Second biggest individual doner for trump… Interesting.
Damn I could go for some doner
Yeah a döner would be cool.
I thought amaybe she a doner the most thingsa for Donna’ Trump. Wahou?
I’ve got a böner for döner
Reminds me of Dolores Umbridge. Why do they all remind me of Dolores Umbridge?
Because despite the fact that Voldy was Harry’s nemesis via prophecy, Umbridge was everyone’s nemesis. Just out of spite.
She was worse.
Imelda Staunton did an amazing job of playing such a vile character. She really nailed the lawful evil nature from source material.
She plays vile so incredibly well. I think it was Gypsy that I had to turn off and take a break from, as she was so horrible (the character, not the acting).
They are on track to bankrupt The Onion
That’s their game plan to prevent the Onion from purchasing the infowars domain
How long is the education secretary gonna be there if we’re getting rid of the department of education?
Let’s make bets on how many rounds!
Well, the department of energy is still around.
Since literally everything in the government seems to be getting dismantled, what companies are going to pick up the pieces for these sectors? If we are drowning in a sinking ship we can at least invest in a life boat to buy eggs with and fight the impending inflation. The goal seems to shift trillions from government funding to private sectors and deregulate to let the friends of Trump get even wealthier.
Solar is and isn’t going to be a future successful asset, because Trump will do everything to devalue it while the rest of the world moves right on to adopting it.
Gold is at an ATH, Bitcoin is at an ATH, oil is a gamble because while Conservatives may push it, the move for renewables is against it.
Metals and materials for computer chips are still worthwhile investments and Ai is shaky unless it pulls a few more parlor tricks.
The only real things I can find that are corrupt and exempt enough from litigation or a recession…
are prisons and weapons contractors.
I’m buying reits. Real assets may hold their value while trump is purposely fucking shit up.
Hit us with some ticker symbols.
VNQ. But I am holding a large cash position and don’t know what the fuck is going to happen. Either way, I am going to be buying substantial equities sometime in 2025. I’ll probably DCA into total US market and then when trump shits the bed I’ll dump a lot of money into the market. I might favor tech.
Alternatively, if there is decent real estate in my town, I’ll dump my house and buy something bigger and better. Probably the safest investment I can make, long-term.
This comment was sponsored by the friends of the universal Disney fox conglomerate. Have a brawndow day!
We’re actually going full Idiocracy, holy shit. That’s crazy.
Except President Camacho found the smartest person he could and immediately put him in charge. We’re not even smart enough to be idiocracy.
In case people forgot, President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho was a porn superstar and, relevantly, five-time Ultimate Smackdown wrestling champion.
I always see this ‘counter argument’ but referring to Idiocracy is more about comparing the stupidness than the President.
I’m not making any arguments, I’m pointing out that wrestling specifically was involved in the plot of Idiocracy.
It doesn’t seem counter at all. Trump is in several Russian porno tapes just ask him, and he was part of WWE multiple times.
So it works in stupidity and his character traits.
between this and dr oz, is he just hiring people he knows from tv?
He appears to be picking people from one of three lists:
- Republicans with media experience (aka people he knows from TV or social media).
- Whoever wrote the relevant section of Project 2025.
- People accused of being Russian assets (mostly just Tulsi Gabbard at this point, but there’s a reason she’s going to be in charge of foreign intelligence and it’s not for our benefit).
Don’t forget the rapists.
You’re also missing a major part, donorship. These picks aren’t incompetence as it looks at first glance. They’re deliberately picked for regulatory capture. They’re going to burn it down from three inside.
Look at Dr. Oz. He got picked because of his wife’s family, the Asplundhs. They’re going to fuck up healthcare far worse than you expect.
Tulsi is also category 1
I just read the Oz thing. I fucking can’t anymore.
Does the USA just let anyone become in charge of large areas of the country? Like you don’t need to be an elected official or anything?
Elected? You don’t even need to be qualified. Or even sane.
The President and Legislature are elected at the federal level. All the various major executive branch figures below that are appointed by the President, and at best require the Senate to approve them. Most aren’t as ridiculous in their picks as Trump, but he’s a narcissistic megalomaniacal buffoon so he has to ensure to himself that’s he’s surrounded with people who are well known and popular (hence why he seems to be mostly picking based on media experience rather than anything pertinent, save a couple of Project 2025 authors and Tulsi Gabbard) but that he can see himself as above and will stroke his ego by affirming that.
This position of the president’s cabinet, so the only requirement is to be appointed by the president. We elected a scummy mafia-adjacent businessman, and he’s appointing the other mafia-adjacent scum he owes favors to.
Selected by the president, but also approved by the senate.
True, but in this Trump-taint-licking time, the Senate isn’t going to object to anyone
There is Senate confirmation. But there is talk of Trump pressuring the Senate to adjourn so his nominations can be rammed through as “recess appointments”. Then we’d really be in rubber stamp legislature autocracy territory
What even is reality
She donated a lot of money to his campaign. As did a few others that he’s appointing to offices. Pay to play.
Of course she did
Oh hey, surprised devoss didn’t buy it again. I assume McMahon’s platform is more concussions for children
Sure, whatever.
At this point, I frankly don’t even really care anymore.
In case anyone thought Trump didn’t stick to the “predator nominee” picks.
Exactly, predators protecting predators. I wish Stone Cold would have done his stunner a bit stiff and maybe we could have avoided this timeline altogether.