lot of money that isn’t going to his favorite charities.
There are 10 types of people in this world, those who understand binary, those who don’t, those who thought this joke was in binary, and those who realize it works for any whole number base.
What are you going to do when they start? Protest?
Not paying taxes would work, but only if everyone did it. So is this how we starve the beast? Then again, I feel like I’m already on a few lists, why not paint a target on my back too?
Cash in, most likely.
This is the internet, and I welcome such pedantry.
Please don’t lump Gen-Xers in with boomers. Why do you think Gen-X got its name? Disillusionment, detachment, loss of identity and purpose. Gen-X didn’t know what was wrong, but they knew enough to know they were left out. Even boomers aren’t to blame – they just have more people in the ownership class right now. If we divide along age and generational lines, the capitalists benefit.
Which is what middle mouse button scrolling is for… horizontally or vertically, and fast, too.
My chance at pedantry! Also, some black bears are brown, and some grizzlies are black. If you live in overlapping territory, it may be easier to know them by shape… but if you’re close enough to discern shape, you’re already in a bad spot.
Get help, Elmo. You’re already red.
We’re not just mining data anymore. Facebook.
deleted by creator
One’s neighbor’s DNA would also work…
The extra e is all about that natural log.
Hardly surprising when American science is bullied into silence by fundamentalists pushing YEC, abstinence, raw milk, vaccine denial, moon landing conspiracy… not to mention capitalists taking subsidies for faster broadband multiple billions of dollars, multiple times, over decades, and pocketing it… gutting science programs & support at the hands of political agenda has consequences.