[Insert: This is not legal advice blurb, don’t do and don’t encourage anything illegal]

[Insert: appeal to authority as to why I should post this question and should have your attention]

[Insert: divulging something specific only to me or to maybe a few hundred people in [country/continent] to ideally encourage engagement so more people reply]

Just curious.

  • lattrommi@lemmy.ml
    5 months ago

    I don’t really think I’m important enough for doxxing to matter. I’ve even posted my social security number in a chat room before, just for a laugh. Also my banking and paypal logins.

    One time after I did that, I met a nice person who privately messaged me. They were just like me, same mothers maiden name, same name for our first pet, even went to the same first concert! what are the odds?

    Anyways so like a week later some hacker stole my identity. I couldn’t believe it. The crazy part though is that my credit score actually went UP. About a month later the hacker actually called me and tried to make me take my identity back but I knew better than that. No backsies. Heh, sucker. Have fun with your new wife, moron.

    Honestly, I was happy to have someone to talk to for a bit. It was nice.