Must have been done before, right?
The internet was made for us to share cats!
No the memes are gettin self-referential too quickly for me because i need even more cat pics.
I will add a cat pic because this post does not have one and by gaw it will
Where i need links
.world :(
but cats…
why do you hate .world?
I’m interested mainly in politics on lemmy, and people coming from .world with some exceptions tend to have really dogshit political takes.
Politics are a huge part of Lemmy in general, and is overwhelmingly bad with that respect.
They have a ton of liberals who bootlick the government, love corporations, and call anyone left of Reagan a “Tankie”
Cats and Star Trek. I will continue the fight for Babylon 5 tho
Our last, best hope.
“The Babylon project was our last, best hope for peace. It failed. bum bum bah In the year of the Shadow War it became something greater; our last best hope for victory.”
Edit; I’m actually doing a rewatch now and nearing the end of Season 4. I already miss Season 3. Although nothing beats “Drazi: Captain, we’re sorry we thought you were dead. Sheridan: I was, I’m better now.”
It’s right about time for yet another rewatch, too.
It remains topical to this day. Appeasement and other historical references just keep repeating ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Who are you?
What do you want?
Why are you here?
Where are you going?
Do you have anything worth living for?
Fun fact you might already know! Lorien’s actor did a lot of work on B5 as aliens. His human appearance was Sebastian (remembered only as Jack)
The universe began with a word. But which came first: the word or the thought behind the word?
He’s so damn good! The makeup is just 👩🏼🍳😙👌🏼 I have a mighty need for a rewatch!
I rewatch fairly often 😅 especially when I’m indoctrinating someone close to me to the series haha. I was born when it premiered and watched it when young. I live vicariously through newcomers reactions to plot reveals.
It’s one of those shows that gets better and better upon rewatching as there are references to upcoming events if you know what to look for.
I just need to buy the DVD set tbh, last I watched it was yearssss ago 😭 but I’m proud of myself for remember the questions haha
There’s so much foreshadowing! Fuck, off I go to get the set haha
I’ve bought the series multiple times over 🫠 the dvds are great though for the commentary. There are some actor commentaries and some from JMS. Also the outtakes for each season are wonderful; I still reference them to this day haha
Where’s all the lemmings damn it
Where? I don’t see any cats in my feed and I feel like I’m missing out
Same, zero cats.
Beehaw defederated from a bunch of instances, maybe you’re not federated with the one people are posting to
They’re all in the cats community if you aren’t subscribed prob won’t see em
Yeah, beehaw defederated from, home of !
Imagine defederating from an instance with the cat picture community
Fair enough, I forgot other people still federate with .world
And I’m ok with it
yeah, i had to unsubscribe from !cats because 80% of my feed was cats
Same for me, which strikes me as a fundamental problem with the platform that once one community blows up it drowns out the others
Could do with some balancing algorithm that soft caps the ratio of posts from a single community that get shown on any given page
Yup, that’s what I thought scaled sorting does
All the more reason to make more posts in other instances to flood the feeds with more diversity.
Why does the one astronaut have the flag of Ohio on the shoulder?
Ngl I thought all the stars were the eyes of black cats at first
What happened exactly?
Lemmy is basically: Cats, Star Trek, Politics, and Linux. Occasionally it has a few other subjects pop up like wizard posting (pondering the orb), me personally I hope that Lemmy has a massive wave of alienposting.
Ok I thought that was only me