It appears to me that the complete deindustrialization of the imperial core is a historical arc that, since 1973, has been more or less unstoppable. The question is, if a socialist world revolution were to happen in the near future, and they basically established JDPON, how would it be possible to reindustrialize the former imperialist nations without relying on exploiting the former periphery countries? The actual productive capacity has been decimated.

    4 months ago

    Maybe, but I think if the goal was to avoid a major economic collapse in the west then peripheral nations would end up having to support former imperial powers as they re-industrialized. Ironically, I think China has been hoping for this to happen naturally as it’s the only path the world really has towards a long term stability. Unfortunately, I don’t think western countries have the capacity to plan for the long term and enact the kind of industrial policy necessary to make it happen. Even if those in power can see and understand the problem at hand, they are incapable of doing anything about it. As such, I think it’s more likely they’ll have no choice but to resort to various forms of imperial domination which just makes an economic crisis more likely if they fail.