I’d say Super Mario Bros. Single handedly revived the video game industry. He’s more recognizable than Bugs Bunny, Mickey Mouse, and Winnie the Pooh.
I’d say Super Mario Bros. Single handedly revived the video game industry. He’s more recognizable than Bugs Bunny, Mickey Mouse, and Winnie the Pooh.
Crypto. I didn’t spent a ton, but I didn’t make a ton either. I’m net up now but it’s so stupid.
I made 2K on Doge a few years ago, but ever since I’m just sitting on it. It’s not a loss unless you sell.
I love that this is possible. I wonder if something is possible for Project 06. I’ve heard it fixes a lot of the game and makes it playable. Dunno if they can help with the story though.
Well that’s a bit of a cold outlook.
Microsoft needs to merge their ecosystems and make the Xbox a PC Game console for your tv. I shouldn’t own 2 different units that have Microsoft operating systems that can’t use the same software in 2025. Xboxes should be PCs that run Xbox games. Make a forked version of Windows that’s TV friendly and have the ability to “boot” into a version of Windows that users can run their own PC games on.
I understand how tricky that can be for piracy and whatnot, but there’s gotta be a better way by now. At the very least, Xbox should include Steam/Epic games integration.
Apparently he was always a creep.
Sooooo just like the regular US Prison system.
Maybe cause the “crisis” was over inflated to begin with? Also cause people generally don’t like this idea in practice.
Don’t threaten me with a good time.
Watergate was a really big deal. By all accounts, it still technically is. It’s pretty blatant corruption and was cartoonishly executed. That said, what’s happening now is under the guise of “making America greater.”
The players are equally cartoonish goons (Anthony Scaramucci? Guilliani? Steve Bannon? His entire administration was toon town) but Trump is slimier than Nixon and is great at getting people to do his bidding for access. The deluge of news and control of the narrative they have has greatly played into their hand. They figured out how to rig the modern media machine. Nixon could never have done that.
You could tell the moment the “mysterious” charges came in he was waiting for Daddy trump to take the throne so he could kiss the ring and make it all go away.
I feel like Adams is so stupid and overly confident about himself that he thinks this could parlay great into a presidential run in 4/8 years.
Adams is a textbook definition crooked politician. He’s a thin skinned whiney bitch who thinks he knows best and can’t lose. I fear he’s going to somehow rig the mayoral election.
A lot of people are mad. A lot of people are tired. A lot of people have lost hope. A lot of people feel betrayed. A lot of people see no path for change. A lot of people want to just be left alone.
To me that’s what this is really about. I’m so tired of having to be so actively(or passively) involved with politics and have the “party” I support constantly drop the ball. It’s so incredibly exhausting putting this much mental wherewithal into people and ideas that are just tossed aside.
I feel like everything is turning to shit so fast and “this is what people wanted” cause they supposedly voted for him; but I feel like the time to really rally and strike isn’t here yet.
It still feels like everyone is getting their bearings and figuring it out. You can see people are starting to plan. It’s clear we can’t just REACT. There needs to be clear plans and action to stop this and prevent it from happening again.
I think a lot of people are very angry, but we need to focus and formulate a proper way to retaliate.
Nothing. That’s the problem. Democrats are so afraid to play an opposition party cause it will negatively affect party leadership and top donors. They want the status quo and are more than likely benefiting from the Trump regime in many ways.
Make no bones about it: top Democrats have been complacent with a hostile takeover of the US government because it is benefiting them.
Progressive Democrats and party newcomers are seeing this reality. They tried to play the game for a bit but got burned like Bernie did. Some democrats are finally growing a backbone to stand up against geriatric party leadership.
This is one of the single biggest changes we can make to our current electoral system.
Should’ve done this in 2021. This could’ve changed the 2024 election entirely.
You’re not wrong, but Quake Arena was good. Maybe not even F2P, but dedicated multiplayer chaos.
I think the 2016 approach was almost there. They outsourced the multiplayer so they could focus on the campaign, however there was a disconnect between the teams. I think now would be a good time to revisit that idea and take the spirit of dark ages and put it into a separate live service.
Hell maybe that’s the answer: Doom: Death Match. A free to play online shooter that mimics aspects of the classic games. If it’s done with care and love it could be a hit. That could be the next Doom “product” after dark ages.
It does look like hella fun, but I’m still pretty pissed about what they did to Mick. They seemed to have hired an outside “firm” to handle the music so it’s probably going to be very impersonal. It’s really a shame cause Doom 2016 was such an excellent work of art that perfectly modernized a classic.
Conversely, Doom Eternal was an insanely well crafted love letter to Doom as an IP that pushed the boundaries of the run and gun gameplay of Doom.
I do like the direction of Dark Ages tank-like heavy strafe style, but I feel like it might lose some of the magic if they change too much of the sauce.
Lacking multiplayer is a big shot in the foot. This could’ve been the game to revitalize the multiplayer aspect of Doom. Eternal’s was trash and 2016 was fine but was way too disconnected from the core game to be memorable. It’s a damn shame they just threw their hands in the air. Classic Doom Multiplayer is completely unmatched and as great as the Night Dive remasters are, it’s not the same as ladder matches back in the day.
I’d argue they’re “less worse” but the fact remains that no one becomes a billionaire without exploitation. Bill Gates owned a monopoly and I’m honestly not sure what Mark Cuban did. At some point and time you must exploit a system and it’s people to amass that much wealth.
Curious how many people who downvoted my initial comment have ever worked in NYC and had to deal with either driving or taking public transit.
I know the point is to raise funds to improve it, but based on my city’s track record , they don’t ever divest it into things that make a difference in the public transit. Instead they do things like: embezzle (Adam’s is indicted btw) or add more cops, or change the turnstiles, but they don’t fix the issues with our systems.
They’re still filthy and run like ass and they JUST raised priced for the 3rd time in 5 years.
I actually support the idea of people driving less in cities and getting the cars out of manhattan for the most part, I just know how poorly this city is run currently and how badly this will go.
This is literally the only thing that could turn the tide on trump. Fuck with people’s money and they will find a way to gut you.