Sorry, I just don’t think it’s him, different backback straps and pockets where there weren’t any before, this is turning into another Boston bomber misidentification. But this time it’s the NYPD instead of reddit making the mistake
Someone should find that brand of jacket and post it somewhere. I’d buy one and start wearing it around with a gaiter.
I’m Spartacus!
I, too, am Spartacus.
I’d rather not get shot by cops who decide that my wallet is a gun
Also, the jacket cuffs are different.
This “suspect” is a chew toy to distract the public while the NYPD get to the important work of crafting their speech for the next press conference that they cannot find the killer.
Yes, well….you don’t have to be bright or professional or careful as the police.
In fact, it’s discouraged in many states.
Yeah, unless someone saw him change his clothes and backpack I don’t get why he’s being identified as a suspect.
Steal my outfit!
If he gets caught, he should slow roll the trial as looooooong as he can…
… And run for President in 2028 🇺🇸
Felonies and civility don’t matter anymore… clearly. He has a platfom I’d like to hear more of.
Seems to have a face that would look good on a campaign poster.
By being a felon he’s already prequalified to be president. The problem is I don’t think he’s old enough yet, even in 2028.
Their laws are worth less than the paper they’re written on. Fuck em. He’s old enough if he gets enough votes. We’re already letting millions of mentally ill fascists elect criminally corrupt sociopaths.
Oh totally in agreement. But if we pretend for a moment that the law matters (it doesn’t) I don’t think this guy will be 35 in 2028.
This likely isn’t even the guy as others have been pointing out.
Too many clothing mismatches, backpack straps, pockets, different from the shooting site.
The NYPD just needs to arrest… Someone.
A low level owner was targeted and killed by a peasant in one of their centers of power, New York City. That isn’t allowed to stand.
Yeah we should all probably delete all footage from all security cameras just in case.
Eh… probably not even the guy.
They’re just mad he (or she, we cant be sure) got away and are scrambling to find a scapegoat.
Photos of this guy are with a bookbag with black straps. The guy with the bookbag with white straps in the shooting video has a completely different jacket and thin eyebrows vs this guys big bushy ones.
Thisnis the assumption we should all go on, for two reaeons: (1) We don’t want to enable the potential persecution or reprisals for an innocent person, and (2) Who actually wants them to catch the guy anyway?
The criminal was already caught. And executed. Problem solved.
They’re just mad ~~he (or she, we cant be sure)~~they got away
Won’t the nearest black person do? Oh yeah, the high definition cameras.
I bet the boys in blue long for the good old days…
Did they say it was the guy? I thought they were saying he was staying with other people at the hostel and this was someone they wanted to talk to, presumably one of the roommates, but idfk
Is this what a saint looks like?
It’s what a random guy with a coat looks like
A different coat than the one the shooter wore during the act
An angel
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Ah, yes, pre-meditated murder is ok with you.
Ah, yes, zero consequences for building a business off the suffering and death of hundreds of thousands is ok with you.
Surely, surely there’s a middle ground right?
This reminds me of the JFK quote “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.”
It doesn’t seem like a middle ground is possible because those at the top make justice impossible.
Also, other relevant quotes:
When a man is denied the right to live the life he believes in, he has no choice but to become an outlaw.
— Nelson Mandela, Long Walk to Freedom (1994).If the oppressor uses violence, the oppressed have no alternative but to respond violently. In our case it was simply a legitimate form of self-defense.
— Nelson Mandela, Long Walk to Freedom (1994).We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. Sometimes we must interfere.
— Elie Wiesel, Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech (1986)“Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats.”
No there is no middle ground because the wack jobs have moved their side so far from where it should be that ‘middle ground’ is still deep in their fantasy land.
People have had enough. This is just starting.
The middle ground is far behind us.
We can’t afford to be neutral on a moving train.
Now playing Deer Dance by System of a Down
Political action is the middle ground. If the politicians weren’t all bought and paid for.
Life in prison? But seeing as the system is set up to reward not punish these monsters I’m not seeing a lot of options
One dead is the middle ground
They keep moving the bar every time we find middle ground. What do you expect?
Sure, you find it. We’ve had plenty of the zero consequences, so we’re going to putter around in the deleting millionaires and billionaires for a while trying to find that middle ground.
Most people are ok with this yes.
It wasn’t murder, it was an assassination… Of a leader of a company that has delayed the care of millions for paper power. What is one life to many?
His wife said on the news he “enjoyed life.” That claim, however, has been denied.
Sometimes the only way to deal with a murderer is to murder the murderer.
In a better society this wouldn’t be the case, but in a society like ours this is the only way someone like a health insurance ceo will see justice for the horrors he inflicts on people.
This man is an agent of justice. The murderer is dead.
How many people have insurance executives sent to an early grave?
In this case I’m not upset. How many deaths, bankruptcies, and lives ruined are these ghouls responsible for? Save your outrage for them. Just because their crimes are less dramatic doesn’t make them less meaningful
Why do you hate millions of Americans
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Like pouring salt on a leech.
That’s not fair to leeches. They’re just trying to survive.
leeches also have a useful medical purpose, which is a pretty major distinction.
Self defense tbh, but on a societal level
Trolly problem. Pre-meditated murder is justified when it stops premeditated murders
Even less morally complicated, because you aren’t even killing an innocent person
We aren’t talking about the the deceased, but about the one who killed the murderer who benefited from the suffering of others.
In this case I’m ok with it
Totally not the same guy
He goes by Deez Nuts.
Got em
Holy shit that’s Dee? I think I went to school with him back at Ligma University
I met his gf Candice once
This man needs a statue and full presidential pardon NOW
Joe can add him to his streak.
Joe biden is no where near cool enough to do this.
Just tell him it’s one of his son’s good friends. He won’t know the difference.
Pardon requires a conviction first.
No, it doesn’t. It doesn’t even require an accusation first.
This is my understanding too. I just read in the news the last couple of days that Biden was considering handing out preemptive pardons to people like Liz Cheney, etc.
Richard Nixon.
Call every tipline and report the person responsible for this death and many others - That person’s name was Brian Thompson.
Joe biden is also an acceptable option with his active support for genocide
Whatever makes you feel better about your stupid decision last month…
Everyone’s finally getting along and you feel the need to come in and go “bUt WhAt aBouT bIdeN?”. Why?
You’re getting downvoted but it’s true, let’s also not forget that our current moderate Democrats, like the Republicans, like our current healthcare system.
I’m not deleting my comment because I stand by it 100 percent. Joe bidens running away from giving weapons to israel the same way horror movie protagonist run away from the serial killer and yet people act like he’s trying really hard and doesn’t fully support what’s going on. Liberal delusions will never cease to disgust me.
Maybe grow up just a tad.
‘Well you see here I’m a mature real politik sort of guy so I accept genocide because thats the mature thing to do. Those woke kids just don’t get it because they’re not mature like me.’
This is not the devastating argument that you think it is.
Support Israel = Terrorists die with a lot of civilian casualties mixed in thanks to human shield tactics.
Don’t support Israel = Jews get exterminated down to the last man because all of the Arabic countries bordering them openly vow to never stop killing until they’re all gone.
Hmm I wonder why Israel gets support??
Nobody ever mentioned the Jewish religion but you. Really showing your hand there.
Don’t support Israel = Jews get exterminated down to the last man because all of the Arabic countries bordering them openly vow to never stop killing until they’re all gone.
In light what Israel has done, nobody will care when it happens… and some people will react similarly to how working class has reacted about this “CEO” being denied a claim to life lol
Ok dude I’m sick of the “Genocide Joe” sycophants cropping up in unrelated threads all over Lemmy too, but if you’re gonna argue with them, at least try to make some sense.
Don’t support Israel = Jews get exterminated down to the last man because all of the Arabic countries bordering them openly vow to never stop killing until they’re all gone.
Do uh… Do you think every single Jew in existence lives in Israel?
“I got tired of marginally increasing the status quo, so I let orange Hitler take power”
Also, just fuck off outta here.
The spice must flow.
Smiling, shortly before he made at least 49 million more people smile.
I hope he made plans to get to Cuba quickly and then the Snowden way
He could just come to my house and want for nothing, lol. It’d take about 3 weeks but he’d have a new SS#, ID, and quite a bit of cash in his pocket. This dude has the overwhelming majority of the country on his side. If he went to a Trump-hostile nation, I’d imagine they’d also use him as a torture-poke to jab at Trump regularly.
Bro’s got a shit ton of options.
I’m gonna be leaving a glass of warm milk and cookies outside my door in case he needs some dinner. Its accidental! Not aiding or helping in anyway. If he doesn’t drink it I’ll have it in the morning when I remember about it.
Jake Gyllenhaal?
Damn looks young. Godspeed you mad bastard.
Looks handsome. I hope we never learn his name.
When your work speaks for you like this, the name is a red herring.
How many of You have already set this up as their profile picture on social media?
Haha, he looks like a young version of my partner. He’s hot and this makes me realise I definitely have a type.
Kinda looks like Jake gylenhall from this angle.
I get a shaved Luis Suarez vibe, right after biting someone:árez
From what I can gather the disgruntled insurance victim was wearing some of the most generic high end clothing for the new york area. There are so many people running around with similar clothing that they are probably just throwing pictures out there looking for a scapegoat they can destroy.
Doubt, I hope this guy gets away but I believe all the video clips and photos realaed are definitely the guy who pulled the trigger. The police are good at tracking someone down if a rich person gets hurt or killed
Stop spreading misinformation about this beautiful and innocent fella, and if you see them in public, no you didn’t, capiche?
They’re not even wearing the same jacket. One is a hoodie and the other is a military style, zip-up jacket. It takes about 10 seconds to identify 10 differences in their clothing.
You don’t think it’s possible that someone who seems to have gone into decent effort planning this out didn’t bring two jackets?
Wearing one jacket most of the time and the other while you actually are doing the crime seems like a good idea to me.
Why would he choose two different jackets of similar enough style to catch the attention of anyone reviewing security footage? That type of decision doesn’t seem to be one that would be made by someone as obviously competent as the shooter.
That’s a good point but I still don’t think it’s out of the realm of possibilities, I think a lot of things will remain unclear unless he gets caught. Hopefully he never gets caught and this can remain an interesting mystery
You overestimate the cops’ competency. They’re mostly fascist dumbfucks who only manage to have a career because they’re willing to beat or evict all the poor people the department tells them too. They don’t solve many cases in general