Hello everyone. I have been playing a lot of Xcom2 and Disco Elysium this week. I only have 2 achievements left for all achievements in Disco Elysium. Hopefully everyone had a good weekend. I have an important job interview tomorrow, and it’s also my birthday this week 🥳🥳.
I’ve taken a small break from the sf6 grind. Need to reset myself a bit both to rediscover my drive and also unlearn some bad habits.
-I beat silent Hill remake. I liked it although I’m not quite sure what to make of the whole thing overall. Mainly I do think the whole thing is like 8 hours two long and I would like an abbreviation to match what I hear the original was like. I got the “bad” ending but tbh it seemed like a satisfactory end for Sunderland.
-did the Valhalla dlc for god of war now that its on PC. Good stuff. Shades of Hades. That conclusion and monologue was legit.
-my son and I have been playing little nightmares 2 together. We did part one for Halloween and now we’re knew deep in the sequel.
-i feel since silent Hill and outer wilds echoes of the she I can actually kinda do horror finally.
Next on my playlist is probably last of us on PC…but I still need to play disco Elysium.
Working my way through Sonic 3
Hydrocity Zone Act 2’s music goes way harder than any water level has a right to.
I’m very late bloomer Sonic fan out there for whatever reason. My buddy had a Genesis, and some of my earliest memories were of goofing around in Green Hill Zone. I’m not sure why it took me another 33 years to actually try playing them in earnest, but I’m glad I did.
Interesting! I played through the first three Sonic games about two years ago. What did you think?
One of my big takeaways is how good the sprites and graphics are in all of them. I rarely see Sonic brought up in discussions about the best looking 16 bit era games, but I think it’s in the top tier. The scrolling backgrounds in particular are a work of art. I’m fortunate enough to be playing these on a CRT TV using original hardware, and it looks so great on that. And not just the mythical “crt makes sprites look good”, but also just how smooth and ghosting-free all the scrolling looks. It makes it kind of annoying to go back to playing Sonic Mania on my regular LCD TV, because everything looks so smeared when going fast!
My opinions about each game don’t deviate too much from the conventional wisdom. Sonic 1 is definitely the weakest entry, with way too conservative level design. I don’t really fault the design team here, as I’m sure they were in the mindset that “this is a platformer, and so we need to follow the design paradigm of other platformers”. Sonic 2 is a way better overall game, embracing more crazy fast level design. I also thought it was a lot easier, I was able to get all the way to Metropolis Zone on my first playthrough (which surprised me, but I think Sonic 1 just really honed my skill). I’m currently playing Sonic 3 + Knuckles, and I’m using the Sonic 3 Complete rom to do that. Sonic 3 is a way more ambitious game, with a lot more crazy level gimmicks, and I love the variety in backgrounds and the miniboss transitions. It’s definitely my favorite so far, and the one I’m going slowest on to explore and find secrets. My romcart isn’t properly saving the game, so I’m just doing it old-skool and leaving my Genesis turned on for days at a time so I can pick up where I left off.
I’m also doing another play-through of Sonic Mania as Knuckles, and I’m appreciating it more than ever. It is the perfect modernization of the classic Sonic series.
(Also goofing around with Sonic CD on my phone. That one has a rad soundtrack, and I do actually like the very abstract and psychedelic artwork).
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
I finished Final Fantasy VIII, playing MGS1 and starting Dragon Quest 3.
playing MGS1
First time?
No, but first time I was a child. I’m having a lot of moments where I’m like how’d I beat this as a child?
Help, I’m trapped in a xcom long war campaign
I just started Bear and Breakfast. It’s casual and comfy to the point of barely even being a game so much as it’s an interior decorating toy.
I played like 2 minutes of the intro - does it have an actual plot like it implies at the beginning, or is it mostly aimless cozy gaming?
I’m not that far into it, but so far it’s mostly running on cozy vibes, cute art, and charming characters. There is some lore about humans ruining everything sprinkled around but mostly you’re just a sweet himbo bear who likes interior decorating.
Sounds cool, but definitely one that I need to be in the right mood for. I got it as an EGS freebie a little while ago
Yeah same way I got it. Wouldn’t have even bothered pirating it tbh but it’s nice enough
Played some more Monster Hunter: Rise, as well as got a bit further in my Dawn of War: Dark Crusade game.
Also won my latest monthly 40k game which leaves me as the undefeated champion of season 2. Space Communism with Giant Tank Characteristics has been proven to be the only ideology that works.
Space Communism with Giant Tank Characteristics
If the necrons wanted to win they should have considered not being hit by a stormsword’s main gun.
You aren’t wrong!
Replaying Half Life 2 for the 20th anniversary. Having fun listening to the developer commentary as i go. Official workshop integration is cool too - i immediately installed the mod that makes the Citadel play Caramelldansen.
It was a a big Ace Combat week for me (playing through the series). Finished up AC5 and moving onto Belkan War now.
Still playing Final Fantasy XI. Got my thief to level 20-something and unlocked dual wield, now I feel like a badass.
Old school runescape. Which im pretty sure means im spiralling.
Ok it’s Monday but -
I didn’t know you could get Uncharted for PC!
Love the fact it’s got a mega easy mode for us oldies ☺️
Good luck with the job interview! For games, I’ve been jumping around a bit.
Space Station 14. Ever-present. I pretty much exclusively clown/mime/tide.
Yakuza 0. I finally started making progress in the series and beat this one.
Metaphor Refantazio. I’m still getting started in it, but I’m liking what I see so far.
In Stars and Time. I just started this on the recommendation of a friend. The dialogue has a bit too much bottom-speak
so I’m trying to power through it.
Company of Heroes 2. I picked this back up again to play with some friends. I main OKW since it fits best with my play style.
space station 14?!?
how is it? more user friendly? expanded mechanics?
how is it?
Interesting! I played a lot of SS13 years and years ago, mostly on /tg/station. I saw the trailer for SS14 during the PC gaming show a few months ago. It brings back a lot of memories for me with the rough edges sanded off. I don’t know what SS13 is like today so it’s hard for me to do a direct comparison between the two.
more user friendly?
I have no idea how SS13 plays today, but SS14 feels a lot more modern than what I remember. It’s off that god-awful BYOND platform and running off of a custom engine called Robust Toolbox (heh) written in C#. The performance is generally lag-free and can handle some wild player counts (Colonial Marines is capped at 350 people and has ~160 in a game right now late on a Sunday). It also allows for neat stuff like piloting shuttles in game. For example, when you play cargo, you actually have to fly the cargo shuttle to the trading station. You can also build custom shuttles (lovingly called shittles) which salvage has to do. There are a lot of context menus when you’re constructing/deconstructing objects that tell you what tool you need to use next so you aren’t left guessing. Perhaps most interesting to me is that the movement isn’t grid-based, it’s all free movement so you don’t get in those weird juggling-back-and-forth-with-another-character situations.
expanded mechanics?
Quite the opposite on the official SS14 servers, at least. Plenty of things are lacking, particularly in medical. Currently, there is no surgery, genetics, or virology on the official servers though surgery is a focus currently. It’s also lacking in antags as well. You’re limited to traitors, thieves, nukies, zombies, and rarely rev.
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
Happy birthday!
I’ve been playing Elin, an Early Access JRPG/survival/crafting/roguelike thing. It took a little getting the hang of, but I’ve settled into a rhythm of dungeon diving for items to get money to pay my taxes, gathering crafting materials in the wilderness, and working on my base.
Played through a game called Drova which is a game made by fans of the Gothic series and they wear their influences on their sleeves. Lots of NPCs are asshole and you’ll be robbed more than once. You feel every little granular bit of progression, every piece of equipment and bit of character progression makes a difference. You need to join a faction to progress the story, which locks out out of the other faction. This is the only way to gain access to higher quality armor as well, apart from the unique sets you can find or craft at the end of quest lines. You really feel the visual progression of your character, too, starting in rags and whacking things with a stick and ending up in obsidian rune armor with a god-slaying sword in hand while you teleport and breathe fire. It’s loads of fun, the combat is challenging even when you get loaded up with endgame equipment and spells and talents, and the ambience and music are amazing. Charming visuals, too. Hearty recommend.
Forgive Me Father. I didn’t play much, cause these Doomlikes are a bit too hard for me.