stuff like “Well you call them the scum of the earth, why wouldnt they hate you”

Why are parts of the left like this? Seemingly caring more about courting the psychopath incel who wants a white ethnostate rather than stand in solidarity and antiracism with POC?

i always get disgusted and disillusioned when i come upon it

  • frauddogg [null/void, undecided]
    4 months ago

    Why are parts of the left like this? Seemingly caring more about courting the psychopath incel who wants a white ethnostate rather than stand in solidarity and antiracism with POC?

    Because crackers, ‘progressive’ or regressive, will always bear water and run defense for white supremacy before they ever consider liberating the subjects of empire that they feel entitled to camaraderie from and companionship with. It never fails. It’s the same root from which springs the perennial “we don’t have a race issue in Amerika, just a class issue” out of radlibs and anarchists, it’s the same root from which springs the “well he was no angel, clearly he deserved it” out of the copsuckers and conservatives.

    Crackers will always close ranks around their own before they ever think about reparating or restituting. “Leftists” like Amber are exactly why I don’t trust the white left, and only organize with Black formations and organizations anymore.