Redditors are of course salivating over it
Georgia: We’re holding a referendum on joining the EU. Please select from the following options
President Olaf Scholtz, my country yearns for freedom. Please send in the ECB to liberate my people.
I am a Russian apparatchik. My vote doesn’t count.
Oh my goodness, the election has been rigged by Russian interference. Time to send in the tanks and defeat the Tankies.
it’s amazing how Reddit in 2024 and Reddit in 2014 are exactly the same
Liberalism. Liberalism never changes.
When they’re incapable of personal growth it’s not surprising at all
Is this an actual thing he says? Very funny.
Yes, he says this in the show.
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
Reminder that the Finnish air force had the sw*stika on their flag until 2017!!!
This is also still framed as not the swastika: I and everyone I know have asked the serious adults when we were kids: “Why is there a swastika in the air force flag?”
And we have all gotten the same splain about how it: “AcHuAlly is not the swastika at all, because it is the other way around and has been used here far longer and for other reasons than the nazis used it, so it’s different.”
This is even taught this way in schools. Whatever it takes to keep history buried.
I sometimes struggle to communicate how thoroughly history and all actual events have been disappeared from consciousness here, but this is a good example.
I hate living in America but everything I hear about Finland makes me think I would have lost my mind if I had to grow up there. It’s self-image just seems like such a complete fantasy built on top of such a huge obvious historical bedrock of evil and despair, but you’re considered the childish naive dumbass for refusing to play pretend atop the bones.
The presidential flag STILL has a swastika.
Yeah but they got it before the nazis got it so that makes it totally fine even if it was at the behest of a nazi
The very same nazi who got it adopted by Hitler too. Its really all just
all the way down.
Why should I change it he’s the one who sucks
Hey they weren’t nazis, they only added the swastika at the suggestion of Hermann Goering’s brother-in-law! It’s entirely unrelated!
in a slightly more tolerable timeline, the soviet soldiers shot those grandfathers in the balls, and one less insufferable euro redditor was born
Ffs this Lord of Unseriousness thinks the EU, which Finland joined after we got our shock treatment and neoliberalism in the 90s, is what kept us safe. Amazing EU, keeps you safe also in the past!
How can something be kept a thing when it never was in the first place? That person has very rose tinted knowledge of history.
Well these new color revolutions are the last tools for the dying empire aside from total war. If BRICS manages to counter these then they would move another step towards victory.
Most Libs don’t really care if a color revolution is CIA backed, they think it’s a good thing.
Most burger leftists think nothing ever happens if not for their almighty burger intelligence agency
Revolution and independence movements are only good if they’re to join the West otherwise it’s an evil anti-American movement created by Putin/Xi
January 6th when it’s in periphery country
I was about to say “so the libs would have been cool with Jan 6 if the chuds had been hoisting the EU flag?”
oh wow please some chuds do this, it’d be incredible
I have no idea what’s going on
Just know that reddit supports it. It’s like geopolitics for online people - if reddit likes it, it’s bad
that means… narwhals…
I don’t dispute it being one,but you have to understand there are young people that are that europilled
You don’t understand until you live in a post Warsaw Pact country,but the youth has a sizeable Atlanticist contingent
This is 100% right.
The CIA greases and amplifies, sometimes organizes, but there are many people who honestly believe that the west is a force for capital G Good. They unironically believe that there is a rules based international order led by Western Europe and Washington.
US cultural hegemony is just that strong.
That’s why any sane country would fight NED just as much as the actual CIA.
It’s ridiculous how normalized it is among Eastern European liberals that liberal journalists get invited to US State Department programs. These same people would concoct the wildest kompromat conspiracy theories if a West-critical journo ever visited the Hermitage or the Great Wall on a vacation.
And that’s why there was a ruckus about NGOs in Georgia.
Does NATO have the juice for all these projects? Ukraine, Palestine, Syria, Georgia, and then everything else everywhere else?
i mean they just send money, what’s to lose
Clearly yes. Palestine is a long-running project. All they have to do there is run diplomatic interference. Even if they run out of weapons to send the zionists they can just declare a cease-fire and peace and come back to continuing the genocide in a year or three. Syria has matured proxy forces of islamist pawns so that’s not an issue and Georgia is CIA leading indoctrinated liberals to destroy their country.
As to people claiming they’re going all in. This isn’t anything special, it’s just a lot of things burning at once. Yes they probably pushed the Georgia thing a bit earlier than was ideal but they need to distract Russia and create more trouble there so in it goes. And if they succeed in Georgia and Russia intervenes, you can bet the west will use that as justification for sending their own troops into Ukraine to enforce an armistice. If the color revolution fails (hope it does) they’ll have some other reason.
The west is still extremely dangerous and strong. The world is full of both delusional liberal who will throw themselves and their country on a pyre for “western liberal values” as well as extremist alienated saps who can be sucked into religious/ethnic terrorist movements. And with dominance of the media landscape, dominance of online spaces and major online companies as well as a mature international communications spying and infiltration apparatus in the eyes agreements they have a lot of abilities.
China’s made a lot of smart moves but their best one by far I think was the great firewall.
If they are scared of failure I bet they dismiss it as “better to go down swinging.”
it really is starting to feel like they’re just going all in with all their proxy projects in a gamble to contain China or any sort of alternative hegemony in the world.
Or the fact that a democratically elected neutralist government (by the procedural standards of what “the rules based order” deems democratic) is being violently overthrown by goons
I doubt many rules based order people consider the election democratic, it was widely reported in MSM that there was a ton of vote buying, etc.
The European Union, NATO and the United States have demanded a full investigation into reports of vote-buying, voter intimidation and ballot stuffing raised by monitors from the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) and other bodies.
That’s them doing the color revolution part, it was democratic by the procedural standards they apply to every other election which they like, fraud allegations whether baseless or not don’t usually lead into denying the results.
Do you mean the president of Georgia denying the results? or the US and EU etc.
Both, I don’t think it even needs to be a coordinated thing, if the president is against the incumbent government and throws a fit that’s fine, it’s the fact that the west is legitimating that fit instead of letting things play out that’s the color revolution part.
That makes sense, If I were to guess I don’t think these protests will go anywhere, but we’ll see what happens
Friendly reminder when talking to libs about Georgia:
even the EU thinks Georgia started the war against Russia
“In the Mission’s view, it was Georgia which triggered off the war when it attacked Tskhinvali (in South Ossetia) with heavy artillery on the night of 7 to 8 August 2008,” said Swiss diplomat Heidi Tagliavini, who led the investigation.
The report said the war followed tensions and provocations by Russia, but Tagliavini said: “None of the explanations given by the Georgian authorities in order to provide some form of legal justification for the attack lend it a valid explanation.”
Saakashvili had said Georgia was responding to an invasion by Russian forces when it attacked breakaway South Ossetia, but the report found no evidence of this. It said Russia’s counter-strike was initially legal, but its military response violated international law when Russian forces pushed into Georgia proper. “Although it should be admitted that it is not easy to decide where the line must be drawn, it seems, however, that much of the Russian military action went far beyond the reasonable limits of defense,” the report said.Putin’s vicious anti democratic genocidal land grab given to oligarchsOur glorious not-quite-elected Nazi-supporting coup acceding to western ownership and bought by major investorsam a georgian AMA
this is a really basic questsion, but what do you think of this protest?
it is so very clearly a western-backed attempt at counterrevolution. no other way to put it. the west used their NGOs and people with influence that they installed to organize these protests and to coerce university students to go to the protests.
Is it really the consensus that the election was cheated? What do you think?
it’s just the opposition being salty. even “international observers” cannot claim that the election was stolen. the opposition can’t cope with the fact that their base of support is just a loud minority in the country and that in reality they’re very small.
if you want to get the best info about the elections, i’d recommend giving this thread a read. actually, if you want to stay up to date on Georgia from an anti-imperialist, socialist source, give Sopo Japaridze a follow.
Well we haven’t been able to prove that Snowball sabotaged the windmill project, but
How do you think about trans people? Do you agree with your newly elected government’s stance on lgbt issues?
i’m not a transphobe and i support the existence of trans people and that they have full rights.
i don’t know what you mean by “newly elected”, this government has been in power for a while. anyways, i disagree with their very regressive stance on LGBT issues, but i don’t think a different government will reverse course on this. i support this government for now because they’re taking a somewhat anti-imperialist stance, something Georgia hasn’t seen in decades.
Thanks for the answer
i support this government for now
Even American leftists are more principled than that.
our conditions are different from the conditions in America. in America, both bourgeois parties are on the same side and the same platform. in Georgia, the two sides are the national bourgeoisie, whose interests align with anti imperialism, and the comprador bourgeoisie, whose interests align with the west and who are now staging these protests. it is within the interest of our cause that the national bourgeoisie advance their cause as it is anti-imperialist, and therefore I critically support them. this is not too dissimilar to the critical support for Russia. it is quite dogmatic of you to assume that the conditions everywhere are the same as the United States, and therefore, communists globally must take the same approach everywhere. you have the wrong stance and the wrong approach.
Well since the US and Russia both follow the exact same ideology, you choose to support the neoliberal bourgeoisie over the other neoliberal bourgeoisie, the one that’s openly homo- and transphobic and totalitarian in a sense that even the apparent liberties that one adorns themselves with are abolished. Great critical support and very right stance my dude
The US and Russia are exactly the same? One is openly hostile to proletarian and resistance movements around the world while the other keeps aligning itself with them out of self-interest. Seems pretty different in the context of imperialism.
American leftists are more principled
That’s why I used it as an insult. Learn to read
Reminds me of Hong Kong riots in 2019, just replace the pos EU flag with the pos union jack/US flag.
Give it 3-4 months and they’ll be praising Trump like crazy and libs will chime in with their condescending “they don’t know what they’re saying” shtick they did with Hong Kong.
It’s refreshing to see this here after coming from /r/Polska and seeing them bootlick so hard