Won’t happen, or at least won’t be useful if it does. Lotta Chinese authors are faking data for the sake of the CCP and their studies don’t replicate. If that takes over, it’ll be like a global Dark Age.
I agree with the sentiment, but disagree that this is a scientific monopoly. Socialist countries correctly view science as a collaborative process whose fruits belong to society at large. As an American, I fully understand the concern: we’ve seen how our government used a scientific monopoly, and it was to create a capitalist world hegemony that we’re still suffering in. But it’s important to remember that they’re not us. I’m not just talking about morality either: China and it’s allies simply have none of the incentives to do what we did, and many incentives to do the opposite.
China has a problem. It isn’t good at finding the best people and putting them into science (or whatever else). Instead it gets the loyal people and gives them the best jobs, they then select people below them however they will
People then strive for recognition and advancement so scientific fraud is rife
China is going to devour the scientific world if we keep it like this
Won’t happen, or at least won’t be useful if it does. Lotta Chinese authors are faking data for the sake of the CCP and their studies don’t replicate. If that takes over, it’ll be like a global Dark Age.
Hell yeah
A scientific monopoly is a bad thing regardless who you cheer for
I agree with the sentiment, but disagree that this is a scientific monopoly. Socialist countries correctly view science as a collaborative process whose fruits belong to society at large. As an American, I fully understand the concern: we’ve seen how our government used a scientific monopoly, and it was to create a capitalist world hegemony that we’re still suffering in. But it’s important to remember that they’re not us. I’m not just talking about morality either: China and it’s allies simply have none of the incentives to do what we did, and many incentives to do the opposite.
Going to continue devouring the scientific world with lots of smart Westerners leaving the new SlaveTastictm USA
Republicans deserve no progress. Let them fall back into the ages they desire. No Smartphones. That’s which science.
China has a problem. It isn’t good at finding the best people and putting them into science (or whatever else). Instead it gets the loyal people and gives them the best jobs, they then select people below them however they will
People then strive for recognition and advancement so scientific fraud is rife