That 200kg of cocaine has nearly filled the storage facility.
That 200kg of cocaine has nearly filled the storage facility.
Wait, aren’t the drugs meant to be flowing the other way?
You get ads with dogs cos the ad server knows you have dogs… I bet you regret that one time you didn’t “reject all” cookies… Welcome to targeted advertising.
I have a small cluster running using Starwind for my vSAN. For me it’s much cheaper than a hardware equivalent and is performant enough.
Oh and I haven’t had a “stop work” issue with it in 8 years.
Somewhat remarkably it was OK performance-wise when sync/iSCSI traffic were running on 1Gb copper connections to spinning rust storage… Now I have 10Gb fibre between the hosts, coupled with nvme drives, and it’s quite (comparatively) quick.
As with all things YMMV… But vSAN is the way for my use case.
Forced to upload a picture is because you chose the wrong post type.
I got caught by that when I started using Voyager.
Yeh - hyphen are superfluous.
I’m old… Reckon I have been secretly doing the dd on my own head… Or too much powershell in the day job.
Eta: the hyphens are there to stop the unwise copypastaing the code and trashing their system - that’s my other excuse and I am sticking to it!
And definitely don’t mention the
dd -if /dev/urandom -of /dev/sda
I mentioned it once but I think I got away with it…
Obvious isn’t it? What is, these days, considered “left” used to be centre right…
Wine Is Not an Emulator…
Is VSS even a backup?
Nope, not even close.
I thought it just copies old revisions of files into that shadow area
It just copies the deltas…
Backups can use vss to get a static image of the volume (deltas are written to the shadow area, which isn’t backed up, whilst the backup is running) it’s a little different for vhdx files on VMs but basically the same.
It’s magic… And often means that I don’t have to restore lost files from backup, just view the old versions and grab a copy from there.
Excellent! Can’t wait to find out what one looks like…
No… Wait… :)
Not my problem… Whatever my SO/surviving descendants want is good by me.
it’s because you guys speak British, not English!
Fighting talk, sirrah! Fighting talk… But yes, I guess.
British English has been described as three languages dressed up in a trenchcoat that go around mugging other languages in dark alleys and stealing the best bits…
I would ask “why did you left ponders choose to change the pronunciation to zee?” - though given many USAian pronunciations are, apparently, closer to Elizabethan English than the current UK sounds I wouldn’t like to guess which came first the zed or the zee…
I think “first lady” is referring to the absence of Meliana and omnipresence of Musk at Trump’s side rather than saying Musk is/identifies as female.
Still, as you say, an unwise choice of words because the phrase can be taken a couple of/a few ways.
Yeh cheese as cheeze is an odd one - especially considering the z is “zed” not “zee”… I guess cheese is where the idea of “zee” came from?
You seem like the sort of person that would pronounce the word often with a hard T,
Not at all. Used to make fun of people who did.
yet still pronounce the letter A as if it was an O.
No - there are two sounds for A, bath (short, as in cat) for tub of usually hot water and Bath (long, as in car) for the city famous for its hot water. Never heard it like O - no, wait… RP has an O sounding A doesn’t it? Lloyd Grossman was famous for his mangling of vowel sounds.
ETA that distinction for the A sound is probably familial rather than regional; grew up with Geordie mam and Home counties dad.
I’m not sure where you’re from, but the th is indeed silent in my area regarding the word ‘clothes’. I’ve never heard it pronounced any different than ‘close’.
I’m not sure where you’re from, the th in is always pronounced in my area regarding the word ‘clothes’. I’ve never heard it pronounced the same as ‘close’
I will say that people got called out for pronouncing it the same as the spice ‘cloves’.
FWIW My area = rural southern UK.
With enough coffee he will soon become a banana…
Err they do if you order online for collection - their staff pick your order and bring it out to you. You just park in a bay, check in and someone brings your shit.
Granted they, generally, don’t carry your shit from the checkout to your car if you do the shopping…