

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 1st, 2023


  • I have a small cluster running using Starwind for my vSAN. For me it’s much cheaper than a hardware equivalent and is performant enough.

    Oh and I haven’t had a “stop work” issue with it in 8 years.

    Somewhat remarkably it was OK performance-wise when sync/iSCSI traffic were running on 1Gb copper connections to spinning rust storage… Now I have 10Gb fibre between the hosts, coupled with nvme drives, and it’s quite (comparatively) quick.

    As with all things YMMV… But vSAN is the way for my use case.

  • Is VSS even a backup?

    Nope, not even close.

    I thought it just copies old revisions of files into that shadow area

    It just copies the deltas…

    Backups can use vss to get a static image of the volume (deltas are written to the shadow area, which isn’t backed up, whilst the backup is running) it’s a little different for vhdx files on VMs but basically the same.

    It’s magic… And often means that I don’t have to restore lost files from backup, just view the old versions and grab a copy from there.