This is the original study:
This is the continuation too:
This is so cartoonishly racist it’s literally the kind of thing I’d expect in a sitcom.
This cannot be real. People go to school just to try to learn to write dialog this tight.
This is so stupid and even stupider that this moron is now, somehow, becoming more accepting even if he still fundamentally retains that racism. People can change after major health events and I guess I’m glad the person in the story is taking a step towards being better even if it’s for the dumbest reason imaginable.
I have had parents ask (me) if we can assure the blood we’re giving their kid is from white people. Which… no, we dont take down that data. The kid either gets this blood or they keep getting sicker. Wanna risk your kids life on your racism??? It’s the same fucking blood. Since there’s a donor shortage where I live, we end up importing blood from the US from paid donors. Who inevitably are black and brown because it’s usually poor people who do that for survival and black and brown people are disproportionately poor. So that kid with racist parents probably IS gonna get life saving blood extracted at the proverbial knife’s edge of capitalist immiseration from the very people the parents are racist against
I think what’s crazy is reading the really saddening paragraph by the black kid’s mother and you can feel the love in it, only to get one heck of a gut punch with the disgusting racism that comes after.
When you forget the mother’s painful paragraph, the white pair’s racism is ludicrously comical; but this was an awesome kid who lost his life and the recipient is a repulsive racist.
I have had parents ask (me) if we can assure the blood we’re giving their kid is from white people
I have had parents ask (me) if we can assure the blood we’re giving their kid is from white people. Which… no, we dont take down that data. The kid either gets this blood or they keep getting sicker. Wanna risk your kids life on your racism??? It’s the same fucking blood.** Since there’s a donor shortage where I live**, we end up importing blood from the US from paid donors.
Where would this be?
Pretty much anywhere in Canada…
He actually asked me if he could ask the doctor for a white heart when one came up. He’s no Archie Bunker, but he’s close to it. And he would kill me if he knew I told you this, but for the first time, he’s invited his black friends over from work.
Nope. There’s no chance this isn’t a comedy bit. Lmao wtf
Get Out (2017 Film)
Every damn time “I’m not racist but…” is code for “I’m very racist and…”
I’m not racist, but most racist thing you’ve heard in multiple years
I’m not racist, but turn #4 at Daytona Speedway is really fucking dangerous if there’s a wreck, primarily because it’s a blind exit so you can’t see if there’s a wreck in front of you (or even line of cars slowed down due to a red flag) when you come hurtling out at full throttle.
Also, I’m not a racist, but the film Days of Thunder is actually less funny than the actual reality – “Cole Trickle” is loosely based on the name of Wisconsin Rapids native “Dick Trickle,” who was a NASCAR mainstay through much of the 80s and 90s.
Also also, I’m not a racist, but Dick Trickle won the Cracker 200 in 1985.
Edit: My ex-stepdad was a hardcore racist. Track days and hard-R N-words.
starting to understand why freud was so convinced of the separation of id and ego. the disconnect between conscious and subconscious understanding here is breathtakingly vast
I’ve come to realize most whites (even unintentionally racist libs) are just too used to being sheltered and segregated, and it’s made their brains mush.
do you think the researchers were like, yeah we gotta publish this the world must know. or did they have even more insane examples in the pipeline.
I like their restraint in not making this case number 1.
It’s not ethical, but legally the family of an organ donor should be allowed to ask for their loved one’s organ back when shit like this happens.
This almost seems too on the nose to be real.
Like your doctor called you Archie Bunker?
His wife did
Ought to take it back.
Thanks for the whole pdf link this is fascinating (both the actual study and the blatant, disgusting racism)
I read some of the other cases and they are indeed fascinating, if a little saddening.
There are quite a few tear-jerkers. The one that got me was right at the beginning in case 2:
We stayed with the [recipient family] that night. In the middle of the night, Carter came in and asked to sleep with my husband and me. He cuddled up between us exactly like Jerry did, and we began to cry. Carter told us not to cry because Jerry said everything was okay. My husband and I, our parents, and those who really knew Jerry have no doubt. Our son’s heart contains much of our son and beats in Carter’s chest. On some level, our son is still alive
The Onion is doing research publications now?
This is too much even for them. The Babylon Bee, though…
actual eric cartman shit omfg
unlocking genetic memory of a having listened to a wu-tang album
A friend of mine was once in a music store that sold pianos where she witnessed a little boy, maybe 10, playing beautiful Chopin. Next to him sat his grandmother, beaming with pride.
An old, bemused white man approached them from behind and asked “can you play any gangster rap on that thing!? 😂” (They were black). She died of cringe.
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy: