Since when is the 2024 election more important than Linux?
Exactly. I use NixOS, btw.
Based and Nix pilled
Non us linux users:
Since 2024
I disagree. Be it Harris or Trump, I’m going to keep recommending Arch Linux to strangers.
“Sorry, honey, can’t make it to the birth of our child, trying to debug this arch install”
This is fake, everyone knows arch users are perma-virgins
/me arch user with 4 crotch goblins… Must be a cuck and not know it :(
You get your V card back during the OS boot. Doesn’t matter if you had sex, booted arch? A virgin again.
Now why didn’t I think of that? I must be worth money to someone as a card carrying V…
/me off to grindr
I can prove that this is incorrect. Or are my kids mine ??
That’s really a question to ask your wife’s boyfriend
Maybe your partner is giving birth through sperm donor, you don’t have to have had sex
This. We are not Gentoo users, we don’t make babies ourselves. We get them from AUR.
fedora as an os: 10/10 fedora as a name to a distro: 0/10
blue hat linux
Omg, new headcanon accepted.
I’m fairly sure it’s just canon. Fedora got it’s name from the logo of RedHat.
Yes, I just never heard before the “blue hat” phrase.
(I’m not active in any Linux communities)
Better than openSUSE??? It sounds like a poorly praised sex act.
I think of it as a CLI command
open sussy
“open susan” 😏
The peculiar thing is that it even sounds stupid in its original German. It sounds similar to the kindergarten-level insult “Heulsuse” which roughly means “whiny sissy”.
Still the distro I use on most of my systems.
fedora as a name to a distro
They knew what they were doing.
openSUSE Tumbleweed
open weed
tumble SusanI mean, alright if you insist! Sounds like a fun date idea.
“C’mere Susan, let’s roll up and then roll over in the clover.”
Seconded. Have been running it on both my main desktop and laptop for five years with no issues.
I want to like Tumbleweed, but every time I check for updates there’s like a gigabyte of them. I am probably going to switch to Leap at certain point. I don’t understand what’s the point of having latest stuff anyway. Unless you are gaming on your device I guess.
Having the latest software and not having to worry about reinstalling the OS every major release is the main point of Rolling Release.
If you want less updates and your are fine not having the most recent software you are good using a fixed point release OS like Fedora or similar. Although you are not forced to update openSUSE very often, you can do it once a month or if you know there was a recent CVE fix.
Wtf, no, openSUSE.
I run Tumbleweed, but people are free to do their thing.
Have you tried that other one? Slowroll? I forget what it’s called. It’s like tumbleweed but with monthly releases instead of constant.
I didn’t. Last time I looked, it was still in the early stages.
And you don’t actually have to upgrade daily. I often wait a couple weeks or more and the machines don’t care one way or the other.
Thanks for reminding me about it! I might try that for my third computer, which I wouldn’t update as often anyway. The others run Arch and Tumbleweed.
It sounds really appealing! I wish it wasn’t considered experimental or I’d consider it for my daily driver.
No, that’s their normal one that’s not rolling.
There are two editions leap or tumbleweed
Slowroll is new and still experimental, but it’s a third option.
Signal, nice.
I know right. I wish any of my friends were using that shit. Can’t get them to get off of Facebook Messenger though. FML 💀 I hate it.
Why tho, OpenSUSE has yast, and a way better package manager than fedora
And btrfs with snapper
Probably popularity but you can use fedora packages on opensuse
Bazzite is awesome so far for me
i think Tumblweed is much better
Fedora is RedHat. RedHat is IBM.
IBM is supporting Israel and the IDF in their genocide.
Use OpenSUSE.
Haha, what?
Every single product you use could be linked to Israel with logic like this.
RedHat was a major military contractor with job postings like this current one [archive] long before they were bought by another older and larger military contractor. (original is 404 for some reason)
cheers !
Yeah I know. ☹️
OpenSUSE is a German company which makes the probability of them supporting Israel very high.
just me being pessimistc and building off my experience with Germans in general
wow, hater.
OpenKaLlama 🦙
kalama Lama li mu.
Team blue for both.
I use gentoo, btw.
I will also accept Arch.